Constantine N. Tonias, P. E., M.ASCE (1) and Elias C. Tonias, P. E., F.ASCE (2)



For at least 3,000 years, people have prepared and used maps for a variety of reasons and in a variety of forms. The early Egyptians prepared papyri with routes and instructions to guide their great caravans in their middle eastern travels. Herodotus prefaced his history of the then world, and interspersed it with descriptive paragraphs about its geography. Since then, mariners prepared and used maps to sail the seas; armies used maps to conquer lands, and pirates to hide their treasures. Economists are now using maps to help marketers sell their products, sociologists to locate all the woes of the world and for politicians to add thereto; and engineers, civil that is, to make maps so that they may build cities, highways, bridges and other public works projects accurately. In developing and using maps, each of these users is interested in having a precise map with respect to extent and content. However, accuracy and map content are not the same among them. While an economist may be content with positional accuracy of a square mile or two and market projections of a gadget to the nearest $100,000 or more, a politician's interests might be to the nearest household in a political district map, and an engineer always needs to know the location of every natural and man-made feature to the nearest, many a time, 1/100th of a foot (3 mm). As used herein, engineer refers to those professionals whose work relates to the planning, design, construction and management of public works and facilities, may they be for a public or private owner. Up until a dozen years or so, map preparation was a tedious exercise, and map use was limited to but a few specialized occupations. The introduction, though, of what is now called geographic information systems, or GIS for short, has revolutionized the making and proliferated the use of maps. The ability of the GIS technology to merge maps graphics with the management of associate non-graphic data has introduced a multitude of new applications ranging from the management of large areas of lands to locating slot machines in a gambling casino. However, a variety of reasons, have forced the engineer to stay apart of the other GIS users and take a different path, that of CADD; computer aided design and drafting. Various attempts have been made to merge the GIS and CADD technologies, some of which have been successful to a limited degree, but on the large, the two communities of engineers and all others, have stayed apart and rather weary of each other. This is unfortunate since an engineer's product is interwoven with the work of other professions, first, by the engineer having a need for data available to these others, and second, by the engineer's end product providing the foundation for, and updating that same data used by the others. Therefore, the need for integrating general GIS and engineering applications exists, particularly when the life cycle operation of an engineered project is to be considered in view of deteriorating infrastructure facilities and shrinking funds and other resources. Towards this end, the objective of this paper is twofold, (a) to present a methodology for structuring the GIS database of a municipality to accommodate both engineering specific and general GIS functionality, and (b) to remind the engineer that until the time when such a database is available, a GIS oriented database can still be of use.


There are various reasons given by many engineers for the separate paths taken by engineering and geographic information systems users, some of which are easy to overcome, while others do require considerable effort. The most common reasons given are: It has been argued that, although the above are indeed issues that need to be addressed, they are not by themselves reasons for separation. Perhaps the lack of understanding of each other's needs and capabilities is the most important reason for this dichotomy.


For several years now, Esri and The CEDRA Corporation have been discussing this issue and ways of bringing together GIS and engineering applications. Although Esri's ArcInfo and CEDRA's The CEDRA System have been able to exchange data in their native formats, it was felt that a more integrated approach had to be taken. The "avenue" that emerged to accomplish this is Esri's ArcView and its scripting language Avenue. Thus, born out of the need to merge GIS and engineering technologies, ArcView based CEDRA software, such as AVland, AVsand and AVwater, were developed to enable engineers to work in their native environment maintaining the accuracy of their choice, as well as the integrity of their specific linestyles and symbols, and performing their technical endeavors in surveying and engineering design of site, land subdivision and site design, streets and highways, geotechnical and other project types. In addition, engineers are provided direct access to the various geographic and related data present in an ArcInfo GIS database, and the ability to exercise queries to augment design related operations. For example, the engineering department of a city may access the city's geographic database using AVsand and retrieve relevant sewer information to build a mathematical model of its sewer system. If any pertinent data (inverts, material, sizes, etc.) are not available in the database, they can be introduced by the engineering personnel in their accustomed way to update the database without burdening the GIS or MIS department. Similarly, land parcel, land use information, water consumption and/or census data may be extracted from the overall database to develop the sewer load model. With these models available, hydraulic analyses may be performed to identify sewer capacities, and assess sewer performance. Similar functionality is availed by AVwater for water distribution networks. With such integrated functionality, base information can be accessed from the database, new survey and design work may be performed to help construct a new project, and then, upon project completion, update the database to be ready for the facility's continued maintenance and operation.


