Zhu Zesheng, Sun Ling

Design and Implementation of Local Agricultural Disaster Warning System based on PC ARC/INFO and AI

LocalAgricultural disaster warning system (LADWS) has a very important influence on the modern agricultural production in local area, because the decrease of influence of agricultural disasters is really one effective method of increasing crop production. In general, GIS and AI are two key techniques for implementing LADWS. However, how to make use of them for building LADWS has been being an important research direction. In this paper, we discuss a technique based on PC ArcInfo and AI for building LADWS, Which is also called flexible reasoning framework. This technique integrates reasonably the data acquisition, the spatial analysis and the decision generation processes in LADWS for warning various possible agricultural disasters so as to increase crop production. This framework is really a flexible interface between PC ARC/INFO and AI, which makes PC ARC/INFO support the AI's reasoning, the knowledge base operation and the visualization computation of LADWS.


    In the last few years, agricultural disaster warning system

(LADWS) has been being an important agricultural production management

system during agricultural modernization, which provides agricultural

managers  with  various  decision  information  about agricultural

disasters.  For high-output and low-input modern agricultural

production, the information is very important(Keulen, 1986).  In

general, LADWS's major tasks are: according to the historical and

current information about agricultural production, to predict various

possible agricultural disasters and to provide management of these

disasters with necessary decision information. Thus, LADWS is also an

important tool for managing agricultural disasters.  This management

includes usually: to determine pattern of the disasters, to analyze

their influence and to provide related decision information and method

for decreasing loss of these disasters as much as possible.  In the

ten past years, a lot of research has been executed in LADWS,

especially information technology has been widely applied in this

field. These technology includes the mathematical modelling, the

statistical analysis, AI (Rich, 1991), the expert system ( Brownston,

1985), the database system and GIS(Tomlin, 1990).  Further, the

development of LADWS can be divided into three phases as the following:

(1) Early LADWS is mainly based on the mathematical modelling, the

statistical analysis and the database system. In LADWS, a lot of

historical and current data of agricultural disasters are stored in

database system, the mathematical modelling and the statistical

techniques  are  respectively  used  to build the mathematical model

of agricultural disasters and to predict their occurrence. There are

some obvious disadvantages in the LADWS, including the lack of some

intelligence about the above prediction, the complex architecture, the

very difficulty of implementation and management. And, due to the

limited precision of fixed model for predicting agricultural

disasters, prediction correctness of this LADWS is usually


(2) Then, AI technology is introduced into LADWS, so that both

reasoning and knowledge base  methods  are  used  to  analyze a number

of the statistical model and data for predicting agricultural

disasters so as to improve the performance of LADWS in very large

extent.  However, the supports of the interface and visualization

computation of user in this LADWS are still unsatisfactory.

Especially, both organization and architecture of this LADWS are very

complex, so that its application, management and maintenance are very

difficult.  On the other hand, GIS is also introduced into LADWS, but

it is only used as one kind of query and statistical analysis tool and

has little ability to provide the reasoning analysis based on AI with

various possible agricultural disasters.

(3) Recently,one begins to find that the most important character of

LADWS is to manage a number of entities which have geographic or

spatial information feature and interact.  Thus, an ideal LADWS must

include GIS and AI at the same time, in which GIS is used as a key

framework for integrating AI and database systems so as to provide a

high effective method of building LADWS with agricultural managers.

Further, some obvious advantages of this method are the more effective

management of spatial data of all entities, the easier  implementation

and management of LADWS, the excellent user interface of visualization

computation and the very good decision support for past-disaster


    This paper is divided into five parts.  In the second, we discuss

LADWS's architecture and show the basic method for designing LADWS.

In the third, PC ARC/INFO function and how to apply PC ARC/INFO in

LADWS are discussed respectively.  In the fourth, AI technique and how

to apply it in LADWS are discussed. In the fifth, an effective

technique for integrating PC ARC/INFO and AI is discussed in detail.

Finally, an example of LADWS's prototype is analyzed.


