/* Purpose:
/*  Highlight areas that need to be edited.
/*  Allow for interactive work
/* Author:
/*  Rich Winterfield (wtf) and Bill Hargrove (hnw)
/* History:
/*   6Dec94 wtf  original coding
/*  14Dec94 hnw  changes for ease of use and logic
/* Restrictions:
/*  This MUST BE run from ArcEdit.
/* Calls:
/*  billap /* which draws features using
/*        arcplot commands
/*      START AML
ec tenthsfinal
ef label /* ef poly would require constant rebuilding.
ap billap
&sv qdone = .false.
&do &until %qdone%
  sel for rivmil = 888  /* This code identifies areas 
    /* that are not intersected by the river centerline.
  draw  /* The draw command will employ the billap aml first.
  sel one  /* The user is now interacting with the AML.  The
    /* user selects the mother label value to obtain the river mile
    /* which will then be assigned to the daughters later.
  &sv s1 = [show select 1]
  &sv rm = [show label %s1% item rivmil]
  sel box /* The user interactively selects the daughters to
    /* be recalculated.
  calc rivmil = %rm%  /* The daughters are given the river mile
    /* value of the mother.
  &sv choice = [getchoice YES NO -prompt 'Done?']
  &if %choice% = YES &then &sv qdone = .true.