A municipality is an ever changing and evolving living being, the management and control of which is very complex. Over the past many years, a variety of mathematical models have been developed to aide in the management of specific municipal operations. With the possible exception of a few, the base or foundation of the majority of these models is a geometric model, mostly two dimensional, representing the geographic confines within which the city is located. Therefore, in order to minimize costs, avoid duplicity and facilitate service to all, this common ingredient should be one and only one, serving all models, including engineering. Most often, interrelated geographic models are displayed pictorially as a series of layers overlapping each other to denote the ability to mix and match desired features of a common geography. Shown in Figure 1 is a slightly different approach as might be perceived from an engineering point of view. Before we continue, it is felt imperative to be stated that this approach alters no model or database structures that exist or might be developed. It simply views the whole issue from another point of view, and presents an avenue by which one common base map can eventually serve both engineering and non-engineering functions. The operative word in the preceding sentence is "eventually", because for many an existing community the ultimate model structure might be a bit expensive to build from the get-go. As per Figure 1, the terrain model represents "mother earth" upon which the municipality exists. It describes the ground relief, the natural water bodies and vegetation, as well as the various buildings, dams, levies and bridges and other features that alter the natural shape of the earth. Below it, organizationally speaking, are two associate models, the parcel model and the streets and easements model. The parcel model represents the division of the municipality's terrain extent into private and public ownership parcels, and is most often referred to as the tax map, assessor's or cadastral model. The streets and easements model is comprised of the centerlines (or reference lines) and names of the streets and public easements, and is a direct by-product of the parcel model. These three models represent the foundation upon which everything else is built. The remaining models are grouped in tiers representing the various end user function. Each tier may contain more than one model. The tier position in this figure is of no importance or consequence. Since we address engineering, we place its group of models at the top of the heap, and below it that of the planning department since engineering has more of a direct relationship with planning than with the other departments of a municipality. Below planning are all other model groups such as those that might be used by public safety (police and fire), health, political, economic development, social services, and others. It is noted that within the context of this paper, there is no distinction made between engineering and public works. The management system of any public works facility requires certain base information in the form of maps, drawings and other records. This information is comprised of four major types referred to as graphic attributes, non-graphic attributes, pictorial information referred in computer lingo as bit maps, and associate information.
  1. Graphic attributes are those items of information that are represented in the form of lines, arcs, points and associated annotation (text) as required to produce drawings, maps and the like. A map depicts the water distribution system with lines representing the conduits, text identifying the size and type of conduit, and special symbols denoting valves, hydrants, pump stations and other appurtenances. These are graphic elements, and their linework, linestyle, symbology, color and so on are the associated graphic attributes.
  2. Non-graphic attributes refer to that information that augments that of the graphic attributes, and introduces a fourth dimension, often referred to as attribute knowledge. To manage this distribution system, the managing agency must keep in file such other information as the results of a hydraulic analysis, year of installation, pipe diameter and material, date of last repair, model and manufacturer of valves and pumps, and similar other data. These are the non-graphic attributes which could be divided into the following categories:
    • Inventory attributes are those that identify the physical extent and composition of the model components such as pipe material, valves, pumps, manholes, laterals, and the like as identified above.
    • Design attributes such as flow roughness coefficients (Manning's n or Hazen-Williams c), open-close status, pump rating curves, and the like generally relating to engineering analysis/design function.