(1) Principle: LADWS's architecture  is  a logical function design for

implementing reasonably LADWS's function.  This design describes

usually the various function modules of LADWS and their logical

relationship, and is suited to the application of layer-division

design principle.  The division and definition of function modules are

usually object-oriented or implementation-oriented in order to make

the implementation and adjustment of each module easier and the

logical relationship among all modules clear.  In  general,  this

method of designing the architecture is really the step-by-step

precision of the architecture until there is a clear relationship

between each module and each special object.  In our LADWS, some

important, alone-function and high practical value  entities  are

selected as  the  objects  so  as to make the description and

implementation of architecture easier.

(2) Design method:In order to describe reasonably the architecture of

LADWS, we apply a step-by-step precision method, in which PC ARC/INFO

is thought as a logical centre of LADWS.  First, total architecture of

LADWS is divided into three main modules that are PC ARC/INFO, AI and

database modules about the information processing.  Second, PC

ArcInfo's supports required by AI and database modules are determined

so that a logical relationship between PC ARC/INFO module and these

modules can be built. Finally, an interface or framework supported by

PC ARC/INFO can be also built with the help of this relationship, so

as to make the operation of final LADWS more efficient.

(3) Reasonableness:To make LADWS's architecture reasonable is a very

important work. In general, the  major  goal  of  this work is to

simplify and adjust some parts of the architecture in order to make

the architecture more reasonable, which is called the architecture

optimization.  In this process, four principles should be followed:

a)Optimization should not reduce the user function of LADWS;  

b)Optimization should reduce the complexity of implementation of  

  LADWS's architecture  as much as possible;

c)Optimization should reduce the intensity of interaction among  

  various functional entities as much as possible;

d)Optimization should make the  management and maintenance of LADWS 


4)Typical disasters: Function to warn the typical agricultural

disasters is described and implemented in the modules of application

entities of LADWS's architecture. The agricultural disasters

considered in our LADWS are the meteorological disasters, the pest

disasters and the weed disasters.  In general, the meteorological

disaster is the most important disaster and influences on occurrence

of the other disasters.  The meteorological disasters include usually

drought, flood, freezing disasters and other disastrous weather.

Further, the intensity of the pest and weed disasters relates not only

to  the meteorological  condition  but also to the crop and special

geographic environment. Thus, the analysis of meteorological

information about special geographic environment, including the

historical and current information,is used as the fundamental of

prediction of agriculture disasters in our LADWS. Because the basic

period of crop growth is usually  one year, we can determine that the

basic period of our LADWS's prediction and decision is usually also

one year.  The major method of predicting agricultural disasters is to

recognize the meteorological-geographic-crop pattern of possible

occurrence of the disaster, to analyze and reason on the current

agricultural management data or pattern by existing patterns of the

knowledge base and to predict the various possible agricultural

disasters.  On the other hand, various decision patterns about these

disasters are also stored in the knowledge base and are analyzed or

reasoned with the help of the prediction information in order to

provide the suitable decision information with various disasters. All

modules of typical disasters are placed in the application layer.

5) Layer design:Further,LADWS's architecture may be divided into four

layers, i.e., application layer, PC ARC/INFO layer, AI layer and

database layer.  The  application layer describes the various typical

agricultural disasters and the relevant form of decision pattern, and

analyzes the various pattern or data of meteorological-geographic-crop

of input in order to construct a form of middle data and support the

other module operation of LADWS.  Both PC ARC/INFO layer and AI layer

may be combined together and are called basic support layer, and are

discussed respectively as the following:

(1)PC ARC/INFO layer: Its major function are:

a)to support the knowledge base management of AI reasoning;

b)to support AI reasoning operation;

c)to support the visualization computation of LADWS. 

    In general, all information of agricultural disasters almost has

obvious geographic feature.  Thus, the evaluation of influence of the

disaster requires that the various information of geographic feature

must be analyzed, so that PC ARC/INFO layer becomes a basic tool for

implementing the above works. 

