Charles P. Butler

Simplifying The Data Conversion Process

One of the downsides of implementing a GIS is the huge cost of the data which it will contain. This fact is particularly true when it involves a custom data product which can only be reproduced from it's source. Huge database conversion costs however can be greatly reduced and made more predictable by simplifying the process through documentation and an effective AML interface. Costs are lowered, made more predictable and product quality is maintained by allowing lesser skilled individuals to perform the "nuts and bolts" of the conversion work by building programmatic intelligence into the interface based on orderly documentation. This paper presents an innovative project approach which was developed for a major metropolitan water utility to largely automate and simplify the conversion of their water and sewer facility maps.


This paper seeks to present an approach for simplifying the data

conversion task so that lower skilled and less costly

individuals can perform the bulk of the work.  In this respect,

labor costs can be reduced and made more predictable while

maintaining the desired product quality.   Admittedly, the

approach was developed to tackle a large scale conversion

project and may therefore may not be applicable to some smaller


The approach of conversion simplification relies heavily on two

major aspects:  1) Process and specification documentation, 2)

The development of an Intelligent Interface.  It is this authors

experience that both are necessary to achieve the benefits that

this paper describes.  The ensuing discussion is organized into

the following four parts so that the concepts presented are

clear, and understood to be sperate activities:

-Process Documentation and Specification Development

-Project Design

-Intelligent Interface Development

-Project Prototype and Implementation


The approach discussed herein draws much of its practical

experience from a large scale conversion project with one of the

Nation's largest Water and Wastewater utilities.  The setting

for this company was one in which a completely manual mapping

method concerning water and sewer maps was to be automated to

improve efficiency and customer service.  At the inception of

the project, the company used and maintained many different

types of databases in a mainframe environment and had performed

a corporate-wide GIS pilot project some three years earlier. 

Also, it was involved with other organizations which had

executed an agreement to share digital data and GIS experiences.



This activity involves the investigation and documentation of

the project's who, what, when, where, why and how.  An activity

often dreaded by clients and consultants alike, it is however

the cornerstone by which a data conversion project can be

successfully simplified.  The following paragraphs briefly

describe the major tasks undertaken concerning the subject


Define And Document Manual Specifications

The objective here is to find out EXACTLY what is currently

being done and by what guideline, and to record that information

clearly.  Unfortunately, all to often in the conversion process,

only a part of the needed specifications are completely defined,

or they may exist as generalized facts, especially if multiple

special conditions apply.  In either of these situations, the

actual documentation may or may not exist.  Chances are if they

do, they are not clear and complete with respect to their

application.  Areas of ambiguity are recipes for problems when

tying to simplify the process.  Since this approach involves

programmatic development, the complete specification must be

known so that it can be logically addressed by computers and

humans who are otherwise unfamiliar with what to do and why. 

In the case of complex operations, poor specification definition

and documentation will definitely make the conversion process

more costly and burdensome through changes in scope or work

orders, with little guarantee that the actual product delivered

is correct and functional as needed by an organization.

In the case of the water utility company, this investigation

uncovered conflicting specifications which resulted in

individuals in the manual process not uniformly applying the

specifications.  It was discovered that this problem had

developed slowly over a series years in which different mapping

changes were instituted, and some dropped.  Without complete

documentation, this inconsistency would have carried over into

the conversion process where problems would have surfaced.  


Define And Document Manual Procedures

The objective here is to find out EXACTLY what is currently

being done; step by step and to document it clearly.  These

steps may not be completely replicated when automated, but

procedures usually exist for an important reason.  The goal is

to collect and clearly document procedural information so that

what is applicable to the conversion process is not missed.  In

general, it is easier to eliminate or combine a procedure then

it is to incorporate a new one later.  Having a full disclosure

of the existing procedures can provide valuable insight to the

conversion process and will aid in addressing maintenance issues.

When performing this task for the water company, it was clear

from the start that there was no such formal documentation

available.  Unfortunately, this meant that an understanding of

the steps to be taken when performing the current mapping tasks

were only acquired over a period of time and by relying on

experienced individuals.  This situation led to areas of

ambiguity even among experienced technicians.  Consequently, a

clear understanding of what the current process dynamics were

was needed before the conversion process could proceed. 


Define And Document User Community

Often products are made to address a cross section of users

otherwise known as the User Community.  The objective here is to

identify and record who uses the product and how it is used. 