    • Analytical attributes are the computational results of an analysis or simulation that are associated with an inventory item such as flow velocities, pressures, flow rates, and others.
    • Construction attributes may be considered an extension to the inventory attributes since they further describe a model element. Such attributes may be the bedding type of a conduit, the type of bench, barrel, corbel and casting of a manhole, and others.
  3. Pictorials are graphic representations that can be accessed in their natural form without any intelligence other than the association to a specific non-graphic attribute most probably relating to a graphic element. For the maintenance of this system, it may be necessary to access certain drawings that describe in detail the components of a valve, pump or fire hydrant. This is done through the display of a drawing or photograph of the physical component for visual inspection by the user. Such data may be stored in the computer in bit format, and may not be necessary for many computer models.
  4. Associate information is generally not associated directly with specific graphic elements, but with rather model-wide global functions. Generally, this information constitutes individual sub-models within the overall database. For example, consider the following:
    • Water supply demands as developed from area wide water consumption rates.
    • Wastewater contribution factors based on land use codes of the land use model.
    • Population data as they may assist in water and wastewater supply projections.
    • Rainfall gauging and groundwater monitoring data.
    • Rainfall intensity curves promulgated by the local weather office.
    • Waste peaking factors by land use, or on a global basis.
    • Construction specifications item definition and prevailing cost estimation data.
    • Historic data of inspections and maintenance operations.
    • Record of citizen requests (complaints) and response actions.
    • Permit application, processing and monitoring record data.
    • Various minimum design criteria and so on.
In designing the database, there is no hard and fast rule as to which of these attributes are to be used and how they are to be organized. The detail of the extent and organization is dependent upon the user's operational procedures, system extent and complexity, desired degree of sophistication, and budgetary constraints. In any case, the design and building of the database could be a time consuming and expensive undertaking. However, it can be shown that the long term benefits, if a judicious approach is taken, will more than adequately compensate for the initial costs.


The top three models of Figure 1 constitute the base map of a municipality. Generally, the information required for these models is available in a variety of sources, all within the same municipality. For instance, the public surveyor and/or the planning office will have topographic maps; the tax assessor's office will have a set of property maps with associated files of ownership and assessment data; each utility department will have its own set of maps indicating the respective system; and lastly the highway department will have its own maps. Quite often, these maps will carry and maintain identical information but in duplicate form. It is also not uncommon for the sources for map generation to be different between the various agencies or departments. It is therefore necessary for all of these departments to share one common and unified base map model upon which all individual systems will be located. Ownership and maintenance of the base map transcends into nontechnical issues. Based on years of involvement with public works projects, it is the authors belief that the responsibility for developing and maintaining this base map models should rest within the auspices of the municipality's surveying office of its engineering department. It was stated in the introduction that the content, extent and precision of base map is debatable among the various users. On this issue, the authors position is that in a properly designed GIS environment, the attainment of engineering base map requirements does not impact adversely any other user. The only issue of this is the cost of attainment, which is addressed subsequently. We will now address the engineering requirements. The terrain model is to contain all physical features that exist on earth and which usually have a direct impact on an engineering project or work. These include: topography comprised of relief (contours) planimetric features (buildings, bridges, streets, railroads, culverts and other features) water bodies (lakes, ponds, creeks, reservoirs) vegetation (single trees, forests, hedges, etc.) geologic (soil cover/type, subsoil strata, rock, groundwater, etc.) Ancillary to this model are analytical models such as slope analysis, river flow, geotechnical and the like models that may be needed by one or more engineering disciplines, as well as planning and other departments. These models are considered as detailed extensions of the other models which are described in this paper and thus omitted. The parcel model is to be comprised of ownership property lines (public and private), private and public easements lines, political boundaries, and similar data that are usually available to tax maps. Each parcel should be identified with its centroid and a unique, permanent, identification parcel number both acting as a reference between the graphic and non-graphic attributes associated with this model. The associated attributes will generally vary from municipality to municipality depending on record history, and governmental/legal requirements. Most probably these attributes will include parcel address, owner name and address, tax number, assessment description and assessed evaluation, and