Zhu Zesheng, Sun Ling

A Real Time Management System Based on PC ARC/INFO for Operating Small Telecommunication Networks

Telecommunication network management system (TNMS) is one of the most important tools to operate high efficiently a small telecommunication network. In the past years, how to build fast and reasonably TNMS has been being a very important and complex problem to be solved so as to improve the quality of network operation. Due to the vary kinds of new techniques and equipment used widely in the networks, the requirement for ability to analyze and process the spatial information about the network operation has largely and fast increased in TNMS. This paper discusses mainly the key technique to develop the real time and high quality TNMS based on PC ARC/INFO. Thus, this paper introduces a graphic model for the operation management of small telecommunication network, which is based on the computer network clustering construction theory and can be implemented in the environment of PC ARC/INFO. Further, this new theory transforms a complex problem of the operation management of network into a simple problem about the graphic processing in the graphic model. On the other hand, the excellent ability of PC ARC/INFO to analyze and process the spatial information, including the operation of various complex graphic information,is used to implementthisgraphic model.


    Telecommunication network has very wide meaning, and is usually a

complex system which may be a computer network, telecommunication

network and ISDN network, etc.. A management system of 

telecommunication network is really a very important tool for

operating effectively the network, and becomes also a very important

part of today telecommunication networks (Cassel, 1989). While the

complexity of telecommunication networks is increasing,the importance

of management system for the operation of telecommunication network

is also increasing. Obviously, this importance may be the same as that

of common computer operation system for computer operation, and

further, the former may be more important. In general, a

telecommunication network system of high efficiency and performance

must have a network management system of good performance. Otherwise,

it is not possible that this telecommunication network is effectively

operated. Further, because telecommunication network is usually also a

computer communication system of high speed operation, the time

performance of this operation management system is very important for

the real time performance of telecommunication network.

    In the management of telecommunication network of the above

discussion, the performance management of  network is one of very

important problems to be solved(Ball, 1992). The performance

management includes usually the management of the time measurement,

e.g.the average delay time, information processing speed, e.g. the

information throughput, and the operation status of the network which

relates to provide the various services for users of the network. In

fact, the key task of the performance management of network is to

adjust reasonably the information flow in the network so as to make

the operation status of the network satisfactory and to increase the

efficiency of operation of the network infrastructure as largely as

possible. However, the performance management of network is still a

very complex problem in the current time, and so far is not solved by

any satisfactory method. The major reasons of production of this

situation are that telecommunication network is a very complex

computer system and that to describe the performance and status of the

network by an uniform and global view is very difficult. Thus, it is

very difficult to define a standard for specifing and determining the

performance of telecommunication network. So far, we have really no

any effective method for managing the performance of operation of

telecommunication network (Tjaden, 1991). Besides the above reasons,

the performance managements in the current management techniques of

telecommunication network are only to diagnose the network faults, to

recognize reason of the network faults and to recover them to the

normal operation (Lewis,1993). Thus, this performance management of

network is really the performance management of a passive-response

mode, and can not provide the performance management including the

information flow management in a uniform and global view. Especially,

the ATM(asynchronous transfer mode) network is being widely used in

local or wide area so that the importance of the performance

management of network, including the information flow management, is

increasing. Obviously, the ATM network without the support of this

performance management is certainly low efficiency. Further, the

performance management, including the information flow management, in

future telecommunication networks will become a very important task of

both the performance management of network and the network operation

(Samani, 1993). In general, the above information flow management

includes two main contents as the following:

1)Manage the information flow pattern of total network in order to 

  make the network operation on the pattern as good as possible;

2)Recognize abnormal information flow pattern, find out the reason to

  result in this pattern, and adjust it to a normal pattern.

   This paper is divided into six major parts, and discusses a new

method for the real time management of small telecommunication

network. By this method, one uniform and global view can be built and

used to define the operation status of small telecommunication

network. Otherwise, an effective model of the performance management

of network is used to manage this global view of small

telecommunication network. In the second part, a general model for

supporting the real time system for operating small telecommunication

network and how to apply it to describe the operation status of

network are discussed respectively in detail. In the third part, the

PC ARC/INFO implementation of this model and some key techniques

related to it are discussed. In the fourth part, some typical

operation process of the real time management system based on this

model is discussed in order to show the implementation of the above

key technique. In the fifth part, a typical example is discussed for

showing a general method of implementing this real time management

system. In the sixth part, some further works related to this real

time management system are discussed.



