David Weinstein, Kass Green, Jeff Campbell, and Mark Finney

Fire Growth Modeling in an Integrated GIS Environment


Research scientists and forest resource managers have long sought the 
ability to model wildfire behavior.  Considerable effort has been directed 
toward understanding the science of fire behavior and developing computer-
based modeling techniques for predicting fire growth.  Recent advances in 
the field of fire science, along with the availability of high resolution 
remote-sensed satellite imagery, powerful image processing software, 
Geographic Information Systems (GISs), and affordable computer 
hardware has enabled the development of sophisticated, yet easy to operate 
fire simulation applications.

A fire simulation application, FIRE! has been developed which integrates 
state of the art fire behavior modeling into the ArcInfo GIS environment.  
The model's user interface has been designed so that advanced computer 
and GIS skills are not required by for model execution.  The model puts the 
power of comprehensive fire behavior prediction into the hands of qualified 
on the ground resource managers where it can be most effectively applied.


Fire plays a very significant role in the management of pine forests of the 
Southeastern United States.  Both wildfires and controlled prescribed 
burning significantly affect forest management activities from timber harvest 
scheduling to reforestation and thinning operations.  Wildfires destroy 
thousands of acres of prime forest land every year while controlled burning 
helps to maintain a manageable fuel loading for forests susceptible to 
destructive wildfires.  With the added complexity of managing productive 
forests which also support active military operations and training, 
monitoring and controlling both wild and prescribed fires is a particularly 
challenging charge for the Division of Forestry at the Camp Lejeune Marine 
Corps Base in eastern North Carolina.

Throughout the country as well, personnel, equipment, and financial 
resources are tremendously strained  in the struggle to contain and 
extinguish wildfires.  Thousands of firefighters and support staff are 
engaged and millions of dollars are spent annually to preserve and protect 
human lives and personal property as well as valuable timber and recreation 
resources.  Twelve hour work days for weeks at a time in hazardous 
conditions are not uncommon for wildfire fighting personnel during heavy 
burning seasons such as those encountered during the past several years.

The continued emphasis on safety and resource protection by the numerous 
state and local agencies charged with combating wildfire has increased the 
need for more accurate and dependable tools for wildfire management.  For 
several years, forest fire management personnel have utilized fire behavior 
models such as BEHAVE (Andrews, 1986) to aid in predicting fire 
behavior and subsequently mapping probable scenarios of fire spread 
during a given time period.  BEHAVE is a non-spatial fire behavior 
prediction tool.  Utilizing inputs of fire fuel type, topography data, weather 
data, and initial fuel moisture data, BEHAVE calculates fire behavior and 
fire characteristics for a given area.  While BEHAVE is very useful for 
predicting fire characteristics for a given land area, the output is inherently 
non-spatial.  In other words, the spread rates, flamelengths, fireline 
intensities, and heat calculations generated by BEHAVE are applicable only 
so long as the specified fuel type, topographic, and weather related 
parameters do not vary.  As the topography or fuel model changes or as the 
weather patterns shift, BEHAVE results must be recalculated in order to 
provide an adequate approximation of fire behavior for the new input data 
regime.  Considering the complexity of fuels, topography, and weather over 
a given landscape during a period of time, efficiently and accurately 
predicting fire behavior characteristics for a wildfire over time utilizing such 
techniques is inefficient and often impractical.

However, through the incorporation of GIS technology, developing detailed 
fire behavior predictions for numerous scenarios becomes not only possible 
but incredibly efficient and effective.  The forest fire behavior model 
developed for this project incorporates spatial fuels and topographic data, 
temporal weather and wind settings and initial fuel moistures into the 
prediction of forest fire behavior across both time and space.  The model 
puts the power of sound, accurate, and efficient fire behavior modeling 
technology into the hands of forest fire management personnel charged  
with coordinating the containment and extinguishing of wildfires.  The 
model can become one of the most effective tools for managing personnel, 
financial, and equipment resources for battling one of the most destructive 
and dangerous forces of nature.