other relevant information. Of these, the parcel address, together with the parcel centroid and number, will be used extensively in the maintenance of the various public works facilities. Although voter registration districts, police and fire protection areas, water supply and sewerage districts, and others that do not have a direct impact on engineering should be considered as an extension of the parcel model since they are so directly associated with the model. The streets centerline model is in essence an extension or direct by-product of the parcel model. Its purpose is to relate the terrain, parcel and the various public works models (see later on) to each other via the street address system of the municipality. A key constituent of this model is the geometric location of the street centerline. A baseline or reference line could be substituted in easements of odd shape. Alleys, quite prevalent in older cities, may be treated as streets or easements, or alternatively as a distinct feature. For ease of reference, they are all referred to as streets and centerlines. The graphic representation of these centerlines may be computed fairly much automatically once the parcel map model has been established. Their graphic representation and non-graphic attributes should include: A code as to whether the line is a street, easement or alley. The street name and a unique identification street number. Ranges of street numbers from intersection to intersection. A coordinated point at the start and end points, and at each curvature and change in linear direction. Engineering horizontal curvature data for each curvature along the street. This could be expanded to also include a design vertical alignment, as well as reference(s) to typical street section templates. Alternatively, this information could constitute a separate mathematical model. A coordinated point at each street intersection. Optionally, the cross street identification number could also be included. Alternatively, street intersections could be computed on the fly by the end use software when needed. This would save disk storage space; but, at the expense of compute time. A stationing system which may coincide with the federal or state mile post system. Designated traffic directions and classification as to type of street, arterial, major, minor, local, etc. Additionally, this model may be expanded to incorporate all or some of the attributes of the pavement model addressed subsequently. In working with the models of the various utilities of the municipality and associated software, it will be found advantageous if a street definition convention is established under which all street centerline figures and stationing advance. For example, following the federal highway system, all streets would advance from south to north, and from west to east. Although not mandatory, a similar system could be employed in the assignment of the street numbering system.


It was stated in the introduction that the base map extent and positional accuracy are two issues of concern to engineers in the use of a GIS database. The extent was addressed in the preceding section. In that, the terrain model appears not to be out of the ordinary as used by most GIS applications. Possible exceptions such as the ground relief or geologic attributes, for which many a GIS application may not have a use, can always be added at any time and used by select users. The same also applies to the parcel model, but in the street centerline model we begin to detect some deviations which can easily be overcome provided the accuracy issue is adequately resolved. In addressing this issue, it is noted that base map accuracy is dependent upon two elements, geographic position and parcel integrity. Geographic position refers to the location of the various city features as described by the base map models above, and the other models to be discussed later on, upon the earth's surface under one unified spatial coordinate system. For this, the need exists for a sound geodetic horizontal and vertical control program. As a country matures and its transportation and communication networks expand and advance, its geodetic control also expands. New major technologic advancements in surveying instrumentation expedite such control with regards to time and money involved. In spite of these advancements, however, cost still remains a major factor which many municipality's find difficult to meet. Parcel integrity refers to the discrepancy problems inherent to the property information available in the form of property maps and deed descriptions. The identification of these discrepancies, many of which may already be known, is relatively easy, although it could be time consuming. Their resolution, however, is difficult, potentially requiring litigation, and therefore also time consuming and expensive. These inherent property discrepancies could be attributed to a variety of sources including, by not limited to, instrumentation, human error, undetected property law violation, and others. Regardless, though, of the cause, it is safe to assume that the streets' rights-of-way will not significantly change as a result of any property resolution. Therefore, it becomes necessary to locate the streets as accurately as feasible. Concurrently, parcels can be located geometrically or by digitization, depending on the best available information. There is a great variation among municipalities as to the means for attaining a base map sound enough for engineering. There are those that over the years have meticulously developed sound base map information, and there are those that must start from scratch. Each municipality must stand on the merits of its own available information, and take appropriate measures to develop the base map as needed. Thus, municipalities may be grouped into:
  1. Those that have a sound and accurate base map;
  2. Those that have a sound database, but of questionable positional accuracy and/or geometric parcel integrity; and
  3. Those that need to begin from ground zero.
The municipalities of the first group are in a good position to commence an engineering-GIS integration, if they have not done so already, while those of the third group are in a position to properly design and implement a phased integration plan that meets local finance constraints. Those of the second group may feel a bit of dilemma in wanting to go all the way but may find it difficult to justify additional expenditures. For these municipalities, a gradual approach may be considered. Under this approach, the overall engineering database such as suggested by this paper is put into effect, bearing in mind that the accuracy is not as good as it should. Then, as ground control becomes available on an engineered project by project basis, and property problems are resolved, the basemap is gradually updated. Progress may also be enhanced by additional work as personnel resources and/or funds become available. It is important for the engineering department to realize that, although an accurate base map database is most definitely desirable and its pursuit should not be forgotten, it must not wait to take advantage of the GIS potential until a mapping database is available. Although direct engineering street and site design cannot be had without accurate mapping, there is a multitude of engineering functions, particularly in the operation and maintenance of the constructed public works facilities that could make excellent use of GIS applications. This in itself would justify the building of the engineering database. When properly designed, a database sharing the resources of the various departments of a municipality could produce operational savings that could be used to eventually create the base mapping to the desired engineering accuracy. Returning for a moment to the database extent, depending on the size and complexity of the municipality, there could be several utility models required by the engineering department, only a few of which have been identified in Figure 1. The potential models could include pavements, structures (bridges and culverts), wastewater sewers, stormwater sewers, open drainage facilities, street signage, street lighting, water supply and distribution, other utilities, survey monumentation control, and others. Some of these are addressed below.


When referring to engineering models, there is a need to differentiate between two types of models, inventory models and analytical models, both of which share the same database. Inventory models help the user maintain an inventory of the facilities by accounting for each component of a system. Analytical models are those that help the user simulate the operation or intended function of the utility. For example, a water distribution system is comprised of conduits and associated appurtenances such as valves, pumps and the like. Its geometric configuration, material composition and geographic location constitute the inventory model. The simulation of the water flow within the water system accounting for flow rates, velocities, pressures, and similar functions are dependent on the mathematical model that accounts for engineering principles. The models needed by a municipality depend upon the responsibilities delegated to it, and their physical composition. A city located at the confluence of two rivers, each with various tributaries, will need river related models more so that a city in high ground with nary a need for flood protection. Similarly, the extent and complexity of the models will be different between two cities, one with a population of less than 100,000 and the other of more than a few million. In the latter example, although the database extent greatly differs, model requirements may not vary greatly. Presented below with a capsule description are some of the models that could be needed. It is noted that certain of these models are an extension of the terrain model, some of which may not fall under the administrative jurisdiction of the engineering department, but which may have an impact upon engineering operations from time to time. In developing these models, provision must be made for the incorporation of periodic inspections, and the processing of the inspection observations to update the base model database.
  1. The pavement model should be comprised of right-of-way widths, pavement edges, composition of pavement, shoulder and sidewalk, type of curb and/or gutter, traffic signalization appurtenances, and names. traffic designation (arterials, primary routes, alleys, etc.) and capacity, ownership (city, county, state, federal), and associated maintenance data. In addressing this model, it is noted that this model could be: Integrated with the street centerlines model previously discussed, Expanded to either include or relate to an inventory of street signs, street lights, street landscaping (trees and beautification features), and traffic signalization appurtenances, and Associated to a traffic simulation model for the assessment of traffic capacity and signalization. Incorporated into an overall pavement management program (it is noted that the definition of pavement management ranges from a mere facilities inventory to a complex knowledge based management and maintenance system).