    How to apply an uniform view to describe the operation status of

telecommunication network is the first problem to be solved for

building a model for operating the network (Snodgrass, 1988). We note

that, for any telecommunication network, supposing it as N0, its

design and implementation are usually completed in an environment E0

which is described by a ideal and the supposed parameters. Thus, we

define a sequential pair of (N0, E0) as a status of the network N0. In

fact, after the telecommunication network is operated, both N0 (here,

N0 is also considered as a final design and implementation of the

network) and E0 are variable. In general, the faults and changes of

some components in N0 make the performance of N0 change. Further, we

can use a weighted special topology to represent the status of the

network N0. The weight is usually used to describe some physical

parameters, including the information flow, delay time, throughput,

cost and reliability, etc.. Obviously, the changes of N0 can be

represented in the changes of the weighted parameters and the special

network topology. Otherwise, all values of these parameters of N0 can

be divided into the two spaces Ns1 and Ns2. The N0 in Ns1 represents

that the status of N0 is acceptable, i.e., the operation status of N0

does not degrade the primary goal of the performance of design of N0.

on the other band, the N0 in  Ns2 represents that the status of N0 is

not acceptable, i.e., the operation status of N0 degrades the primary

goal of the performance of design of N0 . Because the E0 is also

variable, in the same way, the all values of E0 can be also divided

into the two spaces, the Es1 and Es2. Further, the values of E0 in Es1

represents that the status or values of E0 are accepted, i.e., the

operation environment E0 of N0 satisfies the primary goal of design

environment of N0. Otherwise, the values of E0 in Es2 represent that

the status or values of E0 is not accepted, i.e., the operation status

of N0 in E0 degrade the primary goal of the performance of design of

N0. Thus, we can obtain the description of four combination spaces

based on the Ns1, Ns2, Es1 and Es2, which is discussed as the


          XS11=(N0 in  Ns1, E0 in  Es1),  XS11=(N0 in Ns1, E0 in Es1)

          XS21=(N0 in  Ns2, E0 in  Es1),  XS22=(N0 in Ns2, E0 in Es2)

Obviously, the set XS=(XS11, XS12, XS21, XS22) describes all possible

operation status of telecommunication network, where the XS11

represents the normal operation status of N0, and the XS12, XS21 and

XS22 represent the abnormal operation status of N0. Further, we can

find some important relationships between the above one status and the

other status. For example, the status XS12 may be transformed to the

status XS11 by the adjustment of the performance management of N0. The

status X21 represents that there are some faults in N0 and this status

must be recovered to the normal status by the recovery management of

faults of N0. In the most situations of application, the status XS22

is transformed into the status XS11 by the performance and fault

managements of N0. The four status about the operation management of

telecommunication network can be described as the relation XS22->XS21-

>XS12->XS11 and XS22->XS12->XS21->XS11. Obviously, this relation

describes the decision of operation management of telecommunication

network, i.e., how to transform the worst abnormal status (for

example, XS22) into the normal status. In general, there are the two

paths in this relation, called the upper path and the lower path

respectively, which can be used to implement the transformation

between the XS22 and the XS11. Further, the two paths can be described

as the path (XS22, XS21, XS12, XS11) and the path (XS22, XS12, XS21,

XS11) or can be simply represented as the paths PXS1 and PXS2,

respectively. It is possibly show that the decision PXS1 of operation

management of N0 is more effective than the decision PXS2. For the

simplicity, we show only the existence of the paths PXS1 and PXS2,


    Theorem:For any telecommunication network (design) N0, let its

design environment be E0, then there are the two above management

decisions PXS1 and PXS2.

    Proof:Since the design and implementation of N0 is based on the

environment E0, the N0 can be represented as N0=f(E0), where f is a

design function of wide meaning and E0 is variable. Further, for any

telecommunication network N0 and the operation status (N0, E0) of N0,

we have that (N0, E0) is in {XS11, XS12, XS21, XS22}. Let XS1={XS11},

XS2={XS12, XS21, XS22}. Because the goal of the performance management

of telecommunication network N0 is to make the (N0, E0) equal to the

XS11 or (N0, E0) be in  XS1, the decision M={M1, M2, ..., Mr} of the

operation management of telecommunication network N0 is to make

M*{(N0, E0) in XS2}={(N0, E0) in XS1} while the (N0, E0) is in XS2,

where the operation * represents the action of management decision.

