Pierluigi Soddu
Maria G. Martini



This paper examines the various steps needed to realize an Information System for sustaining the civil defence operations when seismic events occur on Italian territory. Particularly it analyzes:

 the information flows; 
the data base used;
the first data analysis;
the hardware and the software necessary to the System.
An analysis of time forseen for the realization and of the project costs concludes the work.

1.0 General goals

The projected System goal is to realize a support tool to civil defence interventions in areas stricken by seismic events and to give back in real time (see fig.1): information reports: operational maps; prepare scenarios relevant to the interested territorial zones.
fig. 1. System goals

The System will use the seismic events network, already working and made in real time by the following organizations (see fig.2): Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica (I.N.G.): the official organization delegated for this purpose on the national territory (its survey network is of about 80 sensors); Seismic Risk Information System (S.I.R.S.) of Servizio Sismico Nazionale.  fig. 2  Actual situation and projected solution

The projected System will complete the actual information (first
localization and intensity) sent by the organization surveying with a
set of information devoted to (see fig.3): support and plan civil
defence interventions; value the damage happened (preliminary
valutations); predispose data processings useful to inform (and to
orient) public opinion; acquire some knoledges useful for prevention in
the future, completing  what is already disposable at the Servizio with
those taken on the place by the same survey and/or by the
administrations, also local, directly interested.
fig. 3   System products

The said work analyses the fundamental elements of the proposed System, underlines 

its peculiar characteristics and subdivides it into two guidelines:

Systems integration;


Scenarios and Databases project integration function will be fulfil directly by Servizio 

Sismico by means of data acquisition coming from other organizations interested for 

competence, and will be bound to collecting standards just made on purpose.

It is forseen, moreover, the integration of the proposed System with everything already 

realized and working at the Civil Defence. 

2.0 Information system study and design

As it has been already said, there are the following guidelines for the design (see fig.4): Integration; Operational.

2.1 Integration guideline

It has been studied and designed the integration between the operational and surveillance areas of the following structures: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica - Servizio Sismico Nazionale - Civil Defence.
fig.4    System guidelines

During this systems integration will be very important:   

the accord protocols to define the institutional tasks already required and stated by the 

law 225/92 (Civil Defence National Service institution); 

the data transmissions protocols, and the activation of integrated alarm systems (where 

they are not already working), through automatic controls on threshold signals.

Now we have no interest for the accord protocols on the law 225/92: so we put in 

evidence better the second point: the transmissions data protocols study and the 

automatic control. 

Only for the connection: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica - Servizio Sismico Nazionale - 

Civil Defence Department, the block diagram (see fig.5), proposes the information 

flow that the whole System must manage, identifying the operational steps as follows:  

when a seismic event superior to the first threshold (first threshold or interest 

threshold) will occurr, the Servizio Sismico Nazionale will receive (in real time) the 

signal transmitted by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica

fig.5 Information flow

2.1.1 Events signaling
The messages, transmitted in pre-defined protocols (see fig. 6), must contain the necessary information to define the intensity, the localization and the time of the event, for every seismic event surveyed and superior to the threshold of interest.
2.1.2 Message decoding
The message decoding will be automated, at the Servizio Sismico Nazionale and will activate different procedures according with a second pre-defined threshold level (alarm threshold or second threshold), and respectively: if lower than the second threshold, filing the event in the data base and producing internal reports. These events could be related with the data base producted by local area network active in the interested area and connected in computer network with the Servizio (simple signaling). if higher than the second threshold, activating alarm procedures (supposing automated the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica - Civil Defence, too), and connection with S.I.R.S..
fig.6 Base message example (transmitted by 

surveying institution)

In this case the alarm procedures will activate as follows: Event communication by 

analogical teledrin systems to Servizio Sismico System.

fig. 7   Pre-defined alarm messages (example)

The pre-defined message (fig.7) will be produced as follows:

integration of the original message received by the surveyor with the operational 

information produced automatically by the System:

transmission of this original to the System operators;

activation (in the operational room) of non standard procedures according to the 

operational level and alert.