The primary data source for the forest fire fuel model classification was 
Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery, geocoded and terrain corrected to UTM 
coordinates.  Landsat TM sub-scene from Path 14, Row 36, acquired 
August 8, 1993, was utilized for this project.  The date of imagery was 
chosen due to its combination of minimal cloud cover, optimum sun angle, 
and optimum vegetation vigor and reflectance characteristics.  In addition, 
1:15,840 scale color infra-red aerial photography for the study area was 
utilized extensively.  The acquisition date of the photography was March 6, 
1993.  Although collected during different seasons, the aerial photography 
and satellite imagery were collected within five months of one another, thus 
minimizing the amount of landcover change occurring between the two 
dates of data collection.

Image classification was enhanced through the use of ancillary GIS data 
layers.  Ancillary data utilized for the forest fire fuel model classification 
included various ArcInfo GIS coverages representing past and present 
land-use and land-cover characteristics.  The ancillary GIS coverages were 
used to help ensure quality control during iterative and final fuel model 
classifications.  The fuel classification was further refined through the 
development and application of GIS models which examine the relationship 
between overstory vegetation types, soil types, recent forest management 
activities, forest fire fuels.  In addition to the fuels layer, canopy density, 
slope, elevation, and aspect layers are direct inputs to the fire behavior 
model.  Within the Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base, however, the effect 
of topography is minimal.  A total elevation change of approximately 35 feet 
is present on the base.

Extensive use was made of field collected data, which was critical to both 
fuel classification and calibration of the fire behavior model.  Ground data 
for fuels, overstory and understory vegetation cover, and tree crown cover 
was used to establish field training sites for image classification.  The 
training sites were used to calibrate the computer classification of the image 
to the actual fuel characteristics observed on the ground.  Data were 
collected on field data forms which include delineations of fuel type on 
aerial photography and draft classification maps.

Field data from past prescribed burns and wild fires collected by Camp 
Lejeune Forestry Division personnel were extensively used in the fire 
behavior model calibration process.  Base forestry division personnel 
consistently collect detailed data regarding fire behavior (spread rates, 
flamelengths, burn perimeter, etc.) for fires burning on the base.  Global 
Positioning System (GPS) units are used to map fire perimeters.  The fire 
behavior model was calibrated using this detailed data from past fires to 
ensure the most accurate and reliable fire behavior predictions under local 
conditions.  The incorporation of this past fire behavior data during the fire 
behavior model calibration was among the most important tasks of the entire 
project.  Calibration involves comparing predicted spread with observed fire 
patterns for each fuel type.  The results yield an adjustment factor for each 
fuel type that makes model predictions more accurate for the particular fuel 
types and burning conditions.


Fuels Layer
A combined supervised/unsupervised approach was used to classify the 
Thematic Mapper imagery (Congalton et al., 1992).  All classification work 
was performed using ERDAS (Atlanta, Georgia) image processing 
software.  The imagery was classified into the thirteen models described by 
Anderson (1982) and two non-fuels classes.  Anderson produced a 
similarity chart for cross referencing the 13 fuel models he developed to the 
20 fuel models used in the National Fire Danger Rating System.  The 
classifications used for this project are listed below:

Fuel Model/Class	Model Description/Typical Complex

Grass and Grass-Dominated Models
	1	Short Grass (1ft)
	2	Timber (grass and understory)
	3	Tall Grass (2.5+ ft)

Chaparral and Shrub Fields
	4	High Pocosin/Chaparral (6+ ft)
	5	Brush (2 ft)
	6	Dormant Brush, Hardwood Slash
	7	Southern Rough/Low Pocosin (2-6 ft)

Timber Litter
	8	Closed Timber Litter
	9	Hardwood Litter
	10	Heavy Timber Litter and Understory

	11	Light Logging Slash
	12	Medium Logging Slash
	13	Heavy Logging Slash

	14	Water
	15	Bare/Non-Flammable

Each fuel model listed above is represents specific measure of fuel loading:  
surface area to volume ratio of each size group, fuel depth, fuel particle 
density, heat content of fuel, and moisture of extinction values.  This 
description provides the necessary information for each fuel model to allow 
for the automated modeling and calculation of fire spread rates and other fire 
behavior characteristics provided in the GIS fire behavior model described 
below.  The final raster classification of the forest fire fuel models was 
converted from ERDAS format to ARC GRID format for incorporation into 
the development and implementation of the fire behavior model.