Further, let the (N0,E0)=XS22, we can show that there are the Mi and

Mj in them, so as to make Mi*{(n0, E0)=XS22}={(N0, E0)=XS21} or

Mj*{(N0, E0)=XS22}={(N0, E0)=XS12}. Because  {(N0, E0)=XS12} is not

equal to {(N0, E0)=XS11}, {(N0,E0)=XS21} is not equal to {(N0,

E0)=XS11}, and there is Mi and Mj for Mi*{(N0, E0)=XS21}={(N0, E0)=

XS11} or Mj*{(N0, E0)=XS12}={(N0, E0)=XS11}, thus, there are the

management decision PXS1 and PXS2.

    The above theorem has clearly described the basic method for

operating telecommunication network. However, how to represent the

status (N0, E0) of the network N0 and how to determine the states

XS11, XS12, XS21, XS22 are two key problems to be solved for

implementing the above management decision. In fact, we can find

that the above decision is really a decision based on the management of

graphics. Thus, the operation management of telecommunication network

N0 is really converted into a series of the management of graphics,

where the graphics describe the various operation status of N0. This

view shows also that we must find out some special graphics relevant

to the various operation states of telecommunication network N0 for

describing these states. Thus, we will introduce a new effective

theory, called the computer network clustering construction theory

(CNCCT), for showing how to construct the various graphics relevant to

the status, e.g., (N0, E0), XS11, XS12, XS21 and XS22.

    The CNCCT thinks that, for any given design environment E0 which

includes usually the user requirement and the basic infrastructure of

telecommunication network, etc, we can construct a clustering tree of

the network as the final design of topology of the network, and any

other non-tree topology of the network can be generated from this

clustering tree. Obviously, while the E0 varies, the relevant

clustering tree varies certainly, so that this clustering tree becomes

really an effective tool for describing the variation of the operation

environment of telecommunication network. Further, the operation

management or performance management of telecommunication network is

really the management of various clustering trees (Note, a tree is an

interesting and flexible data structure). Thus, the complex problem of

the operation management of telecommunication network can be converted

into the graphic management of the above special clustering trees. In

general, this graphic management about the clustering tree requires a

lot of operation about PC ARC/INFO, so that the ability of PC ARC/INFO

to analyze the spatial information can be directly used to implement

the real time management of operation of telecommunication network.

    For the convenience of the following discussion, we describe

further a telecommunication network N0 as TN0, where TN0 represents a

typical clustering tree about N0. In the same way, the operation

environment of telecommunication network N0 is described as TE0, where

TE0 represents also a clustering tree about E0. In fact, it is

reasonable that the clustering tree is used for describing the

implementation environment of N0, because we can use the interaction

frequency among all users of N0 for constructing a clustering tree

based on the frequency. Obviously, in the early stage of the operation

of telecommunication network, the N0 is suitable for the E0, or

TN0=TE0. However, we can use the same method as the above one of

defining the status of telecommunication network for defining the

status of the clustering tree as TXS1={TXS11} and TXS2={TXS12, TXS21,

TXS22}. Further, we can also use the paths TPXS1 and TPXS2 for

managing the telecommunication network N0. In the above description,

we note that TN0 and TE0 are variable, so that the TN0 and TE0 can be

represented as the following form:

                      TN0={TN00, TN01, TN02, ...}

                      TE0={TE00, TE01, TE02, ...}

Where all elements in the TN0 and TE0 are the clustering trees.

Thus, the goal of selection for the operation decisions is to make

{TN0=TE0}={TN00=TE00, TN01=TE01, ...}, and the (TN0, TE0) is in TXS1

and the (TN0, TE0) is not in TXS2.


