Mark Bromley

A Sampling of PRC's GIS Contracts for the Defense Community

PRC uses ArcInfo for a number of Department of Defense programs, including the War Breaker Terrain Feature Generator, U.S. Air Force Project 2851, Navy CLEAN, and Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Complex. This paper will describe the objectives and use of ArcInfo in each.

War Breaker Terrain Feature Generator:
PRC is developing a revolutionary GIS/image processing testbed system capable of supporting the warfighter into the 21st Century. System requirements include producing 1 million square kilometers of terrain and culture data within seven days, designing and developing prototype parallel and scalable architectures, and developing a true multiresolution GIS.

U.S. Air Force Project 2851:
This program, which was completed in February, has already been deployed to Kirtland AFB for air crew training. The system is a production system for generating and customizing simulator databases that support tri-service weapon system trainers. It uses a variety of custom-designed and COTS software, including ArcInfo, which was used to produce the training maps that are distributed with the simulator databases. The program also designed two military standards that are being used today for transporting simulator databases between proprietary image generators.

PRC is using ArcInfo technology to support environmental activities at several Navy installations as part of the Navy comprehensive long-term environmental action (CLEAN) program. PRC uses ArcInfo for database management, attribute display, spatial analysis, contour mapping, cross-section mapping, surface modeling, preprocessing and postprocessing for groundwater and air dispersion modeling, and volume calculations. GIS is also used for potential litigation support and community relations.

Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Complex:
PRC has several contracts with the EPA for developing a customized interface in ArcInfo to give managers direct access to a comprehensive environmental database for the Rocky Flats Nuclear Plant. Another contract evaluates the potential for radionuclide air releases from diffuse sources at the plant.

Mark Bromley
PRC Inc.
1500 PRC Drive
McLean, VA 22102
Telephone: 703-883-8367
Fax: 703-556-1174