Marcy Berbrick, Rich White

Automated Creation of Transport Paths (Centerlines) for Hydrography Data

A data layer representing a complete hydrologic network, including transport arcs through wetlands, lakes, ponds, and double-line stream features, is a necessary component of many hydrologic applications. This paper describes an automated, AML-based process for creating transport paths. This process uses arc/node/polygon topology to select the start points for each path, GRID Euclidean distance and cost-surface functions to generate the paths, and ARCEDIT to add the transport arcs back to the original hydrography coverage(s).

Marcy Berbrick
ROW Sciences/EPA Region 1
JFK Federal Building, PIM-91
Boston, MA 02203
Telephone: 617-565-2098
Fax: 617-565-3736

Rich White