   In the above discussion and analysis, the real time management of

operation of telecommunication network is really transformed to the

management of some special clustering trees. Thus, the complex problem

of the real time management of telecommunication network is also

transformed to the simpler problem of the graphic management in the

graphic model, so that an uniform and global view is used to describe

the problem of the operation management of telecommunication network

with the help of a method of graphic operation. In order to implement

the graphic model of the operation management of network in the

environment of GIS(Bernhardsen, 1992), there are three problems to be

solved, which are discussed as the following:

1)How to build a correspondent relationship between the abstract

clustering tree and the infrastructure of small telecommunication

network, for example, the relationship between the TN0 and the

practical small telecommunication network;

2)How to manage the clustering tree with the help of the ability of

PC ARC/INFO to analyze and process the spatial information;

3)How to apply the model based on the clustering tree for operating

the small telecommunication network.

    The answer to the first problem is very simple. As the former

discussion, for any telecommunication network, a relevant clustering

tree can be constructed and be finally described on a graphic coverage

about geographic information. With the database in PC ARC/INFO, the

basic relationships between the nodes and arcs of the clustering tree

and the infrastructure of small telecommunication network are easily

built, so that the relationship between the TN0 and its practical

small telecommunication network is also built. On the other hand, for

the fault diagnosis and the performance optimization of small

telecommunication network, this relationship is very important. For

example, after the current clustering tree is compared with its

standard clustering tree by a special algorithm, the abnormal

situation of the current clustering tree, including the nodes and

arcs, can be determined, so that the information about this situation

can be used to determine the  position of fault elements in small

telecommunication network or to optimize the performance of the

clustering tree as well as the small telecommunication network with

the method of the performance optimization.

    However, the second problem is very complex, because it relates to

the management of current clustering tree of small telecommunication

network. This management includes two main contents, which are

discussed as the following:

1)Determine the performance of current clustering tree or the abnormal

situation in this clustering tree;

2)Recover the abnormal clustering tree to the clustering tree of the

normal performance.

    There are two methods for determining the abnormal situation of

clustering tree, which are called respectively the comparison method

and the analysis method. The basic principle of comparison method is

now discussed next. First, a base of the clustering trees for

describing all normal states of operation of small telecommunication

network must be built, i.e., each clustering tree in this base

describes a normal status of operation of the network. Then, a special

algorithm is used to operate the current clustering tree and the

standard clustering tree at the same time for determining whether the

current clustering tree is normal. On the other hand, the basic

principle of analysis method is discussed as the following. In this

method, each node and arc in the current clustering tree is checked

for determining the abnormal node or arc so as to find out the

abnormal tree.

    There are the various reasons to result in the abnormal clustering

tree. However, they are usually divided into two classes, the hard

reason and the soft reason. Further, the hard reason describes the

fault of elements in the infrastructure of small telecommunication

network. In general, this fault is physical, and can be not eliminated

though changing the decision of operation of small telecommunication

network. Otherwise, the soft reason is not physical, and can be

eliminated though changing the operation decision. Further, our

research shows that there are a number of the faults about the soft

reason in the current and future ATM networks. In fact, the abnormal

clustering trees generated from the two reasons are called

respectively the hard abnormal clustering tree and the soft abnormal

clustering tree. For the simplicity of this paper, some details of the

abnormal clustering tree about the hard and soft reasons is not

discussed here. However, this problem is easily solved by an overlay

principle. In the operation of existing small telecommunication

network, a number of problems are about the recovery of soft abnormal

clustering tree. In general, the soft abnormal clustering tree relates

close to the performance of the delay time and throughput of small

telecommunication network.

    The method of transforming the soft abnormal clustering tree to

the normal clustering tree is to adjust the distribution of

information flow in the infrastructure of small telecommunication

network. Further, this method is really to adjust the mode of resource

use in small telecommunication network so that the abnormal clustering

tree is transformed into the normal clustering tree. Because the

status of information flow in small telecommunication network is fast

variable, this adjustment has the obvious requirement for the

performance of real time, i.e., the speed of adjustment must be very

fast. On the other hand, the control action of this adjustment has

obviously the character of delay. Otherwise, this adjustment is

different from the other common control action, which is a pulse

control of short time action. In the most situations, some standard

recovery procedures can be constructed for recovering various soft

abnormal clustering tree. Thus, a base of standard recovery procedures

can be also constructed for recovering fast and simply the soft

clustering tree.

