A.L. Guber, R.G. Best, T.A. Chatfield, K.A. Miller



Comprehensive and timely radiological, cultural, and environmental data are required in order to make informed decisions during a radiological emergency. One of the responsibilities of the Department of Energy (DOE) Nevada Operations Office, under the Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan and the Aerial Measuring System program, is the acquisition and analysis of these data for Federal Radiologic Monitoring and Assessment Center operations. Much of the data are in the form of maps, tabular summaries, and vertical imagery. During an emergency, it is critical that these data be rapidly compiled into a common format. This data management task is large and complex and is ideally suited for automated processing using Geographic Information System (GIS) tools. DOE GIS operators use the Field Analysis System for Emergency Response to provide a state-of-the-art integration of commercially available hardware and software for rapid response to radiological emergencies. The DOE team uses ArcInfo to effectively drive the broad spectrum of GIS functions from data input and archiving, data analysis and query, to application integration and map production.


The Federal Radiologic Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC) is comprised of scientists and emergency planners from the Department of Energy, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Department of Agriculture, and the Center for Disease Control. These agencies collaborate to monitor and assess the contamination resulting from a release of radioactive material into the atmosphere. FRMAC officials work closely with state organizations to provide timely recommendations to the state(s). Within the FRMAC, there is a continuing effort to improve the data management and communication process. Several years ago, DOE Geographic Information System (GIS) personnel were tasked to evaluate the implementation of mapping technologies for FRMAC operations. The result of this evaluation was the recent addition of the Field Analysis System for Emergency Response (FASER) to the essential FRMAC function. The FASER system facilitates the sharing of data with all state and federal agencies which may be involved. It is an integrated system with compatible digital image processing (ERDAS, Inc. 1994) and GIS (Esri 1992) software. ArcInfo provides an integrated platform for the input, archival, query, and analysis of spatially referenced GIS data. The integration of digital image processing capabilities with ArcInfo permits digital map products to be analyzed, registered, and overlaid onto satellite and aerial imagery. The system being developed integrates all elements of emergency planning, from the initial protective actions based on models through the emergency monitoring phase, finally ending with the complex reentry and recovery phase.


Data and information are not synonymous. By definition data is "...a series of observations, measurements or facts." Information implies that knowledge is obtained from the instruction, investigation or study of data. A GIS is a multi-functional analytical tool that can be used to compile available data and derive information. A GIS is a computerized database management system for the capture, storage, retrieval, analysis, and display of spatial (i.e., locationally defined) data. Maps are the most common type of spatial data, but any type of data that can be referenced by an x-y location or geographic coordinate can be used in a GIS. Vertical aerial photos and electro-optical images can also be georeferenced and used as base maps. Data are often available from different sources, at different scales, and in different projections. In a radiological emergency, it is critical that data of all types be rapidly compiled into a common format in order to make accurate observations and informed decisions.

To support FRMAC deployments and field exercises, geographic databases consisting of coregistered "layers" of cultural, radiological, aerial photographic, satellite imagery, and environmental data are being compiled for the areas around commercial nuclear power plants and DOE facilities. Data were encoded into workstation ArcInfo from a variety of sources. Much of the base map information was derived from Geographic Data Technologies, Inc. Dynamap 2000 files. These files are based on the 1992 TIGER Line files and are updated on a continual basis. The Dynamap 2000 files are the most up-to-date source of road information available for the United States. Other base map data, mostly point data, were derived from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Geographic Names Information System files. These files contain label points for all annotation on 1:24,000 Scale USGS maps. The position, feature name, and feature type are included in the GNIS files. Most of the remaining basemap data were collated from NRC and DOE documents regarding radiological emergency response plans. Image data are being added to the data sets as funding is available. Digital air photos exist for all DOE and NRC facilities. Satellite data are currently in place for all DOE facilities, but for only a few NRC sites. The library of typical basemap layers includes the following data:

