Mounir Yehia, George Yared, Michel Bridi

Geographic Information Systems: The Actuators of Information Technology in Power Utilities

Information processing paradigms and methods for electrical power systems are an important component of an advanced modern electrical power system. Power analysis models and algorithms such as Load Flow, Fault Analysis, and Reactive Power Compensation become major elements for the operation and planning of large electrical power systems. A research project had been started a year ago to provide the Lebanese electrical power system, which is in a recovery/expansion phase after an infrastructure-devastating war that lasted 17 years, with this type of information processing. Considering the fact that existing power analysis software packages are relatively weak or totally unfit in terms of advanced geographical and classical data analysis, user interfaces, and expandability, a GIS-Power Analysis integrated system was developed, and presented and published in the Esri 1994 User Conference. The conceptual design development of integrating a power systems analysis software (developed at the American University of Beirut) with PC ARC/INFO led to an application software described in this paper. The open architecture of the resulting software allowed it to be customized to the end user (the Lebanese electricity company). The new software package and the implementation methodology were built to support the day-to-day operation, control, and planning at the Lebanese electricity company. The conceptual software and database design, the product, and the features and merits of the software are described in detail and sample applications are demonstrated.


The Lebanese electrical utility is currently recovering of a devastating 

nation-wide armed conflict that heavily affected the Lebanese Electrical 

Power System (LEPS) (Yehia et al 1991).  The currently undertaken 

rehabilitation and expansion project will increase the LEPS generation 

power from 1100 MW to 2000 MW.  This will be achieved through the 

construction of new power plants, the addition of 300 km of transmission 

lines and 10 high voltage substations.  The system will also be operating as 

an interconnected transmission system.  This expansion program of system 

physical components (power plants, transmission lines, substations) should 

be accomplished with a state of the art information technology for its 

operation and control.  This situation inspired the development of a system 

integrating power analysis software within GIS technology.  Such a system 

is highly recommended in the absence of a SCADA system (a SCADA 

system won't be available at the Lebanese utility before five years).

In the following we will describe the conceptual design of the integrated 

system.  Next the system capabilities are described, followed by an 

evaluation of its features and merits.  Sample applications of the system are 

also presented.


The details of the conceptual design can be found in a paper entitled "

ing Operation and Control Systems in a Recovering Power Utility" (Yehia 

et al 1994).  The integrated system is the result of coupling a power 

analysis package (PSACP) to a GIS software package (PC ARC/INFO, 

Esri).  The system is a mix of PC ARC/INFO scripts (SML, Esri), 

modified PSACP analysis routines (PASCAL), and C++ file processing 

routines.  The GIS is used as the system engine, the PSACP was broken 

into its analysis constituents and those linked to the GIS engine through 

data transfer routines written in C++.  Different new modules were 

introduced using the GIS that make the system more useful and powerful 

and give a new sense to the technical data produced by the PSACP.  In 

what follows are more highlights of the design.

Reengineering of PSACP

The PSACP is a standalone package.  It has its own graphical and user 

interface and its own data format.  To integrate it with GIS, the PSACP 

was disintegrated into its three analysis components (load flow, fault 

analysis, reactive power compensation) and the graphical and user interface 

was eliminated.  The elimination of the graphical and user interface 

improved the memory performance of the system because it used to 

consume an important part of the available memory (the memory is 

dynamically allocated by the PSACP to store the data relevant to running 

the power flow algorithm).  The result of the disintegration was three 

programs, one for each analysis capability.  These three modules were 

integrated with the graphical interface and data analysis facilities that come 

with GIS (figure 1).  Note that the three modules still need the data in the 

format used by the original PSACP.

Figure 1. Reengineering the PSACP, 

the integrated system.

Figure 1. Reengineering the PSACP, the integrated system.

System Block Diagram

The system block diagram in figure 2 shows the relationships between the 

disintegrated PSACP, the GIS facilities, the common database, and the 

user.  In what follows we describe the components of the system (the 

database, the data transfer routines, and the GIS engine).

Figure 2. System block diagram.

Figure 2. System block diagram.

Database Model for the Integrated System

The integrated system is based on a database model using the GIS format.  