The investigation and subsequent documentation of these two

items provides insight into the "end users" requirements.  In

addition, the information may reveal valuable information which

otherwise would have been unknown, and is important for planning

the automation of the conversion process.  

To illustrate, the water company had two major user communities

with different data needs and cartographic requirements, but

they all used one product per the current method of operation. 

An investigation documented the difference in data requirements

and presentation form for later consideration in design of the

conversion process.  Consequently, it became apparent to the

company that the complexity of converting the original product

could be both simplified and made more effective by producing

two separate products (from the same database of course).  This

outcome was then a premiere point in designing the automation of

the conversion process.    

Define And Document Special Circumstances

The issue of converting existing data into digital form usually

involves some type of special circumstances which may appear to

be inconsequential at first glance.  These circumstances, which

are usually uncovered during the definition and documentation

stages may also offer hidden simplification opportunities as

opposed to just being another project hurdle to deal with.  For

this reason, its a good idea to document the circumstance so

that all facts are available when planning the conversion


Once again revisiting the water company example, it was

discovered that the Maintenance Division of the water company

collected specific information from the water maps whenever

changes were made.  Further investigation revealed that the

division maintained a full digital inventory model of the water

maps (without coordinates).  Suspecting an opportunity, this

activity was documented for consideration in the design of

automating the conversion process.  In the end, the digital

model, which was judiciously maintained, was incorporated into

the automation design to provide a form of digital quality

control of the newly converted data. 

Furthermore, an investigation in to the Sewer Division of the

company revealed that a like database also existed for the sewer

maps.  Although different in structure and content, this

database contained data which was also incorporated into the

automation of the conversion process to automatically generate

digital manuscripts of the sewer maps.


Conceptualize An Automated Conversion Process.

As with any GIS conversion project, the process should be

designed to be the most efficient possible which meets the

project specifications and the intended uses of the product. 

The twist here is to approach the project design from an

automation perspective so that individuals who are unfamiliar

with the project and whom possess lower skill levels can perform

the work.  This of course means attention to programmatic

feasibility and the required development times involved so

involving a programmer is advisable.  If the proper

documentation as described in Part I has been performed, the

conceptual layout of this task will be far less painless since

the likelihood of unknown variables surfacing is virtually


The water company for example had a particular desire to

simplify the conversion process for themselves since they were

unsure if the actual conversion work would be performed

in-house, contracted out or be completed using some combination

of the two.  Consequently, armed with a plethora of information

about what was going on manually and the products required, the

involved programmers and analysts in the conceptual design of

the conversion process.  Almost unbelievably, within a matter of

a few hours the conceptual design was completed with a

comfortable feeling that it would actually work when designed in


Perform A Detailed Design Of The Conceptualized Process

This task involved spelling out the specific tasks to be

performed, their estimated level of effort and subsequently

documenting all of it into a planned course of action.  The

design effort is expected to identify and remedy any

shortcomings of the conceptual plan, provide the means by which

revised time estimates for performing the actual conversion can

be made, and create a blueprint by which the project will be


Once again using the water company as an example, the required

funding and the actual method of project execution had yet to be

fully determined.  In addition, since the project was slated to

be a multi-year process there was a concern about its

survivability over time.  Consequently, the documentation which

was compiled resulted in two documents:  1) A Specifications

document which detailed all the applicable GIS requirements such

as database structure, contents, tolerances and accuracy, 2) A

Procedures Manual which effectively was a step by step "how to"

document.  Finally, new time estimates for completing the

project were easily developed in preparation for funding



Automate The Conversion Process Using An Intelligent Interface

With a detailed blueprint of what and how to create a particular

product in hand, especially a complicated product, the tasks

which were identified to be automated now need to be addressed. 

Essentially this part consists of preparing conceptual program

designs and then writing the code.

Since the goal is to simplify the conversion process,

programmatic automation can be extensive dependent on the

particular needs of the project.  Controlling the project with

programs, especially one that incorporates a user interface,

offers tremendous flexibility.  Given the enormous power of AML

to customize ArcInfo functionality, the process can be made to

be largely "point and click" with built-in error checking and

correction.  In addition, if identified in one of the previous

tasks, other digital data within an organization is now more

accessible and can be used to aid the conversion process.

