Tim Sosinski

Address Range Propagation for Street Centerline Files

For many years now one of the more beneficial tools in planning applications has been the intelligent street name file. Whether in the form of a GBF DIME file, TIGER file, or a proprietary database, the street centerline file with street names and address ranges has assisted cities and counties in address matching, census aggregation, and pavement management. However, in many cases, agencies are caught with graphics centerline files that have little or no intelligence and are looking to migrate or convert to an intelligent street centerline file. In order to accomplish this task, Black & Veatch instituted a series of applications that propagate the left-side and right-side, high-low address ranges for each named street segment; and corrects the direction of the street segment to match the direction of increasing address ranges when using a point file containing address ranges. Black & Veatch will review the methodology and discuss the implementation of the street name assignment and address-range loading applications.

Tim Sosinski
Black & Veatch
8400 Ward Parkway
K.C., MO 64114
Telephone: 913-339-3845
Fax: 913-339-3817