2.2 Operational guideline

The operational guideline identifies in the following points: final products (reports, maps, dedicated scenarios); databases; operational activity. everything produced an necessary to the System best functionality.
2.2.1 Final products
After the overcoming the second threshold level (automated procedures), it will be obtained particularly: table reports (ex.: list of the municipalities involved in the event, with statistical data: population, building type, etc,); base maps (re-proposing in thematic charts the topics already said and/or their eventual interactions); operational maps (ex.: road and rail networks accessibility maps, energy transmission network, infrastructures etc.) prearrangement (in particular cases) of operational scenarios, using softwares working out at the Servizio Sismico Nazionale. As it's easy to realize exactly in the final products we understand the fundamental role of a dedicated geographical information system. Besides in the law 225/92, are listed the three intervention phases of the Civil Defence system: Prevision, Prevention and Emergency Management, and in these three phases it is possible to define the roles where a dedicated information system operate (see fig. 8):
 Fig.8   G.I.S. operational role

More exactly in the phases of:


with the locating of  scenario coming from a seismic event with a known intensity and 

following reply of the "territory system".


where it's fundamental the seismic risk evaluation on national territory. Risk is defined 

as the combination of:

Hazard:  physical features of the natural event earthquake;

Vulnerability:  propension of a "good (property)" to suffer damages and/or loss of 

functionality after a seismic event;

Exposition: quantity and quality of the properties exposed to seismic risk.

Emergency management, 

where is fundamental the reply capacity of the Civil Defence, that must dispose of:

 the information about the said points;

 the distribution of rescue men and means, hospitals structures and/or shelters;

 the least paths (usable) of access to the epicenter area, etc.

For example:

the prevision will be picked up by the Service Data base processing the relation 

between event intensity, features intensity and land urbanization and infrastrucures. 

This process will individuate the probable damages to the urban systems and 

infrastructures stroke by the event.

The prevention will worked by modelling and/or simulation, giving information (in real 

time and for the national territory), more detailed such as reports or maps. These 

reports or maps must:

fig. 9. Earthquake localization

fig. 10 Percentage of buildings constructed before the

national seismic classification

fig. 11 Number of dangerous industries (class C).

fig. 12  Tabular reports examples

For Emergency management will be necessary:


At last, but not the least, the Servizio Sismico Information System database will be 

implemented more and more with the purpose to evaluate the whole national territory 

vulnerability. To inform correctly and opportunely the public opinion and the 
mass-media is optional.

2.2.1 Databases
It is forseen the Seismic Risk Information System (S.I.R.S.) use (integrated with new databases) for the above said processings production (operational guideline, point 2). SIRS is defined as a set of data, structured in five subjects ambits such as: Territory, Buildings, Industries, Services and Infrastructures (see fig.13) .
 fig. 13  Seismic Risk Information System 


These data have the following features:

In succession data examples for the five subjects ambits are listed:

for the Territory:

	Seismic classification; municipality surface; the chief town altimetry and the 

related geographic coordinates; four landslides surveys: Ministry (Department) of 

Public Works, Ministry of Agriculture, Movimento Federativo Democratico, National 

Geologic Serevice; Demography (year 1991) and variations relative to the last three 


for the Buildings:

	some variables for the total evaluation of the buildings have been settled; and 

also for: the evolution through the time; the verification about the structures and the 

adaptation to earthquake-proof; the building concession and the abuse;

for the Industry:

	local employees; energy production; dangerous industries (classification by 

Ministry of Public Health);

for the Infrastructures:

	data on dams, reservoirs;

for the Services:

	some data on hospitals; clinics; hotels and schools are  present.

Resuming, the set of data contained into SIRS is about 150 indicators (simple and 

derived) for 8086 municipalities total (year 1981 as reference), considering also 

administrative areas and it is referred to the whole national territory. The cartography 

used has been digitized at 1:100.000, with reference to zone 32 and UTM projection.

