Kirsty Burt, Ann Boyd



A GIS solution to the management and research of the 32,000 plans in the City of Seattle’s Vault has been created. First, a complete database of plan information was developed, supported by a robust query system that allows searches by plan numbers, date, plan name, and other identifiers. This automated maintenance and query system is now fully operational. In the second phase, a geographic network was created to support storage of plan locations. Each plan in the database is being assigned to the correct block face. Address matching is used, in combination with the existing query system, to narrow down the plan search. The entire system is used via a set of simple menus that were created for staff and the public.

This paper and application spotlight presentation will highlight the design and functions of this system, as well as some of the organizational challenges encountered in bringing new tools to a well established function at the City.


The City of Seattle's Vault contains over 32,000 plans, a complete record of as-builts dating back to the 19th century. A tour of the vault conjures up visions of Victorian scribes working on linen. The handwriting on the older plans looks more like fine calligraphy than everyday handwriting. The plans contain current and historical information on water, sewer, sidewalks, paving, lighting and other plan data. The plans are used extensively by City staff and the public. Until now, the search for plans was conducted using a set of paper maps containing the plan numbers. The paper system was extremely cumbersome, since the extent of plans overlaps in many areas. The system had become increasingly worse over time with the added volume of plans. Technicians at the Vault counter conduct research for City staff and members of the public. The customers are looking for plan information that pertains to the geographic area in which they are working. For example, a developer looks for the plans within several square blocks of a new development. City engineers need the plans along a street where they are putting in a new sewer line. A citizen wants to see the paving and sidewalk plans along his block. Support technicians were having trouble finding the correct plans for a customer and also in knowing whether or not they had pulled all the relevant plans. A system was needed that would support the daily work of the technicians at the Vault counter. A GIS solution was chosen because of the strong geographic nature of the queries. It was determined quickly that the first piece of information needed to conduct plan research was "What is your address?" The problems with the research and management of plans in the Vault had been recognized over time. Several failed attempts had been made to solve the problems with automation. A partial GIS design had even been tried, in which all the plans were inventoried in an INFO database. This history provided a political challenge for the development process in this project. It also contributed to the success of the design because the design process was approached so carefully and completely.


Our first step in the design of the Vault Plan Index (VPI) was to clarify the goals of the project. These simple goals became the foundation for designing the new system.
  1. Effectively store and maintain information and location for all plans in the Vault.
  2. Provide tools for City staff to maintain plan information as easily as possible.
  3. Allow for easy, accurate, and flexible research of plans for any area in the City, using multiple criteria.
  4. Reduce staff time taken in plan research.
  5. Make VPI information available to Vault customers, including other City staff and the Public.
The design of the system was extremely important, since the users of the system were not GIS specialists and the past attempts to solve the problems had failed. Involvement of the technical staff in the design component was a top priority. Our approach was an attempt to balance the complexity and volume of the Vault information with the need for reasonable storage, maintenance and query. We spent time with the Vault staff and management in order understand what worked in the existing paper systems and what did not. We made use of existing City GIS resources, such as the Street Network Database (SND) and address matching routines, wherever possible. Initially, we looked at two possibilities for data storage: Storing the plans in the GIS with their true extent or storing the plans by block and intersection. We selected the approach that stores plans at the block level on a single, specialized coverage that is initially based on SND. There were several important advantages to this approach.
  1. Ability to use address matching to locate the plans. Since the address ranges are not actual, an address can only be located to the block level.
  2. Guaranteed coverage - plans will not be missed for any location.
  3. Complete research power. The system will tie directly to the existing INFO file of all plans. Research can be conducted by plan types, dates, names, as well as location.
  4. Ease of use and readability. The approach will be similar to the Sewer and Drainage maps graphically, making use of a reference numbering system. This makes the map much less cluttered. Paper maps could also be created, if needed. These maps would be much more readable than the existing VPI maps.
  5. Expandability - Future technology advances could allow the system to be more detailed. For example, scanned images might be added someday to allow a customer to browse through plans.
  6. Speed of conversion and ease of maintenance - this approach was much simpler and could be taken on by staff with little training.
Once the database design was established, the functions and menu designs were created. Each component was designed to work with the day to day needs of the technical staff. The staff tested each menu and made suggestions for corrections. A high proportion of hours on the project was set aside for modifications, to ensure that the user needs were met.