(2)AI layer: This layer describes mainly the reasoning mechanism based

on the knowledge base.  Its major function is discussed as the


a)Manage the various existing patterns in the knowledge base;

b)Implement the pairing process between the various  data pattern of

  inputandthe existing relevant patterns for optimum prediction by

  reasoning on the current input data of agricultural management;

c)Update the contents or patterns of the knowledge base;

d)Select the different reasoning method according to the reasoning 


    In fact, AI layer is one of key modules of LADWS and determines

the main performance of LADWS, but the function of AI layer is

perfectly implemented on condition that the suitable supports of PC

ArcInfo must be provided. 

6)Architecture description: a typical LADWS's architecture is designed

by the division-layer method.  It consists of the typical application

layer, the PC ARC/INFO layer, the  AI  layer  and  the database

layer.  Next,  we  describe general function of this architecture by a

typical application of LADWS.  Suppose a typical user pattern WGC1 of

meteorological-geographic-crop  which accesses  the application

layer.  After it is processed in the application layer, the WGC1

accesses the PC ARC/INFO layer.  Then, a graphic coverage (WGC1, D1)

is generated in this PC ARC/INFO layer, so that this coverage is

feeded to the AI layer and is analyzed or processed in it. As the

final results of AI's reasoning analysis on the coverage (WGC1,D1),

the AI layer and PC ARC/INFO layer generate together three coverages

(WGC1,D1, R1), (WGC1, D1, R2), and (WGC1,D1,R3), respectively.  These

coverages describes respectively the agricultural disasters of

possible occurrence, the influence of these disasters and the

suggested decision for reducing the influence of these disasters. The

reasoning analysis is completed by a process of pattern comparison in

the knowledge base.  Further, the knowledge base consists of two sub-

knowledge bases that are the sub-knowledge base of the warning

disaster pattern and the sub-knowledge base of the disaster decision

pattern. Obviously,the coverage (WGC1, D1, R3) is only generated on

condition that the coverages (WGC1,D1,R1) and (WGC1,D1,R2) have been



    In our LADWS, the function of PC ARC/INFO module is divided into

both logical function and physical function in order to make LADWS'

implementation as simple as possible.  The logical function is really

a abstract description of the PC ARC/INFO ability to process spatial

information (Cressie, 1991) and also a framework for supporting the

implementation of PC ARC/INFO physical function.  On the other hand,

the physical function describes the function related to the

application of LADWS or the object function. Further, this division

of function of PC ARC/INFO module make the design and implementation

of LADWS easier.  Some obvious advantages of this division are given

as the following:

(1)Make the internal design and implementation of the PC ARC/INFO 

   module easier;

(2)Make the extension of function of PC ARC/INFO module  easier;

(3)Make the management of internal entities in the PC ARC/INFO module

   more convenience;

(4)Make the implementation of the above flexible framework for   

   supporting LADWS's application and AI reasoning easier.

    In our current design of PC ARC/INFO module, we define the logical

function of PC ARC/INFO module as the function of spatial information

processing, which can be discussed further as the following:

(1)function to filter the data information: This function can be used

to filter the input data information of PC ARC/INFO feature so as to

delete those unnecessary information and to obtain the required

information, with the PC ARC/INFO ability to analyze the information

of geographic and spatial feature.  This function is usually

implemented with the help of the function of complex graphic

processing of PC ARC/INFO.  For example, the information of input WGC

pattern may include some useless information for AI reasoning, so that

this information must be filtered out.

(2)Added-value function: This function is used to add the application

or use value of input information in order to increase the efficiency

of information processing.  In general, the process of added-value

information consists of the process of  information input, the process

of searching the related information and the process of revising the

information.  For example, this added-value function in our LADWS can

be used to update the knowledge base. When the information for

updating the knowledge base is given, the added-value function is used

to find the sub-knowledge bases related to this revision of

information with the help of PC ARC/INFO ability to process the

spatial information.  Then, all information of revision which the

different sub-knowledge bases require is generated respectively and is

used to update these sub-knowledge bases.