   The management of clustering tree in the above discussion is really

a feedback control method for managing the telecommunication network.

However, a number of statistical analyses for the information flow in

telecommunication network have shown that a feedforward control method

for managing the clustering tree or small telecommunication network

may be more satisfactory sometimes. The major principle of the

feedforward control method can be simply discussed next. First, a

number of the patterns of information flow in small telecommunication

network can be built with the help of some statistical rules from a

number of statistical analyses. Then, these patterns of information

flow are used to design various effective control methods for managing

the clustering tree of small telecommunication network, so that the

real time control of the operation of small telecommunication network

is effectively implemented. Otherwise, our research shows also that

this feedforward control method is more suitable to future ATM

networks. However, how to construct the statistic rule of information

flow in small telecommunication network is a very complex problem. The

key for solving this problem is how to recognize the patterns of

information flow from collecting a lot of statistical data. Here, we

suggest an effective method, called the multi-dimensions method, for

describing and constructing the patterns of information flow. This

method thinks that a four-dimensional space, which consists of time,

date, month and year, can be effectively used to describe the patterns

of information flow in small telecommunication network. Thus, a

typical pattern of the information flow can be represented as the

IFM=g(T, D, M, Y). Obviously, the g may be a very complex function.

However, in the many situations, the g  can be described as a linear

function of combination of T, D, M, and Y, so that we can use the

IFM=g(T, D, M, Y) to describe the information flow in the node and arc

of clustering tree. On the other hand, the spatial operation about the

g(T, D, M, Y) can easily implemented in PC ARC/INFO.

    In general, the implementation of some key techniques of the above

discussion is very easy. Especially, the special macro language of PC

ArcInfo can be used to design various program modules for

implementing various operations, e.g., generating, comparing and

diagnosing the clustering tree. Fortunately, there is a special

network function module in PC ARC/INFO, so that the implementation of

the above operations will be very easier.


    In order to discuss deep some typical processes of operation of

the graphic model for the operation management of small

telecommunication network, we will introduce two examples for showing

how to optimize the performance of small telecommunication network and

how to recognize its faults. Otherwise, we will also discuss the

problem how to design the method for optimizing the performance of

small telecommunication network.

1)The performance optimization of small telecommunication network:In

fact, the performance optimization is a very important task for

operating small telecommunication network with the help of the real

time management system of network. The goal of this optimization

includes the improvement of the real time performance and the

throughput performance of the network. Further, suppose the normal

clustering tree of the current small telecommunication network be TN0

and the practical clustering tree be TN0'. The average delay time of

N0 about the TN0 is t(TN0). The value of computation of the average

delay time of TN0' is t(TN0') by fast algorithm. On the other hand,

the throughput of TN0 is h(TN0), and the throughput of TN0 is h(TN0).

Further, if the difference between t(TN0) and t(TN0) and the

difference between h(TN0) and h(TN0') are larger than the given values

a0 and b0, respectively, then the optimization of the clustering tree

TN0 must be executed. In general, the methods for implementing the

performance optimization include usually the physical optimization and

the logical optimization, which are discussed respectively as the


(1)Physical optimization:First, the TN0' is divided into several sub-

clustering trees so as to recognize the minimum sub-trees which result

in the abnormal TN0'. Then, these sub-trees are improved by the

redundant capacity of nodes and links of N0, so that these sub-trees

recover the normal status. Thus, the process of the physical

optimization has been implemented.

(2)Logical optimization:First, as the same as the above discussion,

the TN0' is divided into several sub-clustering trees so as to

recognize the minimum abnormal sub-trees. Then, some tables of

resource about the sub-trees, including the tables of resource of

various links and nodes of N0, are adjusted to recover the abnormal

sub-trees and to implement the logical optimization.

    However, after the optimization is completed, the observation of

these past abnormal sub-trees must be continuous, so that the assigned

physical and logical resource must be collected when the abnormal

status of these sub-trees elapses. Otherwise, if the abnormal status

of these sub-trees exists forever, the substantial optimization or

fault diagnosis of these sub-trees must be begun(Zesheng, 1990).