The Vault Plan Index interface provides for three main activities: data entry and maintenance, query, and public access. All are completely menu driven and designed for the less experienced ArcInfo user.

Database Overview

The VPI database is based on the integration of several, large tabular files detailing construction plans and a street network georeferencing the plans. The tables, stored in INFO, contain over 30,000 records of the plans stewarded by the Vault. Information such as construction type, work order numbers, field book numbers, and permitting and building dates have been transferred from a very old and cumbersome book to the INFO tables. The street network contains coding uniquely identifying each arc and node in the city. These codes, or plan reference numbers, are the combination of section-township-range plus an integer unique within the section. A process is underway to assign each of the plans the plan reference numbers associated with the plan extent. Once completed, users will be able to generate a list of plans relevant to their needs by entering an address in addition to searching for values in the tabular database.

Data Entry and Maintenance

Running the VPI interface initiates the main Vault Plan Index menu. This menu displays anything and everything a user might want to know about any plans in the Vault. This menu also serves as the main data entry engine. Using a series of choice widgets and input fields the data entry person can record information for new plans checked into the Vault. Error prevention needs dictated an unusually helpful screen with popup lists, help text, and aggressive error checking routines. Data entry is actually conducted in user workspaces, allowing multiple, simultaneous data entry sessions. Then, an update routine adds the new records to the master files. An example of the VPI menu is seen in the next figure. Sample VPI Menu From the Vault Plan Index menu, the user has the option to associate the plan he or she has just entered with its geographic location. Pressing the [Add Graphics] button brings up the Plan Editor interface. The user may now window in manually or by entering a street address on the geographic area covered by the plan. After selecting street arcs and intersections and choosing the type or types of construction involved, the information is posted to a cross-reference file. This cross-reference file, containing only the plan number, the construction type, and the plan reference number for the arc or node selected, provides the capability of the database to have both a single street with many plans and a single plan with many streets. The important aspect of this menu is that it addresses the situation where, although a plan covers many blocks, the construction impacts vary for different blocks. So, for example, the user can assign water and sewer construction to a few streets, and paving and sidewalks to several others. Once again, error checking and prevention are addressed at every point of the process. This application, however, is single user and changes are immediately reflected in the database. It is important to note that although the logical data entry process in terms of new plans may be from the VPI menu to the Plan Editor, this is in no way the rule. The Plan Editor can be, and is being, run by itself to georeference plans already in the tabular database. Additionally, the user can start with the Plan Editor, assign the street and intersection reference numbers, and then press the [Add VPI Info] button to pull up the VPI menu and enter information there. Connectivity is handled by passing the current plan number from menu to menu.


Querying the Vault database is done using the Vault Plan Index menu, the same menu used for data entry. Basically, there are three types of query available: tabular, geographic by address, and geographic by quarter section. The Query VPI menu allows the user to created rather complicated logical expressions without knowing the first thing about "XOR" and "not contains". Commonly queried database items such as construction type, plan name, and construction dates can be combined in much the same manner persons using the vault describe them. A customer wanting to know what kind of paving and sidewalk activity has transpired on Alaskan Way in the last 15 years can easily be served using this menu. Check boxes and input field restrictions prevent long, frustrating queries. An example of the query menu is seen in the next figure. Sample Query Menu The Find Address Interface also allows the user to search for certain plan types built during a certain time period. Here, however, the customer's address or street intersection can be used to find the plans rather than relying on the plan name for location information. With the Query VPI menu, for instance, all plans with Alaskan Way in their recorded name will be located, but with the Find Address capability, all plans within a 500 foot radius of Alaskan and 1st are what he/she gets. This more robust functionality is based on the work done using the Plan Editor, and as such, is not complete at this time. Until all plan extents are entered graphically, only a subset of the actual plans at that location may be found. Other useful information obtained from the Find Address menu include the Quarter Section number, the City of Seattle's Central Library Database tile number, and the Vault Plan Index page number which is an index to the historic method of data storage, a 2’X 3’ map book with plan numbers and extents scribbled in manually. An example of the Find Address capability is shown in the following figure. Sample Find Address Menu Both of these query menus interface with the Vault Plan Index menu. This means that plans selected with Query VPI or Find Address are available for viewing and editing. The user can thus scroll through all of the selected plans and access additional information not shown using the [List] buttons on the either query menu. The final query capability provided for is a rather simple search for a quarter section number entered by the user. The VPI page index number and the CLDB tile number are output for any input quarter section. This helps the Vault staff in its efficiency at converting from an old to a new system and in locating standard maps generated by the City by quarter section.