(3)Information synthesis: This function of information synthesis

describes the PC ARC/INFO ability to synthesize the geographic or

spatial information and is used to synthesize these related

information before the different information is processed.  Then, the

synthesis information is again processed in order to increase the

efficiency of information processing.  For example, this function in

our LADWS is used not only to update the knowledge base and but also

to synthesize all related output information for warning agricultural

disasters into one graphic coverage.

(4)Visualization computation: In fact, the PC ARC/INFO itself is an

excellent tool for visualization computation.  This function in our

LADWS is used to describe the visualization computation process of

LADWS by a series of graphic coverages, so that the module and final

results of computation of LADWS have more obvious physical meaning and

make the result of LADWS application better.

    The physical function of PC ARC/INFO represents mainly the

application feature of PC ARC/INFO layer and is usually implemented by

the suitable combination of the logical function of PC ARC/INFO and

the related data.  Some typical physical function is described as


(1)historical data processing of agricultural disaster prediction:

First, this processing function implements the filtering-processing

and added-value processing of input historical data information. 

Then, the processed information is used to update the warning disaster

patterns in the knowledge base.  The updated contents includes both

the prediction and the decision patterns of the knowledge base.

(2)AI data processing: This processing provides mainly the suitable

form of information with the reasoning analysis of the current input

information of LADWS.  Further, the operation of this processing

includes the filtering information, added-value information and

information synthesis.

(3)Other data processing: This processing includes the data management

in the knowledge base and the database of PC ARC/INFO. The relevant

operation are still the filtering information, the added-value

information and the information synthesis.

(4)Visualization data processing: This processing includes the

organization of various visualization graphic coverages of the

possible disasters and the disaster influence.  The relevant operation

includes still the filtering information, the added-value information

and the information synthesis in various visualization graphic



    There are three issues relevant to the design of AI module, which

are discussed as the following:

(1)Understanding the patterns of agricultural disasters: This

understanding makes really use of the historical information about

the occurrence of past agricultural disasters to build the various

suitable patterns of prediction for predict the possible occurrence of

future agricultural disasters.  One of important problems in

understanding the patterns of agricultural disasters is how to

represent the information of agricultural disasters.  Further, this

problem is also how to represent or store the current/historical

information and the discovered patterns of agricultural disasters in


(2)Knowledge acquisition: This issue includes the learning or

knowledge acquisition.  Further, this issue is really how to discover

the patterns from the stored information trace(Sleeman, 1992).

(3)Inference or knowledge use: According to the input information of

agricultural disasters and the captured patterns, the AI module must

provide the information of future possible occurrence of agricultural

disasters with the users of LADWS.

    In order to introduce the  learning and reasoning ability into our

LADWS(Pearl, 1988), we apply some method, including as the following:

(1)construct global views: These views are really a set of global

views.  A global view is a virtual object class defined from all

agricultural disasters or relevant decisions via logical rules. These

global views can be implemented and serve as windows though which

LADWS applications can access entities of LADWS.  A logical rule in

our LADWS has the generic form: IF X THEN Y, where X is its body part

and Y is its head part.  A body or head part has one, or more than

one, formula which can represent the status of a disaster object or an

action to update an object's status. All logical rules are implemented

in AI module.

(2)Equip the LADWS with adaptive learning and reasoning ability: The

agricultural disaster patterns for supporting this ability are learned

from a historical database which contains a chronological measurement

and statistic analysis trace(Ullman, 1988). These discovered patterns,

represented in the form of logical rule, describes the relationship

between the objects of agricultural disasters.

(3)Inference implementation: Based on these disaster patterns and

prespecified domain knowledge of agricultural disasters, forward and

backward inference can be triggered to access global view, predict

possible disasters, fire the relevant decision, and analyze the

relevant influence.  Unlike a general expert system with only

prespecified domain knowledge, AI module of our LADWS has learning

ability to augment its knowledge related to the specific agricultural

disasters and the relevant decision.