2)Recognition of the faults of network:From the above analysis, we can

see that the recognition of the network faults in N0 is really

implemented by the management of the clustering tree. The process

relevant to this recognition is simply given as the following. The

occurrence of network faults results in the variation of distribution

of information flow in the network. Thus, after a series of sub-

clustering trees about the abnormal clustering tree TN0' are analyzed

and recognized, we can determine the sub-clustering trees which result

in the abnormal clustering tree. Then, a special relationship between

these clustering trees and the physical elements of the network can be

used to determine the practical position of network fault. There are

two typical network faults which are considered in our graphic model,

i.e., the hard fault and the soft fault. Further, the former fault is

mainly relevant to the hardware fault of the network, the latter is

mainly to the operation decision and the software fault of the

network. Obviously, the performance optimization and the fault

diagnosis all are relevant to the determination of the minimum

abnormal sub-clustering trees which result in the abnormal status of

TN0. In order to determine whether the abnormal sub-trees are relevant

to the performance optimization or the fault diagnosis, an algorithm

for identification of these sub-trees must be designed to implement

this goal.

3)Operation Decision for Optimization

    As the above discussion, the decision for optimizing the operation

of small telecommunication network is really the decision for the

performance optimization of the management of small telecommunication

network TN0, and this process can be easily implemented by PC


    The various decision for optimizing the operation of small

telecommunication network are provided by the pattern generator of the

network operation and are also affected by the feedback control for

the operation status of small telecommunication network. The small

telecommunication network N0 is really controlled by the double

mechanisms, including the feedforward and feedback controls. Our

experience on a prototype based on PC ARC/INFO  has shown that the

performance of application of this control method is very

satisfactory. Especially, this control method will have the wider

areas of application in future ATM networks. The monitor module of N0

supports the interaction between the network and its manager. The

operation of all the above modules is supported by the environment of

PC ARC/INFO. A better plan of research is that the various patterns

about the operation management of small telecommunication network are

included in a knowledge base with the AI technique, and the clustering

trees are managed by the knowledge base and AI techniques.

4)Current Results on our Experiment

    In the current time, the special GIS software-Esri's PC ARC/INFO -

is being used to develop various key techniques of the above

discussion and to construct a prototype of the real time management

system for operating the small telecommunication network. Some

practical and simulation experiments are carried out. The application

of GIS and the graphic model for the management makes the task of the

real time management of the operation of small telecommunication

network simpler and easier. All the experience shows that this graphic

model has the better performance than the other common model. Further,

some obvious advantages of the graphic model are discussed as the


(1)Increase of the real time performance of the operation and

management of small telecommunication network;

(2)Easier evaluation of the operation quality of the network with the

uniform view;

(3)Easier visual operation for the operation management of the network

in GIS environment;

(4)Easier implementation of the performance optimization and the fault

diagnosis of the network;

(5)Easier construction of the user interface for the management;

(6)Easier application of AI technique in the real time management of

the network operation.


    In this paper, we have discussed a method for building and

implementing the real time management system for operating the small

telecommunication network. The some keys of this method includes the

construction of management model based on the clustering tree, the

graphic modelling of the problem of the operation management of

network and the implementation of the graphic model in the environment

of GIS. Obviously, this clustering tree model provides an uniform view

to describe the operation management of network, and a powerful tool

for managing the network. On the other hand, the graphic interface and

spatial operation ability of GIS provide an excellent support with the

implementation of this model.

    However, there are many problems to be researched in the future,

including the deeper analysis and research of the relationship between

the clustering tree and its special action of the network. On the

other development, a special module in PC ARC/INFO for operating the

tree data structure or graphic must be developed in the future so as

to make the fast operation of the graphic model. Otherwise, some

excellent tools of GIS, e.g., Esri's ARC View.2, will make the

construction of our system more reasonable and the implementation of

it easier. The other analysis and testing work on our prototype is

doing in the current time.


    Many colleagues provide a lot of help with our research.

Especially, we would thank telecommunication engineering department

and the agricultural information research center for many helps and

warm research environment.


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Zhu Zesheng
Professor, Nanjing Navy Institute of Electronic Engineering
Nanjing Navy Institute of Electronic Engineering
Nanjing, JiangSu, 210018, P. R. China

Sun Ling
A. Reseacher, JiangSu Academy of Agricultural Sciences
JiangSu Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Nanjing, JiangSu, 210014, P. R. China