Georgia Aifandopoulou, Teti Nathanail, Demetrios Panayotakopoulos

ETIS : A GIS technology based tool for supporting strategic environmentally friendly planning of urban transport infrastructure development

1. Introduction

Strategic transportation planning for an urban area constitutes a complicated process which requires extensive data collection and analysis, and the implementation of a number of travel demand forecasting, environmental assessment models and evaluation methodologies.

At present, there is a number of available software packages supporting individual tasks of the strategic transportation planning process. However, these tasks, heavily interrelated to each other, indicate the need for an integrated computer environment which facilitates the overall planning process by providing automated data exchange among the packages, scenarios development and simultaneous evaluation of the results obtained by each package.

ETIS (Environment Transport Integrated planning System) constitutes a state-of-the-art system which supports the integrated application of all the tasks involved in the transportation planning process, i.e. travel demand forecasting, development of alternative transport infrastructure and policy scenarios, evaluation of the socioeconomic, traffic, and environmental impacts of the scenarios, cost-benefit analysis, comparison of alternative scenarios, and graphical representation of the involved evaluation indices.

The system has been developed by the TransEuropean Consulting Unit of Thessaloniki (TRUTh S.A.) for the purposes of the EEC financed study (PHARE No. 604/91) entitled "Master Plan Study for an Environmentally-friendly Transport System in Budapest" undertaken by the company. The study included the development of travel demand forecasting models and the testing and evaluation of different alternative Transport Infrastructure development schemes for the city. The time horizon of the planning process was extended to the year 2010. The consultant undertook the task of developing alternative test-networks and evaluate them on the basis of the impacts the proposed infrastructure development may have to the traffic conditions of the city and the environment.

Finally the prioritisation of the proposed developments was based on the predicted economic benefits and costs associated with them. This last task imposed the expression of environmental impacts of each scenario in monetary terms, fact which directly led to the calculation of evaluation indices which are not taken into account by the conventional traffic impact and environmental assessment forecasting tools. The integration of the ArcInfo functionalities in ETIS was made in order to support the calculation of these specific evaluation indices and to provide decision support for transport infrastructure development.

2. Main Issues of the Strategic Transportation Planning

Strategic Planning of Urban Transport Infrastructure Development has always been a critical issue for decision makers since it involves :

Transport Planners involved to strategic Environmentally friendly Planning of Transport Infrastructure are usually conformed with time consuming and respective tasks, which involve :

For supporting some of the specific tasks of the above mentioned planning process specialised software packages are available, for Traffic modelling (EMME/2, MOTORS etc.) and Environmental Impact assessment (PAL, MARS, MEMO, etc.). Although this type of software packages are usually implemented parallel for the purpose of the Transport Infrastructure planning process, they have never been integrated in a single computer environment in order to provide assistance during all the steps of the planning and decision making process related to the Transport Infrastructure development.

Since the different types of data involved in the Transport Infrastructure Planning process follow a spatial distribution i.e. refer to geographical entities such as links, nodes, areas (zones), the application of GIS technology for developing an Integrated Transportation Planning Tool with special attention to the Environmental Protection is more than evident.

3. The ETIS Architecture

ETIS constitutes a computer environment in which ArcInfo workstation version 6.1.2 (Geographical Information System), EMME/2 workstation version 6.0 (Traffic Modelling Software), and PAL workstation version 2.1 (environmental pollution model) has been fully integrated for supporting:

Since each one of the above software packages provides functionalities for supporting the same type of user generations (such as Transportation network description, results' presentation, etc.), it was critical for the ETIS design to assign specific roles to each one of the integrated software which corresponds to the support of concrete steps of the considered Planning Process. The role allocation among the integrated software application presented in the following paragraphs was based on :

The role of each software package as a component of the integrated architecture can be identified as follows:

The overall system architecture is presented in figure 1.

Figure 1. ETIS Architecture

Figure 1. ETIS Architecture

3.1 Database design

Taking into account that EMME/2 and PAL application have their own internal database structure the integration of them with ArcInfo was based on the development of an Integrated Data Base Management System and specific interfaces for data transfer and conversion.

The ETIS database structure is shown in figure 1. It comprises :

3.2 ETIS functional modules

The Operational diagram of ETIS is shown in figure 2.

Figure 2. ETIS Operational Diagram

The functional modules of ETIS has been formulated as follows :

4. ETIS application to the Budapest Environmentally friendly Transport Infrastructure development Study.

ETIS has been used for the Budapest Transport Master Plan Study and provided valuable assistance for decision making in a very conflicting decision making process which was constrained by the limited budget available for Transport Infrastructure Investment in the city. ETIS provided quick and valuable answers to the following questions:

The actions undertaken by ETIS in the context of the Transport Master Plan Study of Budapest can be listed as follows:

Figure 3. Pollution levels and affected population in Budapest

Figure 3. Pollution levels and affected population in Budapest

Figure 4. Speed comparison between alternative scenarios in Budapest

Figure 4. Speed comparison between alternative scenarios in Budapest

5. The Benefits of the ETIS Implementation in the Transport Infrastructure Planning Activities.

The benefits obtained by the Planning process from the ETIS integration of specialised application can be summarised in the following :

It must be mentioned that the functionalities made available by ETIS through the Integration of the GIS technology with specialised traffic and environmental impact modelling tools, provide the means for performing, at strategic planning level, both quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the impacts the alternative Transport Infrastructure development scenarios may have on the traffic and environmental conditions of the study area. The Evaluation module of ETIS provides to the planner and the decision makers sufficient information for justifying any decision at an early stage of the Planning Process which usually takes place in a very conflicting decision making environment.

6. Conclusions

A tool has been presented which facilitates the transport planner to model and evaluate alternative transport infrastructure and Transport policies scenarios. A number of existing software packages (including the more sophisticated traffic forecasting tool EMME/2), which support individual tasks of the planning process have been integrated in the ArcInfo environment, making use of the valuable GIS functionalities in order to fully exploit the capabilities of the individual packages. Specifically, a user-friendly menus lay-out has been created which calls a number of ArcInfo AML programs for data handling and analysis, evaluation indices calculation and result presentation.

The system has been successfully applied in the Budapest Environmentally friendly Planning of Transport Infrastructure Development providing variable results, reducing the time allocated to the Planning activity and facilitating the decision making process.

Georgia Aifandopoulou
Senior Transportation Engineer
18 Navarinou Sq.
54622, Thessaloniki, GREECE
Telephone: (3031) 283722
Fax: (3031) 262784

Teti Nathanail
Senior Transportation Engineer
TRD International S.A.
18 Navarinou Sq.
54622, Thessaloniki, GREECE
Telephone: (3031) 242337
Fax: (3031) 262784

Demetrios Panayotakopoulos
Senior Computer Analyst - GIS Expert
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Department of Civil Engineering
Transportation Laboratory
Egnatia Str.
54006, Thessaloniki, GREECE
Telephone: (3031) 995836
Fax: (3031) 995789