Tim Haithcoat, Eric Compas

Characterizing Error in a Presettlement Vegetation Map

General Land Office survey notes were used to reconstruct the presettlement vegetation of a portion of the Current River watershed in the Missouri Ozarks. The surveys for the area were conducted during three distinct time periods (1815, 1821, and 1840) and represent only one point in time of this area's vegetational history. Land survey data were divided into point and line vegetation information. This paper will focus on the methods used within ArcInfo to characterize the error of the point data features as they relate to each other, the survey itself, and the landscape on which they reside.

Tim Haithcoat
Geographic Resources Center - UMC
18 Stewart Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
Telephone: 314-882-2324
Fax: 314-884-4239
Email: grctlh@missou1.missouri.edu

Eric Compas