The equivalent of PSACP locational files are called coverages in GIS.  The 

informational text files of PSACP are transformed into DBF database files 

(also GIS format for data files).

Data Communications Protocol

Since the modified PSACP routines still need the information in the original 

PSACP database text format, C++ routines were written that produce 

those files out of the GIS DBF data files.  The DBF format was decoded 

using the proper documentation.  Also, since the modified PSACP routines 

write the output information in the original text format, C++ routines were 

written that produce DBF format files out of those text files.  The C++ 

routines and the modified PSACP routines are called automatically from 

the GIS scripts.

The GIS Engine

The GIS Engine implements the user interface and the graphical interface.  

It is also the front-end development tool for all the system modules 

described in the next part.  The design relies on GIS because typical GIS 

software are an excellent choice for writing system engines that provide 

affordable user-friendliness and powerful analysis and presentation of 



The application is based on different functional modules (figure 3).

Figure 3. The functional modules of the 

integrated system.

Figure 3. The functional modules of the integrated system.

The Network Editor Module

The network editor module is an interactive graphical and topological 

module that allows the user to modify a power system.  Figure 4 shows the 

editor screen with the LEPS loaded.  The following is a classification of the 

editor's features in three categories, display, edit, and save/exit:

Display Features:

Edit Features:

Figure 4. The editor screen showing the 


Figure 4. The editor screen showing the LEPS.

The Power Systems Analysis Module

The facilities of this module are provided by the reengineered PSACP 


The Data Analysis Module

This module implements advanced queries and analysis.  Currently it is 

capable of supporting automatic multiple Power Systems Analysis runs.  

This mode allows the user to specify different scenarios (involving network 

editing and input variable changes) and features and output variables to be 

monitored.  The output is a tabular evaluation of the correlation of the 

input and output variables of the different scenarios.  This analysis 

capability is very useful for the electrical utility.

The Thematic Mapping Module

The thematic mapping module is an interactive graphical output module 

that allows the user to view up to two power systems simultaneously with 

their characteristics.  The following is a classification of this module's 

features in two categories, display and advanced themes:

Display features:

Advanced themes:

The File Management Module

This module contains facilities to delete, rename, or copy available power 


The Miscellaneous Functions Module

This module implements specific functions.  The current version of this 

module has one function that uniformly increases or decreases all the 

Power Loads of a given system by a user specified percentage.


The system has several features and merits.


The GIS capabilities are very useful in terms of providing menu-driven 

interfaces and color-coded graphical results (thematic maps).

Multiple-Scenario Analyses

The system is capable of supporting the simultaneous analysis of different 

scenarios.  This is possible because of the capabilities of the network editor 

which allows the user to modify the power network, because of the power 

analysis module which allows the user to calculate the behavior of the 

power network, and because of the thematic mapper, which allows the user 

to compare two different scenarios by viewing variables of interest 


Open Architecture

The system is designed in such a way that it is easily expandable.  This is 

possible because of the high-level programming capabilities of GIS 

software and because the system relies on a highly modular software 

engineering approach.  The system can be expanded by adding new 

advanced data analysis routines to the data analysis module.  The system 

can also be expanded by adding data analysis queries that involve additional 

data provided about the power networks (as long as these use the same 

feature identification system).


Since the system uses an open architecture, it is flexible enough to be 

customized to specific user applications in the utility.  Two such 

applications are the Planning of the power network, and the Dispatching.  

The current version of the system is oriented towards the planning needs.  

The system however is easily expandable to include an additional interface 

that simulates the daily operations of the Dispatching center of the utility.  

This interface includes interactive graphical facilities that allow the 

dispatching officer to set transformer taps, generation powers, transmission 

line circuit breakers...  The power flow routine is transparently run and the 

results are displayed.  The dispatching officer can reset the variables as 

long as he wishes until he finds a suitable solution.

Data Integration

Because the integrated system relies on GIS as development environment, 

and because the database is in GIS format, the system has readily access to 

any database written in the GIS format being used.  Since ArcInfo is 

being used, any geographical coverages of Lebanon available in 

ArcInfo format can be used by the different system modules for 

querying and advanced analysis.  The same goes for any DBF format data 

file.  Obviously the data identification should be the same between the new 

data tables and coverages and the system data and coverages.  This data 

integration feature extends the use of the results of the power analysis from 

the strict technical field to the managerial field.