  2. The water distribution model could encompass the entire water supply and distribution system for inventory purposes, but it should be divided into smaller interrelated models comprising the primary supply trunks, primary distribution mains and secondary service areas for flow simulation purposes. Due to its nature, the flow simulation of a large system is very unyieldy and cumbersome to handle even with modern day computing horsepower. Each of these models should be comprised of pipes, valves, hydrants, pump stations, reservoirs and other appurtenances, each tagged with its material, size, roughness (c factor), and manufacturer and model where applicable. Separate associated models could include the physical boundaries of various demand areas much in a similar manner to those of the contribution areas of the sewers models (see later on).
  3. The sewers model could be comprised of up to three distinct systems depending on the sewerage character of the municipality. Older cities would most probably be comprised exclusively of combined sewers with a moderate amount of separate wastewater and stormwater systems, while newer municipalities will have only separate facilities. Incorporated into this model(s), as far as The CEDRA System is concerned, could also be all open drainage systems since provision for their flow modeling is built in AVsand. The use and composition of this model is addressed separately in the subsequent section.
  4. The water courses model could include rivers and tributary creeks, lakes, reservoirs, coastal lines, wetlands and similar features, as well as the delineation of watersheds from an inventory point of view. The modeling and specific engineering analysis and modeling of such elements is quite diverse and considered beyond the scope of this paper.
  5. Other utility models such as gas mains, electric lines, telephone lines, and cablevision lines are generally the responsibility of private utility companies. In spite of this, it is of interest to the entire community, and all entities involved with public and private utilities, if a common base map exists which serves all utilities regardless of individual responsibility.
  6. Other base map models could be created to serve various needs not only of the engineering department, but also those of other departments and agencies. Some of these models are: The geologic models relating to drainage, soil protection, water resources pollution control, geotechnical, agricultural and other application needs of the municipality. Major constituents of these models are the top soil stratum and its cover, the subsurface soils and rock, groundwater, and vegetation. Extensions or relations thereto could include environmental sensitive areas such as landfills, wetlands, historic sites, natural preserves and others. The land use model, generally maintained by the planning department, in addition to being of use in the planning and socio-political aspects of a municipality, may be used in the definition of load or demand models for sanitary sewer and water distribution systems since they generally pertain to the population or land use they serve. Therefore it is possible to create a separate layer containing land use information and relate it to the various nodes of the respective system upon which they are to be applied. The water consumption model containing data by household or block areas could be used in the conduct of infiltration/inflow studies of sanitary and combined sewer systems, as well as load determination to verify land use based water demand and waste factors. The population census model can be used in conjunction with the previous models in the estimation of wastewater contribution and water consumption projections.


Sewage collection and treatment systems represent one of the most critical components of a municipality's infrastructure because of their direct impact upon the health of the citizenry and the environment. The major issues of concern for their proper performance are age, funds and system management. Like most public works constructed facilities, the life expectancy of sewer systems can be quite lengthy. Sewers that have been properly designed, constructed and maintained, have been found to function well for fifty and even many more years. However, due to various reasons, and primarily due to changes in loading conditions and neglect, age has had a very deleterious effect upon most old sewer systems. The neglect of these systems is not the result of a "do not care" attitude, but rather of a continuous competition for the limited supply of available funds with other governmental services and responsibilities. Sewer system management pertains to the ongoing paper work associated with the daily operation of the sewerage system, and to its maintenance operations. Rather broadly, sewer system management may be divided into two categories, flow management and capital system management. The former pertains to the task of flow storage - conveyance - treatment, while the latter addresses the task of system-user interface, maintenance, administration, capital improvements, and the like. Fundamental to both is the proper recording and maintenance of the overall system inventory, because it is upon this, that most all decisions must be based. For the purpose of this paper, we will address the general aspects of the relevant database. For more specific reading on a system addressing the overall sewer management subject, the reader is referred to Sewer Information Management and Simulation System, 8th European Esri User's Conference 1993. Figure 2 depicts a diagrammatic of the life cycle of a sewer system from inception. For most municipalities, the initial phase has long past. For them, the stage of initiating the inventory database of the now existing sewer system varies dramatically from municipality to municipality depending on the availability of records and degree of prior computerization. However, for new municipal sewer systems, the establishment of a formulated inventory database at the onset of development is considered to be a very advisable requirement. Described