Fred Hejazi, Monica Dombrowski

Voice Input for ArcInfo Applications

As GIS progresses, a shift from the conventional methods to more innovative ones is occurring. Voice input to a geographic information system is one example. Currently, keyboard and mouse input are the only available means for populating a GIS database and controlling operations. ArcInfo requires that the cursor be in the graphic display window for selecting features and in the command window for entering data. With voice input to ArcInfo, the cursor can remain in the display window for both selection and data entry. Therefore, during an attribution operation, the user can simply select a feature, say its value, and move on to the next feature. The time savings that voice input provides to populating a database is only one of its many advantages. This paper will explain how voice input was utilized in a database conversion application to reduce attribution costs and discuss other functionalities and advantages of voice input to ArcInfo.

Fred Hejazi
Digital Engineering Corporation
9841 Broken Land Parkway, Suite 106
Columbia, MD 21046
Telephone: 410-290-5244
Fax: 410-290-5246

Monica Dombrowski
Digital Engineering Corporation
9841 Broken Land Parkway, Suite 106
Columbia, MD 21046
Telephone: 410-290-5244
Fax: 410-290-5246