Comparative Analysis of Two Scenarios to Solve Voltage Drop Problems 

in the Bekaa.

The LEPS has a voltage drop problem in the Bekaa region.  The thematic 

map in figure 5 shows the under-rated nodes.  These were found using the 

thematic mapper after having run the load flow analysis routine that 

calculated the actual voltages for the current LEPS.

Figure 5. The thematic mapper showing 

the underrated nodes of the LEPS and their voltages.

Figure 5. The thematic mapper showing the underrated nodes of the LEPS 

and their voltages.

In this application we propose to use the integrated system to do a 

comparative analysis of two suggested solutions to the above voltage 

problem.  The first consists of planning a transmission line from the Zouk 

power plant to the Laboue substation (figure 6), which is one of the nodes 

where the voltage is low (Laboue is in the Bekaa region).

Figure 6. Solution #1: Zouk-Laboue 

new transmission line.

Figure 6. Solution #1: Zouk-Laboue new transmission line.

The second consists of adding a generation plant at Laboue (figure 7).  

These two scenarios are actually being considered at the Lebanese 

electrical utility.

Figure 7. Solution #2: Generation 

added at Laboue.

Figure 7. Solution #2: Generation added at Laboue.

Figure 8 shows the node voltages resulting from the first scenario.

Figure 8. Results of first 


Figure 8. Results of first scenario.

Figure 9 shows the node voltages resulting from the second scenario.  Note 

that both scenarios solved the problem (no more underrated nodes).

Figure 9. Results of second 


Figure 9. Results of second scenario.

It remains to compare the voltages and do a feasibility study to decide 

which one is better.  Note that the planner can rerun the scenarios with 

different technical characteristics to determined the minimal physical 

characteristics of the plant or the transmission line that solves the problem.

Contingency Analysis in Power Dispatching.

Some elements of the current LEPS are under maximum technical 

constraints (overloaded transformers, lines...).  Some transformers are 

known to be overloaded for a significant amount of time.  In such a 

situation it is very important to study what happens to the system if an 

element breaks down.  As an application one can study the system with one 

of the transmission lines breaking down then attempt to analyze the effects 

of the accident to determine the regions that are most affected.


The current version of the system is very useful for the planning of the 

LEPS and the long term operational strategies.  Future developments of the 

system (which are easily implementable due to the open architecture of the 

system) will deal with the daily operational decisions (dispatching).  The 

view is to add proper interfaces that allow the user to enter hourly load 

information written on a computer file, to graphically switch circuit 

breakers on and off, producing a tabular output of the status of the 

switches and transmitting those to the substations.  Options for dispatching 

can be planned before hand (daily) based on statistical descriptions of the 

loads for the different times of the day.  Other future developments will 

come up based on the utility's needs for specific queries (within the frame 

of the database design).


M. Yehia and A. Zobian.  "An Improved Algorithm for Fast Decoupled 

Load Flow."  Proceedings of the ISMM international conference on 

computer applications and design simulation and analyses, Orlando, March 


M. Yehia, G. Yared, and M. Bridi.  "
-ing Operation and Control 

Systems in a Recovering Power Utility."  The Proceedings of the 

Fourteenth Annual Esri User Conference, May 1994.

M. Yehia, I. Ghandour, M. Saidy, and V.A. Stroev.  "Reactive Power 

Optimization in Large Scale Power Systems."  Electrical Power & Energy 

Systems Vol. 14 No 4 (August 1992): 276-283.

M. Yehia, M. Saidi, H. Diab, and K. Kabalan.  "The Lebanese Electric 

Power System Operational Problems."  IEEE Power Engineering Review 

(September 1991): 15-16. 

Mounir Yehia, Professor
George Yared, Graduate Student
Michel Bridi, Research Assistant
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
American University of Beirut
P.O. Box 11-0236
Beirut, Lebanon
Fax: (212) 478-1995