    Learning and reasoning ability is used as a key framework of AI

module function of LADWS.  In general, learning goal is to discover

the patterns of agricultural disaster, and reasoning goal is to

predict the possible occurrence of agricultural disasters and to

search the decision regarding agricultural disasters though reasoning

on the discovered patterns of agricultural disasters and the

prespecified domain knowledge.  The AI database for supporting the

reasoning on agricultural disaster contains usually the pattern of

agricultural disasters, the abstract description and definition of

these disasters and the prespecified domain knowledge regarding the

agricultural disaster and relevant decision, which all are represented

by a set of logical rules.

    To make the operation of AI module more efficiency, we apply a

reasoning system based on logical rules for the prediction of the

agricultural disasters.  Some obvious advantages of the application of

logical rules are discussed as the following:

(1)Knowledge for solving the problem of the prediction of agricultural

   disasters varies as the time;

(2)Pattern of the prediction of agricultural disasters also varies as

   the time;

(3)Requirement of supporting the user interface based on the PC   

   ArcInfo module;

(4)Requirement of pairing the patterns in complex situation;

(5)Requirement of natural representation of the solving method and 

   pattern based on IF-THEN relationship.

    In fact, the updating knowledge for solving the problem of LADWS

must be continuously created because the new service and decision

about the agricultural disasters is being introduced. Further, there

are the different patterns of prediction of agricultural disasters in

the different agricultural system, which varies as the time.  Thus,

the application of IF-THEN rule here is reasonable.

    In our LADWS, there are a number of logical rules to be used for

reasoning on the patterns.  Three typical logical rules are described

as the following:

(1) This rule is written in the form of Horn clause, which are

statements of the form: if A1, A2, ... , and An are true, the B is

true.  Following the prolog  syntax, it is written as:

           B:-A1, A2, ... , An

where the formulas B and Ai are predicates with a list of argument,

e.g. P(X1,..., Xk). 

(2)This rule is written in Horn clause with certainty factors, which

may be written as:

           Confidence  Factor=P% B-A1, A2, ..., An

This expression shows that, if A1, A2, ..., and An true, B is

concluded to be true with probability P.  A formula Ai or B is a

condition that represents the status of an object of agriculture


(3)This rule is written in form of a production rule.  It is written

in the form  of syntax as:

           (A1, A2, ... An - B1, B2, ..., Bm)

which represents that, if A1, A2, ..., and An are true, then B1, B2,

..., and Bn will be executed.  Here, Ai is a condition and Bj is

action about the condition.  These rules can be used to invoke the

control decision by forward inference.  They can also emulate backward

inference to predict the agricultural disasters.


    One of keys to implement LADWS is the integration of PC ARC/INFO

and AI modules in the architecture of LADWS.  This process of

integration can be represented as:

(1)PC ARC/INFO module is how to support the operation of AI module;

(2)AI module is how to interact the agricultural system though PC 

   ArcInfo module.

    In general, the operation of AI module is based on the logical

rules.  However, the historical information of measurement must be

processed only to form the logical rules for reasoning on the

agricultural disasters in AI module.  Further, the techniques of

statistical analysis, e.g.  regression analysis, are usually used to

construct these logical rules.  The Implementation of this analysis

and the creation of logical rules require a lot of data computation

relevant to regression analysis.  In general, the regression analysis

is mainly used to analyze the relationship between the various

meteorological factor, geographic factors and crop factors and the

agricultural disasters, which is usually implemented by PC ARC/INFO

module.  This regression analysis based on PC ARC/INFO, which is also

called the spatial regression analysis due to the spatial operation of

PC ARC/INFO, can be used to describe the result of regression analysis

of some graphic information though a graphic coverage.  Otherwise,

some special function, e.g.  the filtering information, the added-

value information and the information synthesis, cab be also used in

the regression analysis.  Thus, the regression analysis based on PC

ArcInfo spatial operation is one important advantage of our LADWS.