below is a basic sewer model database, which assumes the existence of the terrain, parcel and street centerlines models as described previously. This sewer model could be that of a wastewater, stormwater and/or combined sewer system. The stormwater model could include closed conduits as well as open drainage ditches. The basic primary difference between these three types of models is in the determination of their load contributions. Although the discussion below pertains to sewers, it can be extrapolated and made applicable to a water supply and distribution system, as well as to other similar utility systems. The objective of the sewer model is to provide the engineering (DOE) and wastewater (DOWW) maintenance staffs of a municipality the necessary tools to: The primary tool to attain this objective is AVsand. The development of the sewer model is to comprise three elements or sub-models, the geometric model, the services model and the load model. Of these, the services model is optional, and its development may be delayed. Depending on the size of the municipality, and the physical composition of the sewer system(s), it is possible to stage the model development in one of various methods. For example, in separate waste and storm sewer system, one could be developed first, then than the other. Additionally, small sections of a sewer system could be developed to completion individually, instead of completing an entire model all at once. It is also necessary to take into consideration the ultimate intent of the model. If the purpose of the model is strictly its hydraulic modeling for sewer assessment, infiltration/inflow analyses, and the like, it may be appropriate to create a model of only the major sewer lines of, say, 18 inches (450 mm) and higher. For the ultimate purpose, though, of overall system maintenance and management, the model may have to include all sewers and laterals. With respect to very large metropolitan municipalities, it may prove advantageous to have two separate models, one for system management and one for hydraulic analyses. The geometric model of a sewer is comprised of its nodes and connecting conduits. Conduits are generally circular pipes; however, a multitude of other configurations are available, as well as the ability for custom design of closed and open shapes. Depending on the type of model, nodes can be manholes, inlets, pump stations, siphon intakes and outlets, points at which a change in the conduit shape or alignment occurs, or at points at which analytical or modeling results are desirable. Points at which laterals or services are connected to the sewer could be treated as nodes; this practice, however, is discouraged (see later on). In this model, the conduit connecting two nodes is referred to a reach. A series or chain of reaches from a downstream to an upstream end is referred to as a strip. Strips may be defined in any user desired order. The development of the geometric model is perhaps the most tedious task of the overall sewer model, and as said before, it can vary from municipality to municipality depending on the source of the required data to build the model. Generally, most municipalities have a graphic representation of the sewer system in some form of maps. The development time will be greatly simplified, if the entire sewer system appears on a uniform, well matched set of map sheets. With such maps at hand, the geometric model could be developed by either of three methods: Of these approaches, the one to be opted should be based on an evaluation of cost and logistics. The logistics relate to the handling of the documents for scanning purposes. Since large scanners are not portable, either groups of originals will have to be removed from the DOE offices, scanned and returned. This may impose a risk as well as an imposition to the municipality. High quality prints can be deemed adequate for scanning purposes, but their production imposes an added time and expense. Once the horizontal layout of the sewer has been defined, its vertical orientation, in the form of invert and top of grate elevations, as well as, the conduit sizes, hydraulic properties and all other elements of its inventory must be introduced in the model. If all of this information, or portion thereof is available in some sort of digital file format, the model building with AVsand will be greatly expedited. Otherwise, there is no alternative to the manual entry, either on a batch process of a pre-design file format, or directly via AVsand. The services model connects each household and business to a sewer reach thereby relating each service to a parcel of the parcel model. It is possible for a parcel to have more than one service connection (lateral). In GIS speak, this connection is made via the parcel's unique identification number and street address. Although either will suffice, both are used because generally maintenance personnel work with addresses. Parcels connected to sewers located in a back alley are referenced to both the fronting street and to the back alley. The preparation of this model could be accomplished by either of the three methods above described. Similarly as for the main sewer, if the system of laterals is available in a digital file format, provisions can be made for expediting the data entry. In many a municipality, a lateral, in addition to a street address, is identified by its distance from the first downstream street intersection. A feature in AVsand enables the mass entry of such information to automatically establish the services model. The load model helps the user define the wastewater contributions into the sewer system. AVsand provides for the definition of wastewater contributions as the product of area, density per unit area, and flow contribution per unit density. By using unity (1) for either of these product components, various load scenarios may be constructed. For this, the load model can be established in either, or all of the methods below. Of the above, the selected option should be based on the available data, local engineering practices, and overall goal of the municipality.


