Nenad Mikulic, Zdravko Krakar

A Metastructure of the Environmental Management Information System in the Republic of Croatia

Respecting the significance of the national environmental management issue, the Ministry of Civil Engineering and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Croatia has initiated a programme the intention of which is to provide guidelines for establishing a methodology of environmental management and a proper information system serving this specific function at the national level. The paper presents the results obtained so far.

On the basis of the World Resources Institute perceptions, the recommendations of Agenda 21, and the analysis of some international experiences, as well as knowledge of the situation in Croatia, general principles and instruments necessary for the establishment of a rational national environmental management system have been generated. The article represents the Croatian approach to solving such complex information system goals, contents structure and the way of its creation and building.

Nenad Mikulic
Republic of Croatia
Ministry of Civil Engineering & Environmental Protection
41000 Zagreb
Avenija Vukovar 78
Fax: (+385 1) 537 203

Zdravko Krakar
Institute for Information Technologies
Zagreb, Croatia