Farhad Vazirzadeh, Ali Diba, Michael Inada, Matthew Zadar

A Groundwater Extraction Management System Using ArcInfo

Overextraction from the groundwater basin has created subsidence, saltwater intrusion, and loss of water resources in the Salinas Valley groundwater basin in Monterey County, California. Monterey County Water Resources Agency (MCWRA) has developed a system for tracking groundwater extraction facilities and their associated water uses in critical areas of the Valley. This system will be used as a means of tracking the groundwater extraction and provide the necessary data for developing management plans such as water conservation and new facilities design. Groundwater extraction data was maintained spatially using ArcInfo while specific facility data was maintained in a relational database. A field survey was conducted to locate each facility using a global positioning system for input into the GIS. A set of GIS tools were developed for automating the maintenance of the facility data in the database. This paper describes the project objectives, design and development process, and the tools developed to automate the maintenance of the data.

Farhad Vazirzadeh
Diba Consulting Software Engineers
Monterey County Water Resources Agency
30 Corporate Park, Suite 314
Irvine, CA 92714
Telephone: 714-833-2570
Fax: 714-833-0776

Ali Diba

Michael Inada

Matthew Zadar