	Data Layer Theme				Source

 Administrative Boundaries				

State Boundaries				GDT Counties File

County and/or Township Boundaries		GDT Counties File

Emergency Planning Zones (EPZ)			NRC Regulations

Protective Action Sectors (PAS)			NRC Site Plans


Roads						GDT Dynamap 2000

Railroads					GDT Dynamap 2000

Utility Corridors				GDT Dynamap 2000

Evacuation Routes				NRC Site Plans

 Surface Hydrology				GDT Dynamap 2000

 Landcover					Landsat Satellite

 Emergency Response and Public Facilities

Emergency Operations Centers (EOC)		NRC and DOE Files

Decontamination Centers				NRC and DOE Files 

Shelters and Reception Centers			NRC and DOE Files

TLD Locations					NRC Site Plans

Schools						GNIS Files

Police and Fire Stations			GNIS Files

Hospitals					GNIS Files

Nursing Homes					GNIS Files

State Institutions				GNIS Files

Major Industries				GNIS Files, State

Recreation Areas				GNIS Files, GDT

 Radiation Fallout Patterns

Exposure Rate					AMS / FRMAC 

First-Year Dose					AMS / FRMAC

Ingestion Pathways				FRMAC Scientists

Baseline Radiation				Historical AMS 

 Dispersion Model Outputs




Satellite Images				EOSAT, SPOT

Aerial Photographs				DOE, EG&G Surveys

Scanned USGS Maps				LandInfo

The variety of source materials (including maps, tabular summaries, and satellite imagery) are collected from federal, state, and commercial sources. Landcover is derived from an unsupervised spectral clustering and maximum likelihood classification of Landsat satellite Thematic Mapper data. This layer is maintained as a raster image layer and converted to a system-compatible vector layer when necessary for overlay analysis. Radiation data can be entered from hand-drawn maps or from gamma data acquired with the Aerial Measurement System (AMS) operated by EG&G Energy Measurements, Inc. in a "generate" format that can be entered directly into the GIS. Most of the remaining data layers are manually automated from existing maps and reports. All data are co-registered and transformed into a common geographic coordinate system. All data for the United States are currently maintained in Albers polyconic projection. If necessary, data are projected to Universe Transverse Mercater or geographic latitude-longitude coordinates. Creation of this comprehensive data base is very labor intensive. It is recommended that base layers be preprocessed for quick implementation during an emergency. If so, all efforts can be concentrated on the automation and processing of scenario-dependant data once a situation arises.

To demonstrate the potential of GIS for emergency response, the system has been utilized in interagency FRMAC exercises. An interactive GIS system has been deployed and used to analyze the available spatial data to help determine the impact of a hypothetical radiological release and to develop mitigation plans. For this application, both hard-copy and real-time spatial displays were generated with ArcInfo. Composite maps with different sizes, scales, and themes were produced to support the exercises. Incident status maps are generated on a D-size plotter about once an hour. Quick look hard-copies of monitor displays are produced on a thermal wax printer as required. High resolution image data can be captured and printed at high quality using a dye-sublimation printer. Other custom map products are produced on an as- needed basis using the most appropriate printing device. The number of possible map combinations that can be generated during an emergency response is limited only by the available data.


The Field Analysis System for Emergency Response (FASER) is a modular system designed to be deployed and used in direct support of emergency response situations. The modular nature of the system allows for maximum flexibility in that the system can be field configured to fit the situation encountered. This system is based on RISC-based SUN workstations.

The system is configured with commercially available off-the- shelf hardware and software components. This facilitates the sharing of much of the data with all state and federal agencies which may be involved. It is an integrated system with compatible digital image processing (ERDAS, Inc. 1994) and GIS (Esri 1992) software. All hardware is mounted in shipping containers designed for shipment on overland carriers or commercial airlines.

Modularity is a major consideration. This provides redundancy in the field, particularly if more than one system is deployed. It also allows for systems to be customized easily for specific tasks, simply by connecting disk drives with desired software and ample free disk space, along with the desired peripherals. To be most effectively modular, "live insertion" should be supported as fully as possible. "Live insertion" refers to the ability to insert and remove individual boards and disk drives within a system without powering the system down, eliminating lengthy reconfiguration delays associated with switching the system off. This capability is also known as "hot swapping" or "hot plugging."

