Ye, Woo-Sung, Lee, Hee-Sun, Lee, Kyoo-seock

Application of the GIS in the Hydrologic Effects Caused by the Second Collective Facility Area Development in Mt. Kyeryong National Park

The National Park is to be preserved in accordance with the purpose of the law establishment. However, the development has resulted in degrading the park environment. Especially, the collective facility area has been developed for the commercial benefit rather than for the preservation. So, it is necessary to figure out the impact of the development plan proposed. Thus, the purpose of this study is to explore the hydrologic effects due to the second collective facility area development in Mt. Kyeryong National Park using the Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The Rational Method and the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Method were used to estimate the runoff volume. During this procedure, GIS software, ArcInfo was used to integrate, manipulate, and calculate the attribute value of a number of polygons which represent each land use characteristic. A program was written to compute the attribute value of each polygon and to estimate the difference of peaktime runoff volume before and after construction.

keyword: runoff volume, rational method, collective facility area, GIS (Geographic Information Systems).

I. Introduction

The National Park is to be preserved in accordance with the purpose of the law establishment. However, the development has resulted in degrading the park environment. Since 1980s, the pressure for recreational purpose results in active development of park facilities for the user (Park, 1991). Especially, the collective facility area has been developed for the commercial benefit rather than for the preservation. So, it is necessary to figure out the impact of the development plan proposed. As a means to handle these problems properly, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), tends to be frequently used to manage park resources and facilities (Suh, 1991). The U.S. National Park Service has been extensively using GIS in park resource management, and developing GIS databases about its 28 parks for more than ten years (Fleet, 1987). The hydrologic model was combined with GIS to figure out the hydrologic effects. A program was developed by combining MIKE 11 and GIS to predict and handle the flood-prone area in Denmark (Lingberg et al., 1993). In the United States, HEC model was combined with GIS for the graphic user interface(Kragt et al., 1993). The construction of the second collective facility area in Mt. Kyeryong would affect the topography and landscape, the ecosystem, wildlife, hydrology. Especially the increase of peaktime runoff and soil loss potential make effects in hydrology. Thus, it is necessary to figure out the hydrologic effects analytically. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to figure out the change of peaktime runoff caused by the construction of the second collective facility area in Mt. Kyeryong National Park using the Geographical Information System (GIS).

II. The Study Method

2.1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

The large scale development of collective facility area within the National Park results in the change of land cover from heavily wooded forest to impervious area. Consequently there is a increase of peaktime runoff, and soil loss potential which deteriorate the park environment. Thus, it is necessary to figure out the hydrologic effects by calculating the difference of peaktime runoff between before construction and after construction. After the selection of the appropriate peaktime runoff estimation method, locational data and attribute data are integrated within GIS to figure out the hydrologic effects in the site. The concept of this study also inclues developing the user-customized program which can be applied to other sites.

2.2. Study Site

The study site is the second collective facility area in Mt. Kyeryong which is located near Taejeon Metropolitan Area. There are lots of one-day visitors in the Park because of convenient accessibility. The total area of the study site is 1.83km2, which covers the whole watershed concerned. There are now two existing collective facility areas in Mt. Kyeryong National Park. They are Tohnghahk-temple (the first) collective facility area and Kahp-temple collective facility area. The study site has been developing after the foundation of the hot spring. The present construction within the site would results in degrading the landscape in the mountain, and deteriorating the hydrological environment because more than 85% of the site is steeper than 20% slope (Kohngju County Government, 1988).
Figure 1. Study site

2.3. Hardware and Software Used

The following hardware and software are used in this study. They are SparcStation II (Graphic processer and monitor, 1.8 Gigabyte Hard Disk Drive), Calcomp 9100 A1 size digitizer for data input, IBM-compatible 486DX2 (66MHz) PC, PC AutoCAD release 12, ArcInfo version 6.1.1, which are all at GIS laboratory at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Sung Kyun Kwan University

2.4. Study Procedure

As described in Figure 2, the study procedure is as follows: 1) To review the relevant research and hydrologic models, 2) To select the appropriate method of peaktime runoff estimation, 3) To collect the necessary data and enter them in GIS, 4) To develop the User-customized program using GIS, 5) To apply the hydrologic analysis in the site, 6) To get the results and discuss them, 7) To derive the conclusion
Figure 2. Study procedure