Tree Crown Closure
A raster forest crown cover layer was also developed through classification 
of the Landsat TM imagery.  Initially, "Water", "Bare/Non-Flammable", 
and other non-forest fuel classes previously identified in the mapping of the 
forest fire fuels were masked from the imagery.  These areas were assigned 
a crown cover class of 0%.  For the remaining areas, a series of 
unsupervised classifications was completed and labeled with one of the 
following crown cover classes:

		  1 -	20% 	Tree Crown Cover
		21 - 	50% 	Tree Crown Cover
		51 - 	80% 	Tree Crown Cover
		81 - 	100% 	Tree Crown Cover

The resulting raster tree crown cover classification was also converted from 
ERDAS format to ARC GRID for incorporation into the development and
 implementation of the fire behavior model.  The tree crown cover data layer 
influences the effect of wind direction and incoming solar radiation in the 
fire behavior model.

Upon completion of the raster fire fuels classification, polygon creation 
algorithms developed by Pacific Meridian were utilized to convert the raster 
GIS coverage into an ArcInfo polygon coverage.  In the coverage, each 
polygon was assigned a label depicting its forest fuel model class.  The 
polygon coverage was produced to provide base forest managers with a 
vector coverage of fuel type which they can utilize alone or in conjunction 
with other vector and raster data layers for future landscape analysis 
projects.  The polygon coverage of forest fire fuel type was not directly 
utilized in the fire behavior model development or implementation.

Model Development

Following the fire fuels classification, Pacific Meridian developed a new fire 
simulation application, known as FIRE!, which brings fire modeling 
capabilities to the ArcInfo GIS environment.  FIRE! is an ArcTools-based 
application that allows a user to interactively specify all the required spatial 
and non-spatial parameters and specify the time, duration, and locations of a 
multiple ignition fire simulation.  Vector representations of fire perimeters 
are graphically displayed as the simulated fire advances.  Potential flat 
terrain spotting is computed and displayed for each perimeter.  At the 
conclusion of the simulated burn, FIRE! also displays raster representations 
of time of arrival, heat, fireline intensity, rate of spread, and flame length 
for the burned area.  Plots of the simulation results may be generated using 
built-in plotting templates or customized by the user with the full suite of 
plotting tools available in ArcInfo.  All of the output data is preserved as 
ArcInfo coverages and grids, which may be further analyzed by the user 
with the full range of capabilities of the ArcInfo GIS environment.

The engine of the FIRE! application, responsible for all the complex 
computations necessary for simulating fire behavior is FARSITE (Fire Area 
Simulator) (Finney, 1993), a C++ program developed by Systems for 
Environmental Management with support from the National Interagency 
Fire Center (National Park Service) in cooperation with the Fire Behavior 
Research Work Unit of the USDA Forest Service Inter mountain Fire 
Science Laboratory.  FARSITE  interacts seamlessly within the ArcInfo 
environment as a component of FIRE! enhancing the spatial display and 
query capabilities of the GIS for fire modeling and analysis.  Figure 1 
outlines a flow diagram for FIRE!.
Figure #1
FIRE! allows a user to model fire behavior by defining a fire "scenario".  
The scenario is comprised of three sets of input parameters: landscape files, 
run parameters, and ignition locations.  A Geographical User Interface 
(GUI) has been designed to allow the user to easily specify and edit the data 
and parameters necessary to execute each simulation scenario set.  The first 
set establishes the spatial and temporal data to be utilized by the model.  The 
user specifies the appropriate fire fuels, canopy cover, slope, elevation, and 
aspect layers required for the simulation.  In addition, non-spatial data sets 
including weather, wind, initial fuel moistures, and fuel model adjustment 
factors can be created, specified, and edited.
Figure #2
Run parameters include simulation start and end times along with the spatial 
and temporal resolution of fire growth calculations performed during the 
simulation.  For instance, a spatial resolution of greater than the raster 
resolution may be specified for scenarios covering very large areas in which 
only a gross estimation of fire behavior over a long time period is desired.  
Specifying a greater spatial resolution reduces the computational 
requirements of the model resulting in a faster simulation.  However, 
scenarios requiring detailed information regarding fire behavior throughout 
a simulation area should utilize a spatial resolution at least as small as the 
input data sets provide.
Figure #3
Finally, a data set identifying the location and configuration of a fire ignition