The FASER system (see attached diagram) will include a "server" workstation unit and several networkable stand-alone workstations. The "server" workstation will be similar to the individual workstations, different only because it will be configured with considerably more storage capacity and a range of peripherals. The server will not distribute software code; it will merely provide an on-line data library and input/output access to various media. It will also function as a workstation.

Each stand-alone workstation in the FASER system (which includes the "server") will include the following minimum features:

The "server" workstation includes all the functionality of the individual workstations plus several gigabytes of additional disk space. The data storage media are fully modular, employing 3.5" form factor removable SCSI devices. The system accommodates all the common media including rewritable optical drives; CD-ROM; 8mm, 4mm, .025-inch tape drives; and an erasable magneto-optical disk jukebox. The server includes a networking/communications module that integrates a bridge, a 10baseT network hub, and a patch panel to manually connect devices to perform specific communications tasks. The workstations will be compatible with existing and planned video routing schemes that will be used to allow workstation output to be displayed on the workstation monitor and a on separate, larger display simultaneously. A D-size electrostatic plotter and a dye sublimation printer are included for map and image output, respectively. A Postscript laser printer is used for ASCII text file printing and can be used to produce hard copy of vector data in black and white.

Complex general purpose GISs have a reputation for being difficult to use and for requiring experienced, well-trained operators. One of the goals of this system is to provide a simplified user interface for implementing routine processes. With an AML front end, the user has the option of selecting any site and overlaying any combination of the available data layers. The user selects line widths, shade patterns, and colors for display. The interface also provides utilities for the integration of digital images into the GIS displays. Routine applications like the importation of field team data points and AMS contour data can be run by selecting the appropriate icon in the menu. Real-time Global Positioning System data can be entered directly into the database through the menu system. Map products are generated automatically with scale bar, north arrow, and map collar information based on data drawn to the computer terminal screen (map features and map extent). The user needs only a short introduction to the interface structure and data layers to operate the "menuized" ArcInfo system. The functionality of the interface can be customized to meet additional requirements.


The FASER GIS provides a robust system for the analysis of spatial data for radiological emergency response. Emergency situations require rapid processing of base map data to most effectively provide support for emergency response officials. Whenever possible, these layers should be preprocessed for quick implementation during the initial response phase. Scenario-dependant information and field measurements can be entered into the GIS as data become available from the field. Developing baseline GIS data sets for all nuclear facilities offers a significant incentive for all FRMAC organizations to contribute to and utilize this powerful data management tool.

As more information is entered into the GIS database, the power of the system for rapid response and as a decision-making tool is systematically enhanced. The FASER system being developed by EG&G Energy Measurements, Inc. for the Department of Energy integrates state-of-the-art hardware components with ArcInfo to create a unique system for processing the diverse range of data that may be employed during an emergency response. In addition to its design for rapid field deployment and operation, the FASER uniquely integrates all elements of emergency planning, from the initial protective actions based on models through the emergency monitoring phase, finally ending with the complex reentry and recovery phase.


1. Environmental Systems Research Institute. 1992. ArcInfo, ARCEDIT, ARC/PLOT, GRID, AML, INFO User's Manuals. 380 New York Street, Redlands, California.

2. ERDAS, Inc. 1994. ERDAS FIELD GUIDE, IMAGINE VISTA and PRODUCTION Tour Guides. 2801 Buford Highway, Suite 300, Atlanta, Georgia.

Prepared for the Department of Energy under Contract No. DE- AC08-93NV11265.

By acceptance of this article, the publisher and/or recipient acknowledges the U.S. Government's right to retain a nonexclusive, royalty free license in and to any copyright covering the article.

Albert L. Guber
Scientist, EG&G Energy Measurements, Inc.
Remote Sensing Laboratory
P.O. Box 1912, M/S RSL-23
Las Vegas, NV 89125
Telephone: (702) 295-8622
FAX: (702) 295-8040