Bart Guetti

Establishing a Methodology for Applications Development

The development of large and complex applications utilizing ArcInfo can be simplified by following a few simple guidelines. By dividing the process into the major steps of analysis, definition, design, development, and implementation, the developer can expedite the process and reduce the amount of time required to bring an application on-line. Following a logical series of steps, the developer can gather and synthesize the information necessary to specifically document the requirements of the application and the associated database, thereby reducing the chances of creating an application that fails to address the requirements of the user. Several crucial points exist in this process. They include enlightening the user about the principles and advantages of spatial analysis, accurately estimating the magnitude of the effort involved in developing the application without conducting a full analysis, finding and integrating existing application components into the new one and converting vague user requirements into specific code. "Fast prototyping," or the development of a rough example of the application, is a useful development tool that gives the user a hands-on interim product to react to and for the developer to modify. This paper will present a methodology being developed by PlanGraphics to assist them in developing applications for users and training new developers.

Bart Guetti
PlanGraphics, Inc.
1300 Spring St., Suite 306
Silver Spring, MD
Telephone: 301-588-8535
Fax: 301-588-5979