Michael C. Reynolds

GIS System Ergonomics

The most successful system designs always incorporate human design factors. The ever-increasing complexity of a GIS dictates the maximum usage of human, system, and other resources. The height of a chair, proximity to graphics devices, lighting, processor speeds, personnel traffic, ambient noise, data location, organizational politics, angle of a monitor, and many other environmental considerations all control the productivity of an organization's resources. The different levels of usage and expertise of a GIS user also affect an organization's productivity. This paper explores the considerations taken when designing a GIS. It evaluates the environmental aspects that affect the resources involved in GIS. It also outlines what an organization can do to increase the efficiency of an existing system. All considerations put forth in this paper are based on the human relation to GIS computing.

Michael C. Reynolds
Hammon, Jensen, Wallen & Associates
8407 Edgewater Dr.
Oakland, CA 94621
Telephone: 510-638-6122
Fax: 510-638-5628
Email: miker@hjw.com