2.5. Input Data

As described in Table 1, the source of the locational data and elevation is 1:25,000 scale topographic map published by the National Geography Institute. For the land use map, the information was derived from the interpretation of 1:25,000 scale topographic map, and the field check. Most of the site is heavily-wooded forest. So, the classification of the land use was not so difficult for estimating peaktime runoff. The 1:25,000 scale detailed soil map published by the Institute of Rural Development was used, and the slope information was derived from the topographic map using Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) in ArcInfo.
Table 1. Input data

2.6. Estimating Peaktime Runoff Using the Rational Method

2.6.1. Estimating peaktime runoff

The following rational method equation was used, Q = 0.2778CIA 8) where: Q : the runoff in cubic meter per second (m3/sec) C : the runoff coefficient I : the average rainfall intensity in milimeter per hour (mm/hr) A : the area of the watershed (Km2) 0.2778 : unit conversion coefficient There are 5-year, 10-year, 20-year, 30-year, 50-year, and 100-year frequency return, and the corresponding runoff for every frequency was estimated.

2.6.2. runoff coefficient (C)

There is a wide range of values for each land use, slope, the ratio of vegetative cover, soil type, watershed type, and surface condition. Because the runoff coefficient accounts for a number of different variables, a composite value of C was used. Theoretically there is a range of 0.0 -1.0. However, the range of 0.05 - 0.95 is used actually (Yoon, 1993). The following runoff coefficients in Table 2 were used in this study.
Table 2. Runoff coefficient value of
the Site(Yoon, 1993)

2.6.3. the Rainfall Intensity

The rainfall intensity depends on the return frequency, the relationship between rainfall duration-rainfall intensity for a given return frequency, and the time of concentration. As the time of concentration increases, the intensity decreases, and vice versa. So, the rainfall intensity is inversely proportional to the time of concentration. The equations frequently used in Korea are as follows (Yoon, 1993): Tallbot type I = a / ( t + b) Sherman type I = c / t**n Japanese type I = d / ( (t**0.5) + e ) where: I = rainfall intensity (mm/hr), t = time of concentration, travel time a,b,c,d,e,n = coefficients from the figure based on rainfall intensity and frequency curve The rainfall intensity equation in this study is based on the value of statistical results from the estimated precipitation in the open channel plan in the urban stream and sewer (Lee, 1991). Because there is no avaliable coefficient value in Mt. Kyeryong, the value in Choopoong-Nyeong Area was used in this study, which is the nearest one to the study site in terms of location. Tallbot type is used for Choopoong-Nyeong Area. The travel time is the average time required for water to flow from the hydraulically most distant point of the watershed to the outlet. The Kerby formula was used for the calculation of the travel time, which is widely used in the hilly terrain in Korea (Lee, 1991). The formula is as follows: t = 3.03( rL**1.5 / H )**0.467 t : travel time in hours (hr) r : roughness coefficient in Table 3. L : the flow length in kilometers (Km) H : the elevation difference in meters (m)
Table 3. Roughness coefficent(r) for Kerby's
formula(Yoon, 1993)

2.7. Estimating the Total Runoff Using the SCS Method

2.7.1. Estimating the Total Runoff

In the SCS Method, the amount of the total runoff is affected by soil type, land use or plant cover, cover treatment, and the hydrological characteristic of the soil within the watershed boundary. Quantitative measurements for the runoff affected by these factors are suggested in the SCS Method. The Antecedent Moisture Condition (AMC) before precipitation needs to be considered also. However, only the case of AMC-II is considered in this study. The relationship between the total precipitation and the total runoff is suggested as in the following equation (Yoon, 1986). Q = ( P - 0.2S)**2 / ( P + 0.8S ) where: Q = the toal runoff in milimeters (mm) P = the total precipitation in milimeteres (mm) S = the potential maximum retention of a site (mm) The terms S and Ia are both affected by the character of the land cover and soil condition. So, the relationship is demonstrated as we can see in the following equation. Ia = 0.2S S, the potential maximum retention is a function of such variables as soil, plant cover, and the amount of impervious area, runoff curve numbers (CN) are made after a detailed analysis to model these effects for various soil types and land cover complexes - hydrologic land-cover complexes. The CN for a given set of surface cover and soil conditions is used to estimate the value of S (Yoon, 1986). S = ( 25,400 / CN ) - 254 The following hydrologic land-cover complexes in Table 4 were used in this study.
Table 4. Hydrologic soil group(Ferguson, 1990)
   The relatinship between the total precipitation and the  total runoff is 
affected by the land  use type and cover treatment as well as  the soil type 
within the watershed.   Table 5 shows the runoff curve number used in this
study according to the land use, cover treatment, and the  hydrological 
condition of the soil.  
Table 5. Runoff Curve Number by soil-cover
complexes(Yoon, 1986) (AMC-II, Ia-0.2S)

