Bart Guetti

The Use of Digital Orthophotography in a Law Enforcement Application

PlanGraphics has assisted the Chester County Department of Computing and Information Services (CHESCO DCIS) develop a law enforcement application of the ArcInfo software. Using the Arc Marco Language 9AML) a query, analysis and and display application has been developed that allows law enforcement personnel to integrate information on outstanding arrest warrants with other geographic information. This application is being utilized for the geographic sorting and selecting of warrants and planning of sweeps to arrest know criminals. The use of GIS to process the warrants information allows their sorting on a geographic basis as opposed to the previous method of dealing with warrants sorted on a jurisdictional basis, i.e. local court. This has resulted in a significant saving of time in serving the warrants. Conducting area sweeps has also been assisted by GIS and its geographic sorting, and data integration capabilities. Street locations combined with address information has allowed the rapid mapping of warrant locations through the process of geocoding. Also the ability to display these streets and warrants superimposed on digital orthophotos utilizing the IMAGE INTEGRATOR enables law enforcement personnel to quickly identify impediments to visiting and apprehending known offenders as well as aiding in the placement of personnel in key positions in the sweep area. The entire application is menu driven, allowing for the selection of warrants on both attribute and spatial characteristics, and the production of maps and reports by personnel with a minimal knowledge of GIS and minimal amount of keyboard interaction. This presentation will discuss the steps involved in developing the application and data base.

Bart Guetti
PlanGraphics, Inc.
1300 Spring St., Suite 306
Silver Spring, MD
Telephone: 301-588-8535
Fax: 301-588-5979