One of the objectives in establishing a sewer model is the development of the necessary tools to enhance the maintenance of the physical system itself. An engineering-GIS integration utilizing ArcView capabilities enables DOE and DOWW personnel to easily access a database of engineering and conventional GIS attributes, review its contents, perform pre-programmed or on-the-fly queries as needed, and update the database so as to always have current record data. For example, a user may specify a desired address and direct AVsand to: Having responded to a citizen call, and taken the appropriate action, the system could be accessed again to report the results of such action and update the database. Figure 3 depicts this as perceived by the Division of Sewers of the City of Dearborn, Michigan. Under future expansion of the engineering-GIS interface system, it is possible to equip maintenance vehicles with AVsand on portable computers, remotely connected to the database, to expedite service calls, facility inspections, and maintenance operations. Additionally, a knowledge based system could be built into the system to recommend remedial actions to problems encountered, plan and monitor maintenance operations and help plan long term budgets for utility maintenance and expansion as may be needed. Shown in Figure 4 is a potential user interface displaying a portion of a city with its sewer system, its sewer capacity database table, and a query dialog box. This query box may be used to display sewers of inadequate capacity, excessive or non-cleansing velocities, dates of last inspection or maintenance, and so on. In Figure 5 a sewer skeleton model, as may be used for sewer flow modeling, and its geometric attribute table are displayed, while in Figure 6 a sewer geometric model superimposed upon the services model and on the parcel model, together with attribute tables containing sewer information as may be desired by DOWW, are displayed.


Another of the objectives of a sewer model is the flow assessment of the sewer facility under various flow contribution loads with respect to sewer capacity and backwater profiles, design sewer improvements, and prepare construction drawings. The Hydraulic Engineering Database is comprised of three relations associated with the conduct of hydraulic analyses and results thereof. The relations and their attributes are:


The recent advancements in personal computer (PC) processing and high end GIS, such as ArcView 2, is providing surveyors, engineers and facilities managers, at affordable cost, desk-top information handling capabilities that were previously available to large computing systems. The bridging of GIS and Engineering-CADD technologies, such as CEDRA's AVland, AVsand and AVwater modules, enables both private and municipal owners to better inventory, operate, maintain, plan, design and budget for sewer, drainage, water, street and other facilities. The merging of GIS and Civil Engineering technologies, is a result of developers looking down the road in an effort to provide the end-user a truly unified database serving multiple disciplines. The growing popularity and use of GIS will inevitably result in the integration of GIS and other technologies in the coming years. The implementation of a computer aided comprehensive sewer management system as that provided by AVsand can prove a very useful tool in the understanding of the flow behavior of a sewer system by its technical management staff, and in the maintenance of accurate and up-to-date records for the maintenance of sewer systems. Additions and improvements to a sewer system can be analyzed in the planning stages, and checked in the design stage to assure adequate service. Additionally, once the overall system has been implemented and track records of costs become available, the system can be expanded to incorporate decision making techniques to assist the community in its budgeting, planning and optimized use of its funds. The database as necessary for the implementation of the sewer management system is of use to the various departments of the overall municipality, as well as to various public service and private organizations. Under a judicious shared resource cost sharing plan, the initial implementation and the maintenance of the database can be recovered quickly, and in the long run provide overall community wide economic savings.