2.8. the Application of Unit Hydrograph

2.8.1. Nakayasu Unit Hydrograph

Nakayasu has made no-dimension hydrologic curve after by integrating the variables of unit hydrograph derived and topographical characteristics from several watersheds in Japan. The unit hydrograph for a certain time of duration can be made using this curve (Yoon, 1986). if L < 15km, tg = 0.21L**0.7 if L > 15km, tg = 0.4 + 0.058L tg = 0.47(AL)**0.25 tp = 0.8tr + tg Qp = 0.2778R0A / 0.3tp + tk where: L = the flow length (Km) tr = unit time (hr) tg = the travel time from the time of 0.8tr to the peaktime (hr) tp = peaktime (hr) tk = the function of watershed shape factor (the area, flow length, stream gradient) R0 = the total runoff (mm) Qp = peaktime runoff (m3/sec) by unit time tr, and the total runoff R0 The rainfall duration is assumed to be 0.5 hour, and the total runoff is estimated using the SCS method in this study.

2.9. Using the GIS

Vector Based Topology with the Relational Database Mangement System (DBMS) can handle the locational data and attribute data simultaneously. The user-customized program to calculate the peaktime runoff for a given condition has been developed using Arc Macro Language (AML) in this study. Using this program the change of peaktime runoff is calculated automatically by the change of the land cover due to the collective facility area development. This program calculates the runoff coefficient, roughness coefficient, rainfall intensity for a given return frequency, the area of the watershed automatically. It uses menu-driven approach for user interface. So, this program can be used in other sites if the necessary corresponding data are available.

III. Results and Discussion

After developing the program, it was applied in the study site. The detailed results are described below.

3.1. Peaktime Runoff Using the Rational Method

As we can see in Table 6, the collective facility area occupies 21.87% (0.40km2)) of the site after the construction. It consists of 1.82% (0.0073Km2) of paddy fields, 98.08%(0.39Km2) of forest, and 0.09% (0.00036km2) of residential area, respectively. So, most of the area is heavily wooded forests.
Table 6. The change of land use
  The change of runoff coefficient and roughness coefficient  directly 
affects the peaktime runoff.  The average runoff coefficient of the study 
site is 0.3245 before construction, 0.4337 after the  construction.   So, 
there is a net increase of 0.1092 in runoff coefficient.
   Table 7 shows the change of rainfall intensity that there is a
2.20mm/hr increase for 5-year frequency, and 3.47mm/hr for 100-year
Table 7. The change of rainfall intensity
   The peaktime runoff increase by 5.079m3/sec for 5-year freqency,
by 5.893m3/sec for 10-year, by 6.519m3/sec for 20-year, by 6.936m3/sec
for 30 year, by 7.449m3/sec for 50-year, by 8.126m3/sec for 100-year,
respectively as we can see in Table 8.
Results of Rational Method Figure 3. The land use in collective facility
development before Figure 4. The land use in collective facility
development after

3.2. Estimating Runoff Using the SCS Method

The value of 104.38mm was used, which is the five-year (1989-1993) average maximum precipitation of Taejeon meteorological observing station covering the study site. The Taejeon station is derived from the nationwide meteorological station Thiessen network figure. Table 9 shows that CN increased by 5.99, S decreased by 30.43mm, and the total runoff increased by 10.198mm after construction.
Table 9. Results of SCS Method

3.3. Unit Hydrograph Method

The peaktime runoff was estimated by Nakayasu Method using the total runoff from SCS Method. When rainfall duration is 0.5 hour, the peaktime runoff increased by 6.56(m3/sec) due to the development as we can see in Table 10.
Table 10. Results of unit hydrograph