must be specified.  Fire ignitions may be established as points, lines, and/or 
polygons and are entered interactively by clicking on the screen at the 
desired ignition locations.
Figure #4
After defining the burn scenario, the model simulation can be executed.  As 
the model performs the necessary fire behavior calculations, vectors are 
displayed indicating the fire's perimeter at user-specified time intervals.  The 
vectors may be displayed over the fuels raster data layer or the original 
Landsat TM imagery.  At the completion of the simulation, raster data layers 
are produced providing the flamelength, fireline intensity, time of arrival, 
heat per unit area, and rate of spread of the fire for every pixel within the 
burned perimeter.

FIRE! has been designed and developed to overcome many of the 
shortcomings encountered with past fire behavior models.  Fire modeling in 
the past suffered from two important limitations: the non-spatial qualities of 
early methods based solely on BEHAVE, and the limitations of raster-based 
models that followed.  FIRE!   employs the most recent developments in 
wave-based fire modeling.  Wave-based models have been shown to yield 
the most accurate modeling results available to date.

Early modeling efforts relied on BEHAVE, a non-spatial  model for 
estimating fire characteristics, such as flame length, rate of spread, etc., for 
a homogeneous surface.  Fire managers had to perform three labor intensive 
tasks manually: delineating regions of homogeneous fuel characteristics, 
computing BEHAVE statistics for each of these regions, and propagating 
the fire front based on expert knowledge of fire behavior under local terrain 
and wind conditions.  After each iteration of manual propagation of the fire, 
the steps would then have to be repeated.  Modern spatial techniques still 
use BEHAVE algorithms for computing fire characteristics while providing 
automated methods for propagating the fire across a heterogeneous 

Raster-based spatial models rely on cellular propagation methods.  Cellular 
models use the constant spatial arrangement of a cell or raster landscape to 
solve for time of ignition (Finney, 1995).  The fire is propagated through 
the raster in checkerboard steps, with cells igniting based on the 
characteristics of other cells in their neighborhood.  Studies have shown this 
technique to yield distorted representations of fire shapes owing to the 
necessity of growing the fire from each burning cell in discrete steps in a 
fixed number of cardinal directions available to the grid.

Vector or wave type models have been shown to closely simulate fire 
growth with varying winds (Anderson et al.,1982; French, 1992).  Wave 
models recognize the inherent wave-like behavior of wildfire; that is, that 
the front propagates as a wave, shifting and moving continuously in time 
and space.  Wave models solve for the position of the fire front at specified 
times (Finney, 1995).  FARSITE uses a technique for wave propagation, 
known as Huygen's principle (Anderson, et al., 1982), to expand surface 
fire fronts in two dimensions (Richards, 1990) (Figure 5).  While rasters 
are still used to represent the underlying landscape, and to record fire 
characteristics during the simulation, the fire perimeters are processed and 
stored as continuous vectors.
Figure #5
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) developed for the execution of the GIS-
based model allows natural resource managers not intimately familiar with 
computers or GIS to effectively utilized the fire behavior model.  By 
developing and incorporating a user friendly user interface for growth 
execution, this model puts the power of fully utilizing the functionality of a 
fire behavior model into the hands of a much wider range of resource 
managers and technicians.  With minimal computer training and experience, 
nearly anyone can identify and edit the necessary input data, develop a burn 
scenario, execute the model, analyze the results, and produce hard copy 
results output without ever being required to specify command line 
instruction for direct computer interfacing.


