James Kuiper, Andy Ayers, Greg Becker, Bob Johnson, John Lewis

Integrating ArcInfo and 3-D Visualization Tools to Support Hazardous Waste Site Remediation

In many GIS installations, users of ArcInfo have a variety of other software products that provide capabilities unique to their needs. Integrating these complementary tools enhances the capabilities of both systems and allows the GIS professional to more effectively concentrate on analysis. This paper describes a project to integrate ArcInfo and SiteView. SiteView was developed by ConSolve, Inc. and is an object oriented 3-D visualization system. It is used primarily by scientists and environmental engineers for sub-surface modeling and hazardous waste site characterization. Integration provides benefits in both systems. SiteView provides true 3-D analysis and visualization capabilities, while ArcInfo provides a wider variety of data format and GIS analysis options, as well as greater access to existing environmental data. The interface software was written using ArcInfo Software Development Libraries (Arc/SDL), and the C version of the Galaxy Application Environment.

James Kuiper
Argonne National Laboratory
Environmental Assessment Division
Building 900-C42
9700 South Cass Ave.
Argonne, IL 60439-4832
Telephone: 708-252-6206
Fax: 708-252-6413
Email: kuiper@spatial.ead.anl.gov

Andy Ayers

Greg Becker

Bob Johnson

John Lewis