3.4. Discussion

From the study results, the following problems need to be considered more. 1) The peaktime runoff increase can be managed by the appropriate drainage design. However, the deforestation, the change of plant cover and the flow channel, and the long construction period (1991-2001) may result in the severe soil erosion, and land slide. So, the study for the amount and spatial pattern of soil erosion and, handling method need to be done. More than 85% of the site is steeper than 20%, which can cause the damage during the construction. In drainage design, the return frequency should be more than 5-years. 2) There is a difference of 15.118m3/sec peaktime runoff by the Rational Method, 20.653m3/sec by the unit hydrograph in the case of 10-year frequency compared with the Master Plan Report as we can see in Table 11. It was found that the the travel time (121min) and the runoff coefficient value (0.4) used were much different from the estimated ones (before development: 17.0 min, after development: 15.6 min) (before development: 0.3245, after development: 0.4337) in this study. Table 11.  Comparison of Run-off Volume
Difference between This Study and the Project Report 3) In this study, peaktime runoff for the return frequency was not used in the unit hydrograph method, which makes it difficult for the result to be compared with one from the Rational Mwthod. However, the peaktime runoff (27.253 m3/sec) from the unit hydrograph is similar to one (27.488 m3/sec) from the Rational Method from Tables 8 and 10.

IV. Conclusions

This study explores the hydrologic effects due to the second collective facility area development in Mt. Kyeryong National Park using the GIS. The Rational Method and the SCS Method were used to estimate the runoff volume. The following conclusions are derived. 1) The peaktime ruoff volume in the Comprehensive Plan Report was much smaller than the estimated one in this study. It was found that the travel time (121 min) was overestimated compared with ones (before development: 17.0 min, after development: 15.6 min) in this study and the runoff coefficient value (0.4) was different from ones (before development: 0.3245, after development: 0.4337) in this study. 2) ARC Macro Language (AML) Programming was effectively used to integrate and manipulate the graphic data and attribute data simultaneously for the runoff volume estimation. So, the user-customized, estimated runoff program was developed. It can be used to other sites. The limitation of this study is that there was no peaktime runoff according to each return frequency in unit hydrograph method. Also, the soil loss erosion needs to be studied, in advance, because of the long construction period and unsuitable gradient (more than 85% of the site is steeper than 20% slope)9).


  1. Park, J. C., 1991, Strategy of Alternative National Park Facility Development, Jour. of Korean Soc. of Landscape Architects, 19:156-158
  2. Suh, C. W., 1991, A Study on the Application of the GIS for National Park Management, Graduate School of Environmnetal Studies, Seoul National University, Unpublished Master's Thesis, 89p.
  3. Yoon, Y. N., 1986, Engineering Hydrology, Seoul, Cheongmon-Gahk, pp537-547.
  4. Yoon, T. H., 1993, the Rational Method and Drainage Pipe, Proc. of the 1st Hydrological Engineering Workshop, pp.1-19.
  5. Lee, W. H., 1991, Hydrology, Seoul, MoonWoonDahng, pp.48-49.
  6. Kohngju County Government, 1988, Master Plan and Basic Design for Tohnghak-temple Host Spring Development, 122p.
  7. Fleet, H., 1987, Placing GIS technology into the hands of the decision maker: The National Park Service Experience, Proceeding of GIS '87.3:91.
  8. Lingberg, S., W.J.Syme, and H.G. Mueller, 1993, Floodplain Management with ArcInfo and MIKE 11, Proceeding of the 13th Annual Esri User Conference, 3p.
  9. Kragt, J.E., B.E. Baker, and T.J.Rourke, 1993, A GIS Decision support tool for modeling and managing flooding and dam failure for the readiness management system, Proceeding of the 13th Annual Esri User Conference, 93p.
  10. Ferguson, B.K., 1990, On site stormwater management: Application for landscape and engineering (2nd ed.), New York, pp.19-54.

Ye, Woo-sung
1/13 Passfield St.
West Brunswick 3055 Australia

Lee, Hee-sun
Graduate Student, GIS Laboratory
Dept. of Landscape Architecture
Sung Kyun Kwan Univ.

Lee, Kyoo-seock
Director, GIS Laboratory
Dept. of Landscape Architecture
Sung Kyun Kwan Univ.
Suwon 440-746 Korea.
Telephone: 011-82-331-290-5835
Fax : 011-82-331-292-8799