The development of conceptual program designs is recommended. 

The conceptual designs are useful for previewing friendliness

and functionality, and managing the progress of the individuals

responsible for developing the code.  Also, these design serve

as the basis by which the programmers will develop their code. 

It is advisable that if at all possible, coding standards are

employed and documentation headers are used.  In inevitability,

the code will require maintenance throughout the course of the

project and may even be usable for subsequent maintenance.  

Admittedly, the front-end investment in programming can be

costly, dependent on the program sophistication needed and the

programmatic approach taken.  However, the potential ease of

project execution, accuracy and flexibility gained is unmatched

by traditional conversion techniques.  In addition, it is a good

idea to consider the development of a User Manual for the

interface.  Otherwise, as turn-over during the project occurs or

if the project is scaled-up, new individuals will have to be

given at least some cursory training by someone as to it's

proper use.

Continuing the example of the water company, before any programs

were written, conceptual designs were performed and submitted

for approval.  Once approved, a full set of programs and

interfaces were developed using AML to put the majority of the

conversion process "on-line" and intelligible to the technician

level user .  Also, as previously discussed, digital databases

from other parts of the organization were incorporated into the

interface and its programs.  Now, individuals could perform

sophisticated operations with a little guidance and training.   


Perform A Pilot 

As almost all GIS based projects do, a pilot should be performed

to prove the process and techniques developed before full

production begins.  This affords the opportunity to assess

problems and the need for any final modifications.  A pilot also

offers the opportunity to record production times and largely

refine schedules and budgeting needs.

In the case of the water company, a brief pilot was executed to

help measure the intended results by using a new individual

unfamiliar with the conversion process and to record the times

spent in executing various tasks.  As expected, some changes

were performed based on the users comments and some based on

minor bugs.  

Implementation Of The Project

The implementation of a conversion project at this point is

really quite simple.  In general, the only things needed is the

equipment by which to perform the conversion and the manpower to

actually do and/or supervise the project.  Yes, this is an

over-simplification of the implementation phase, but keep in

mind everything else has already been laid out and was geared to

be virtually "plug and play".

In reference to the water company, they decided to implement the

conversion process by initially using an on-site consultant to

use their (water company) automated process and equipment.  This

implementation allowed the water company the means by which to

negotiate a favorable labor rate, and to closely supervise the

consultant and project progress.  Furthermore, the company plans

to reassign the equipment supplied to the consultant to in-house

staff upon the project's completion. 

The Benefits

-The specifications and production process is completely and

clearly defined

Both client and consultant alike know exactly what products to

expect and have a good feel for the time required.  In addition,

complete documentation of the manual and conversion

specifications and process now exists thereby acting as both a

"paper trail" and answer index for the project.

-The production process is completely or largely automated. 

Both client and consultant can use multiple and different

individuals with minimal training time.  The automation

introduces a standard mode of operation.

-The project possesses ease of scalability

Since all the known processes and tasks are known, the project

can accommodate production increases and decreases and their

side effects more easily addressed.

-Flexibility through a non-proprietary solution

In the case of the client, this approach offers both the method

and means by which individuals from within the organization or

other consultants can quickly and accurately be productive.  The

client is not tied to a particular consultants operation. 

Consequently, the project could be completed through a number of

different implementations which include: in-hose, out-sourced,

or some combination of these.

-Project survivability

As a benefit to both the client and consultant, the emphasis on

documentation and automation help to insure that the success of

the project can last over time and through personnel changes. 

This approach greatly decreases the dependency on certain "key"

individuals being around throughout the life of the conversion.  

-Budgeting Protection

As a benefit to both the client and consultant, this approach

helps offer budgeting protection through dependable estimates. 

The well defined process, specifications and task automation

provide the means for real measurable estimates which help avoid

budget "shortfalls" from mid-project changes resultant of

"unforeseen" problems or changes in scope.

The Downside

-Expertise, time and funding

Dependent on the project site, there is the potential to spend a

lot of time and money before the process actually begins. 

Therefore, it is understandable that many organizations may not

possess the time and/or proper manpower to fully document,

design, create and fund the approach presented herein. 

Charles P. Butler
Vice President
Digital Engineering Corporation
9841 Broken Land Parkway, Suite 106
Columbia, MD 21046
(410) 887-3529
(410) 828-7914 or (410) 692-9308