The new databases that will be integrated into SIRS are the following (red flag data 

base in progress, green flag data base active - fig. 14):

With these database it will be possible to plan scenarios for the whole national territory 

and to produce data processing pertinent to:

 fig. 14  New database

A detailed analysis will be carried out in the future for regional and local areas with 

the following purposes: 

For this scope, the Servizio and the local Administrations, will standardize the survey 

tools on the earthquake damages and effects to integrate the surveying on the field.

2.2.2 Operational system
The System foreseen a hardware and a software (point 3 of the optional guideline) to grant a continuative monitoring in reception and always working, 24 hours, for 7 days, for 52 weeks, for year. So, the following three points are essential:
  1. System continuity;
  2. High reliability computation system or "fault tolerance";
  3. Constitution of operational groups at the National Seismic Service and at the Civil Defence Department.
 fig.15    Support elements for monitoring


Some fundamental elements granting the operational System continuity have been 


High reliability Computer System

This is the definition for the hardware that must grant the perfect functionality of the 

whole System.

Some products granting the information reception, processing and sending 

uninterrupted have been individuated.

The System, integrated with the system already working at Servizio Sismico, is 

thought so realized: system conceptually like Disk Mirroring (raid system), that may 

use if necessary the structures available on network (computers, database, etc.) at the 

Servizio Sismico.

The System so prearranged will grant a remarkable reliability even if the main center 

doesn't operate.

As regards the software, at present the Servizio Sismico works with Arc Info and its 

modules as Grid, Tin and Network, and on these experience the above said System will 

be expanded. The operational procedures, automatized, to produce maps report, 

scenarios will be developed directly in AML.

Operational groups settlement (Servizio Sismico Nazionale and Civil Defence)

It is necessary, as third step, to create two operational groups: one group at the Servizio 

Sismico, the other group at the Civil Defence. The operational group at the Servizio Sismico, 
accessible to qualified employees only, will have to contain the whole instrument 
system and the printing and communication systems too, necessary to the work and must 
possess autonomous and continuous energy systems. The operational room will be 
integrated with everything already existing at the other National Technical Services 
(Geological, Dams, Hydrographical), for the purpose to realize a unic support system.

The team working in this center, having the particularity to be activated automatically 

when the alarm threshold is get over, might be composed by four persons (normal 

gestion): a system responsible, a scenario designer, two system operators.

The terminal point of the System and of the proposed information link, is the 

institution of the hot point (with the obvious telematic connessions) at the Civil 

Defence operational sector. This sector is the Situations Center, that is the operational 

instrument (H24) by which the Civil Defence Department: follows the evolution of the 

signalized disaster and coordinates and develops the activities.

The "hot point" institution will be necessarily designed as function of the information 

visualization and/or of the scenario useful to the first operational moments after the 

event: in this area reports and maps processed by the system will be produced, while at 

second time, after the receiving of the first reports directly surveyed in the interested 

areas and with the better information, improvements on the quality of the final 

products will be activated.

3.0 Phases and time for realization

The System formerly described is very complex, so it needs necessarily a gradual realization by integrated modules: it could be realized step by step. At this moment it's possible to forsee the first phase (one year long, at most) will be developed in the following activities: For the second phase, on the basis of the design compiled for the first sample area, the system will be developed for its functionality pertinent to regional and local scale.

4.0 The costs

For the activities forseen during the first phase, the expense has been divided as follows: This expense is articulated as function of the activities listed at the previous paragraph. It will be probably lower because there are relations between public structures (e.g.: ISTAT), but there are also some necessary integrations of data coming from databases not homogeneus.
 fig. 16  Percentage of  costs estimated by the project (first phase)


This paper has treated about a System project (where, the word "system" means the total of components), dedicated to rescue operations and civil defence intervention when seismic events occur. This project studies various operational solutions and sets as goal to integrate operational reality of Organization and/or Structure working on the territory. The project for its modularity proposes as referent for similar operations involving the other National Technical Services.


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Dr. Pierluigi Soddu
Dr. M. Giovanna Martini
Servizio Sismico Nazionale (Dipartimento per i Servizi Tecnici
Nazionali - Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri -
Via Curtatone, 8 00185 Roma
Tel 39-6-4466878
Fax 39-6-4466940