    Obviously, PC ARC/INFO module becomes not only an interaction

interface between LADWS and its user, but also an interface for

supporting the operation or reasoning of AI module.  Because the PC

ArcInfo module is really an access interface of external user and its

character is also affected by the operation of AI module, there is a

mechanism based on the PC ARC/INFO and AI modules for supporting this

function, which is called flexible reasoning framework of LADWS, whose

major characters are discussed as following:

(1)Integrate effectively the data acquisition, the spatial analysis 

   and the process of decision support of LADWS;

(2)Make learning function of AI module support many different   

   application of LADWS;

(3)The data acquisition and spatial analysis based on geographic- 

   oriented feature simplify the process of  creation and recognition

   of the patterns of agricultural disasters;

(4)Reasoning based on geographic-oriented feature simplifies the  

   operation of AI module;

(5)object-oriented techniques are easily used. 

    However, how to implement the above flexible reasoning framework

is a key to integrate PC ARC/INFO and AI techniques. Here, an

effective technique, called data acquisition-spatial analysis-decision

support technique(DSPT), is used to implement this goal.  Further,

each query to LADWS is defined as an action of LADWS, the output of

LADWS to the action is defined as a response of LADWS.  Thus, we think

that LADWS consist of a number of pairs of action-response.  Clearly,

for any action, there is a certainty response to it.  In the other

word, there is a relationship between the action and the response,

called A-R relationship, and all A-R relationships consist of the

solving space of LADWS.  After the ability of spatial analysis of PC

ArcInfo is introduced, the spatial operation of PC ARC/INFO generates

really a division for this solving space, and all A-R relationships of

this space are divided into several geographic-feature classes, which

is also called relationship class.  Further, the introduction of

relationship class simplifies really the organization of A-R

relationships.  In fact, a number of the A-R relationships are used to

build the knowledge base based on the disaster patterns and the

prespecified domain knowledge, and the programming method of

geographic-oriented feature can be used to implement effectively the

integration of PC ARC/INFO and AI techniques.


    In the current time, we are developing a prototype of LADWS for

warning the meteorological disasters, the pest disasters and weed

disasters. The experience obtained from this prototype development

will be used to guide the development of practical LADWS.  The

development environment of PC ARC/INFO selected for this prototype is

Esri's PC ARC/INFO, the development environment of AI is a programming

expert system and a machine learning system, and the various

historical data of the past 40 years are used to construct the

patterns of prediction of agricultural disasters.  All the above

environments are used to construct the prototype of local LADWS.  The

precision of this prototype for warning the agricultural disasters is

very satisfactory.  This LADWS has successfully predicted some typical

agricultural disasters above 82% confidence degree, and provides a

number of decision information for reducing the influence of these


    Our selected PC ARC/INFO has powerful function, and the

performance of AI system consisted of both the programing expert

system and the machine learning system is very satisfactory.  Thus, we

use their Marco or programming languages to implement the above LADWS.

Further, we find that the performance of testing this prototype is

also satisfactory.  Especially, the introduction of PC ARC/INFO

provides the geographic-oriented feature with a lot of information so

that the construction and implementation of LADWS are very simple.  On

the other hand, the application of future probability reasoning will

improve largely the performance of LADWS. Form the results of current

experiment on the prototype of LADWS, the application results of LADWS

not only are very satisfactory but also have very obvious economic

gain.  For example, a typical warning result and possible decision are

shown in a geographic coverage.


  The reasonable integration of PC ARC/INFO and AI techniques for

building LADWS is a very effective and practical method.  However, the

key which influences the precision of LADWS is mainly AI system

design, including various patterns of warning agricultural disasters.

But, the agricultural system itself is very complex, and a number of

problems require to be solved in future.  We will continuously perfect

the prototype of our LADWS in order to increasing the precision of the

prediction of agricultural disasters.


    Authors would thank Agricultural Information System Research

Center and Institute of Agricultural Modernization of JiangSu Academy

of Agricultural Sciences for their help and warm research environment.


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Zhu Zesheng
Professor, Nanjing Navy Institute of Electronic Engineering
Nanjing Navy Institute of Electronic Engineering
Nanjing, JiangSu, 210018, P. R. China

Sun Ling
A. Reseacher, JiangSu Academy of Agricultural Sciences
JiangSu Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Nanjing, JiangSu, 210014, P. R. China