Ming-Chin Jeng,

Integrated Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Planning Using Geographic Information Systems

Water demand and wastewater flow forecasting are the critical components in every water supply planning and management study. The next step is the resource allocation to meet the demand and to process the wastewater. An integrated model has been developed to forecast water demand and wastewater flows and to evaluate the feasibility of the water supply and the wastewater disposal plans. The model uses the initial and the ultimate land use together with the associated unit factors to estimate the demand. Based on the demand generation, an efficient resource allocation model has been developed to allocate water demand and wastewater to their ultimate water suppliers and ultimate wastewater collectors based on plans specified by the planner. These plans and agency boundaries were processed and managed by ArcInfo.

Ming-Chin Jeng
Diba Consulting Software Engineers
30 Corporate Park, Suite 314
Irvine, CA 92714
Telephone: 714-833-2570
Fax: 714-833-0776