Public Access

Although public access has been the driving force for the VPI interface, public access may still be a twinkle in the City's eye. This interface does contain a prototype public access menu, basically an expanded version of the Find Address menu developed for in-house use. This Find Address menu, however, attempts to compensate the user's lack of familiarity with the system with detailed, step-by-step instructions for finding one’s address. Everything from the importance of cursor placement on the menu to quitting the popup list of plans found is covered. Use of this menu is limited mainly by hardware constraints. Future enhancements will surely make public access a reality and a wonderful thing, but hardware and software changes will likely be needed.


A number of issues arose as the system implementation phase for VPI was entered. The following issues and recommendations were provided to the City.
  1. Staffing is a major issue. Once the plans are entered, staff time will be saved. However, for the conversion of data, additional staff are required. The Vault staff have good knowledge of the plans. No one else can provide that. Help is needed on the technical side, for data entry into the system. Dedicated temporary staff could meet that need.
  2. Equipment upgrades would speed up the conversion and make the tasks less tedious. Existing machines are not sufficient.
  3. A proper work area, where plans can be laid out and a workstation is available, is needed. A quiet area, without the interruptions of the counter, would be preferable.
  4. Some plans, such as fire boat plans, have no geographic location. These should be kept in the database and searched for by plan name or other means.
  5. Other plans are located at sites that no longer exist. We recommend that they be located as close to the original site as possible. The plan name will keep the record of the original location name.
This list highlights one of the key factors in the development of any GIS application. The conditions for the implementation are rarely ideal. The constraints and solutions must be understood by staff and project managers.


As with any project, completion always ignites the imagination of other exciting things that could be done with today's technology. For the Vault Plan Index, of course, the primary concern is still completion: completion, that is, of the geographic data entry of the 30,000 plus plans already in the tabular database. Estimated data entry time is 2 years. Making the current editor multi-user would certainly help this effort. The system is quite useable in the meantime, though. People are generally more concerned with the paving done 5 years ago than some wood planking effort of the late 1800s. And many areas of the city have very few plans. Thus, with some strategic data entry, most of the Vault's customers could likely be served within a respectable time. The fun stuff can then begin. Public access is certainly a priority. Porting some variation of the system to a PC version of ArcView seems the logical way to go. The casual customer off the street is not usually in a position to pick up the three-button mouse and start clicking away on an ArcPlot menu. ArcView, however, may likely be friendly enough and visually pleasing enough to make most customers' visit to the Vault enjoyable and productive, not to mention the Vault staff's job easier. Scanning is now seen as the final frontier. Oh, to pull up a digital image of a plan and say "yes, that's the one" or "nope, next". Scanning 30,000 plans will not be quick and probably not easy. But those old, ten foot long rolls of sidewalking plans from the turn of the century may live eons after the original has disintegrated and blown away. But seriously, the Vault is huge. The staff spends countless hours searching for and unraveling plans looking for the right ones. Once digital, the user can see it all on screen first and maybe that will be enough.

Kirsty Burt
9950 Lake Washington Blvd. NE, Suite #3
Bellevue, WA 98004
Telephone: (206)454-6756
Fax: (206)454-6287

Ann Boyd
Gambrell Urban
720 3rd Ave.
Suite 2015
Seattle, WA 98104
Telephone: (206)467-6900
Fax: (206)467-0456