After defining the burn scenario, the model simulation can be executed.  As 
the model performs the necessary fire behavior calculations, vectors are 
displayed indicating the fire's perimeter at a user-specified time interval.  
The vectors may be displayed over the fuels raster data layer or the original 
Landsat TM imagery.  At the completion of the simulation, raster data layers 
are produced providing the flamelength, fireline intensity, time of arrival, 
heat per unit area, and rate of spread of the fire for every pixel within the 
burned perimeter.  Figures 6 and 7 present example output files from a 
FIRE!  simulation.
Figure #6 Figure #7

While the results of FIRE!  are, of course, only as good as the information 
and assumptions entered into each scenario.  FIRE! is the first model that 
integrates advanced wave-based fire simulation methods with a widely 
utilized GIS platform in an easy to use, fully graphical environment.  Some 
potential enhancements to the model include:  improved handling of torching 
and spotting, with predictive techniques for simulating spot fires; real-time 
updates of developing weather and wind patterns recorded in the field 
during an actual burn; and interactive simulation of containment efforts by 
allowing the user to create firelines and backfires during a burn.

One possible future application of FIRE! is integrating change detection 
analysis using digital satellite imagery with fire fuels mapping and forest fire 
behavior modeling.  For instance, a fire fuel model classification can be 
developed from Landsat TM imagery for vast forested areas simultaneously.  
Then, using change detection analysis techniques, regions of bug killed 
forests may be identified and mapped again using Landsat TM imagery.  By 
comparing the original fuels classification with the mapped areas of change 
due to bug kill, updating of the fuels classification may be accomplished.  
With the pre- and post-bug kill data sets, fire behavior analysis can be 
completed using FIRE! for both fuel type scenarios.  This type of analysis 
may be extremely beneficial for evaluating the potential effects of forest 
management activities related to forest pest management to potential forest 
fire behavior.  Such applications of FIRE! will allow the economic costs 
and benefits of resource management decisions to be considered along with 
ignition risk, and fire effects allowing for an informed, pro-active fire 
management strategy.


Anderson, D.G., E.A. Catchpole, N.J. DeMestre, and T. Parkes.  1982.  
Modeling the Spread of Grass Fires.  J. Austral. Math Soc. (Ser.B) 23:451-

Anderson, H.E.  1982.  Aids to Determining Fuel Models for Estimating 
Fire Behavior.  USDA Forest Service General Technical Report INT-122.

Andrews, Patricia L.  1986.  BEHAVE:  Fire Behavior Prediction and Fuel 
Modeling System-Burn Subsystem, Part 1.  USDA Forest Service General 
Technical Report INT-194.

Congalton, R.G., Green, K., and Teply, J.  1993.  "Mapping Old Growth 
Forests on National Forest and Park Lands in the Pacific Northwest from 
Remotely Sensed Data".  Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote 
Sensing, Vol. 59, No. 4, April 1993, pp. 529-535.

Finney, M.A.  1993.  Modeling the Spread and Behavior of Prescribed 
Natural Fires.  In proceedings of the 12th Conference on Fire and Forest 
Meteorology.  October 26-28, 1993, Jekyll Island, Georgia.

Finney, M.A.  1995.  FARSITE. Fire Area Simulator.  User's Guide and 
Technical Documentation. Version 1.0.  Systems for Environmental 

French, I.A..  1992.  Visualization Techniques for the Computer Simulation 
of Brushfires in Two dimensions.  M.S. Thesis, University of New South 
Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy, 140 pgs.

Richards, G.D.  1990.  An Elliptical Growth Model of Forest Fire Fronts 
and its Numerical Solution.  International Journal of Numerical Meth. 
Engineering.  30:1163-1179.

Authors: David Weinstein
Kass Green
Pacific Meridian Resources
5915 Hollis Street, Building B
Emeryville, CA 94608
Tel: (510) 654-6980 Fax: (510) 654-5774
E-mail: pmr@crl.com

Jeff Campbell
Pacific Meridian Resources
421 S.W. 6th Avenue, Suite 850
Portland, OR 97204
Tel: (503) 228-8708 Fax: (503) 228-8751
E-mail: pmrp@teleport.com

Mark Finney
Systems for Environmental Management
PO Box 8868
Missoula, MT 59807
Tel: (406) 329-4837 Fax: (406) 329-4877