Frank Ostyn

The EDRA-fueling GIS applications with the required geographical information

GIS demand high-quality geographic information for accurate decision making and European uniformity for future-proof systems with a smooth path of growth to support company expansion from a local to a European business. The European Digital Road Map Association is now finalizing the European Digital Road Map, a geographic information database which fulfils the need for high-quality information as well as the uniformity requirement. This way, EDRA is strongly encouraging the expansion of GIS applications in Europe.

The leaflet of GIS in Business '94 indicates "you can use GIS to revolutionize the way you do business". Indeed, GIS have great potential in improving the decision-making process for many businesses: GIS users know that a GIS transforms piles of documents and tapes of company data into useful strategic information that is easily accessible through clear graphic presentations.

The improved clarity of the business information leads to faster and more accurate decision making. However, to achieve an accurate GIS that indeed broadens today's horizons, the GIS has to be fuelled with correct and up-to-date geographical information. Highways, streets, railways, rivers and administrative boundaries have to form a dense, up-to-date and correct framework on to which the company information can be hooked. A correct framework enables correct results to be generated by the GIS and hence assures correct decisions to be taken by management.

On the other hand, today's enterprises cannot negate the importance of a European market approach. Even if today's business is only regional, one should always bear in mind that a European scale could be needed in the near future. When using a GIS to improve the decision making process, it is important to be sure that the GIS will be able to grow at the same pace as the company does. Therefore the GIS must use geographical information that allows a smooth path of growth from today's local approach to tomorrow's European market coverage. Only if the geographic information of every region in Europe is defined in a uniform way can this growth path technologically be assured.

Recently, three industry leaders -- Robert Bosch GmbH, Etak Inc. and Tele Atlas BV -- have joined forces in the European Digital Road Map Association (EDRA), a consortium set up to accelerate the completion and market availability of the uniform European digital road map. For several years, specialists at Bosch, Etak and Tele Atlas have been digitizing major regions of Europe.

The result of this important work is a set of high-quality street databases, each of a particular region in Europe. These street databases contain all necessary geographic information useful in a variety of GIS applications. By now defining a common database framework, all members of the EDRA have been able to line up their street databases into the largest uniform European road map available on the market. Moreover, by joining forces all members have gained the required momentum to complete the entire European road map and to guarantee a continuing quality and coverage. In this way, GIS users will be provided with correct geographic information for accurate decisions and with uniform European data to ensure a smooth path of growth to the future.

The EDRA commitment formally specifies a common standard database framework, which is the foundation of the uniform digital road map. By signing this commitment, all partners agreed on the common data format, the geographical coverage, the complete contents and a certification process to guarantee street map quality. Moreover, as an extra guarantee to the customers, the commitment includes severe penalties in case of non-accomplishment.

EDRA is now finalizing road-map coverage to incorporate the entire EC plus many European countries and states of economic value such as Austria, Greece, Liechtenstein, the Scandinavian countries and Switzerland. The centerline street databases (1/10,000 or better) include nearly all streets, rivers, railways and administrative boundaries of all these countries. Additionally, many attributes contain all required administrative data as well as information on traffic, transport and land usage. The EDRA commitment enforces all partners to fill their streetmap databases with geographic information precisely as was stated in the EDRA specifications.

The commitment also specifies data format conformity to the European standard called Geographic Data Files (GDF), this way assuring the availability of the databases to several GIS applications in various types of industries. The GDF 2.0 standard is a result of the work at the Task Force European Digital Road Map (TFEDRM), an EC supported project in which Robert Bosch (D), Daimler-Benz (D), Intergraph (NL), Philips (NL), Tele Atlas (NL) and Sagem (F) took part in 1989. To continue the standardization activities, in 1991 a follow-up project was started called the "European Digital Road Map 2". During this project the Centre Europ=E9en de Normalisation (CEN) became strongly interested, which will eventually lead to GDF being an official European CEN-standard.

Owing to the high quality of the existing efforts of every EDRA member, it was easy to define a common quality standard on completeness, correctness, up-to-dateness and accuracy. EDRA specifies quantitative and measurable criteria that will assure a high-quality level over the life of the data.

Before releasing a street database to the market, each EDRA member has now to submit its work to the EDRA's Central Data Pool Administration (CDPA) that will control the quality and the uniformity of the data and assign a certificate to it when results are positive. This certificate, and the quality it signifies, is of the utmost importance to the succes of any GIS application. At the same time, the independence of the EDRA members guarantees a continuing effort to safeguard and improve upon the quality of the geographic databases.

The availability of uniform European geographical information of a certified high quality will strongly encourage the expansion of GIS applications on a European scale. Application suppliers can start development in a small test region. The uniformity of the data guarantees the commercialization of the application on a pan-European scale without alterations. The strong commitment of all EDRA members will assure an up-to-date road map, including an upgrade program that retains an application's commercial value.

The open database structure furthermore enables the addition of specific customer-driven information, giving rise to a wide variety of new and powerful applications. As a conclusion one can surely say that with EDRA's European digital road map, GIS is now ready for Europe.

Frank Ostyn
Account Manager DeskTop Products
Tele Atlas
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9000 Gent, Belgium
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