Michael Kennedy

Integrating GPS with GIS

In late 1993, the U.S. Department of Defense declared that its Global Positioning System (GPS), NAVSTAR, had attained Initial Operational Capability (IOC). Deciphered this means that after the expenditure of a dozen billion dollars, 24 health, solar-powered radio transmitters are orbiting the globe; further it assures us civilians that, by law, in time of peace, we have access to a high level of position information (down to the centimeter!) anywhere on earth. In other words, GPS is working well and is here to stay. How do we make good use of this tool in GIS? And how do we teach students in GIS classes to use GPS, given courses that are already full of important subjects? In this paper, I will attempt to answer at least the second question, and report on the progress of a "GPS in GIS" textbook project being sponsored by Esri and Trimble Navigation.

Michael Kennedy
1050 Elmendorf Dr.
Lexington, KY 40517
Telephone: 606-272-1400
Fax: 606-323-1969
Email: kennedy@ukcc.uky.edu