Qiu Fang, He Jiangbang, Chi Tianhe

Serious National Disaster Monitoring and Evaluating System

There are many kinds of serious natural disasters in China and these disasters happen very frequently and severely across the country. So, in 1991, the National Remote Sensing Center of China initiated the project to set up a Natural Disaster Monitoring and Evaluating System by employing Remote Sensing, GIS, GPS and other technology.

Through years of research work, we established an integrated system which has been put into real applications. In this system, we build up a background database at the national level and collected a great deal of historic disaster data up to 4000 years ago. We also constructed thematic databases and model bases for these 7 kinds of natural disaster such as flood, drought, forest fire, insect pest, earthquake, snow damage and desertification. In order to cope with unexpected disaster, an emergency responsing system is also developed.

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the Evolution and Implementation of this system to monitor the trends of disaster and to evaluate the loss from disasters. Several successful case applications in flood and drought are also presented with detail analysis in the paper.

Qiu Fang
(LREIS) Nat'l Lab of Resources & Environmental Information System
Institute of Geography
Chinese Academy of Science
Bldg 917, Datun Rd. Aiwai
Beijing 100101
People's Republic of China
Telephone: (861)49143470, 4914240
Fax: (861)491-1544
Email: qiuf@bepc2.ihep.ac.cn

He Jiangbang
(LREIS) Nat'l Lab of Resources & Environmental Information System
Institute of Geography
Chinese Academy of Science
Bldg 917, Datun Rd. Aiwai
Beijing 100101
People's Republic of China

Chi Tianhe
(LREIS) Nat'l Lab of Resources & Environmental Information System
Institute of Geography
Chinese Academy of Science
Bldg 917, Datun Rd. Aiwai
Beijing 100101
People's Republic of China