Carolyn Jones

Systems Integration and Contingency Planning using ArcInfo

The following projects were performed by Science Application International Corporation (SAIC) for the Space and Strategic Defense Command (USASSDC). Our mission was to evaluate current products and technologies and assess their potential in enhancing the capability of national level mobilization, counter-terrorism, and the Military Support to Civilian Authority (MSCA) Program for All-Hazards disaster preparedness. Our team implemented a systems approach to integrating the many commercial and government off-the-shelf products and services which are available to enhance contingency planning, disaster preparedness, emergency response, and to reduce human suffering at both a national and international level. We concurrently employed a product-oriented approach focused on providing interoperable, user-oriented products, not on producing another study or developing a new software package. Our products demonstrate the integration of today's technologies and capabilities.



"The views, opinions and/or findings contained in this presentation are those of the author(s) and 

should not be construed as an official United States or Department of the Army position, or decision, 

unless so designated by other official documentation".

Our ability to successfully complete a systems approach to producing quality spatial analyses was due 

mostly to the selfless cooperation, contributions, and enthusiasm of military installations; Department 

of Defense (DoD); Director of Military Support (DOMS); United States Army Forces Command 

(USAFORSCOM); Continental Armies (CONUSAs); many Disaster Coordinating Officers (DCOs) 

and Emergency Planning Liaison Officers (EPLOs); Federal Emergency Management Agency 

(FEMA); county, parish, and state emergency management agencies; Defense Mapping Agency 

(DMA); United States Geological Survey (USGS); and the many offices of the United States Army 



The USASSDC objectives were to support the Department of Defense (DoD) with the following:

  Evaluation of Missile System Performance

  Validation of Foreign/U.S. Theater Scenarios

  Support Development of Defense Weapon Systems

  Disaster Preparedness/Response

The application and transfer of state-of-the-art Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies, 

imagery, government simulations and models inevitably leads to problems in interoperability.  This 

paper describes several applications for GIS technologies.  The USASSDC team utilized ArcInfo 

software to perform the above objectives in conjunction with the ERDAS image processing package.

USASSDC is a lead Army agency in the research and development of high technology weapon 

systems.  In the early days of the Star Wars projects, the fact that GIS technologies could play a 

major role throughout the complete life cycle of a weapon system became apparent. However, the 

primary problem with any engineering analysis is data acquisition and validation.


The USASSDC team provided GIS, 3-D spatial modeling, imagery, and data base management 

support for conceptual weapon system components and event assessments.  We performed 

requirements analysis and concept/program definition, development and integration spatial databases,  

standardization of spatial data, and development of interoperability methodologies.  Since USASSDC 

is always pushing leading technology in the development of new and innovative weapon systems, GIS 

plays a crucial role in the weapon system concept phase of the life-cycle. The Ground Based Radar 

Rail Mobile Project is an example of a radar concept which GIS has proven to be unfeasible.  This 

radar was intended to be housed in a standard railroad car, stop at various rail sidings, plug into a 

fiber optic network and immediately begin to produce radar signatures of oncoming obstacles.  The 

technology for such a project is obviously available. However, based on the operational criteria of the 

radar, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of rails and fiber optics would have had to be laid in 

order to meet the threat.  Utilizing ArcInfo and data sets of 1:100k scale of the United States, our 

team was able to show that this project was unfeasible early in its development.

USASSDC developed and utilized GIS-based methodologies to complete missile system performance 

evaluations, and tier and architecture siting analyses.  USASSDC provided spatial analysis support for 

integrating and balancing the Joint-Tactical Missile Defense (JTMD) pillars:  active and passive 

defense; attack operations; and Battle Management/Command, Control, Communications, and 

Intelligence (BM/C3I).  We also developed a cruise missile application which fused digital imagery, 

digital elevation, and digital feature data sets.  This effort supported the AEROSTAT sensor study 

which provided spatial analyses for documenting evolutionary mission objectives and requirements of 

JTMD systems in multiple theaters.  USASSDC also determined manpower and materiel requirements 

for weapon systems in Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) analyses for the Army’s Material 

Acquisition and Force Structure Development processes.


While assisting in the validation of Theater Scenarios, we produced cost effectiveness, risk, and 

environmental analyses.  Documentation depicting the maintainability, supportabilty, and growth 

assessments of TMD architecture was prepared by modeling multiple threat reentry vehicle 

trajectories by attack wave, then overlaying the trajectories over 3-D friendly TMD radar and weapon 

footprints to evaluate employment-alternative force structure package performance, and to assist in 

system costing efforts.  These models were developed by integrating Extended Air Defense 

Simulations (EADSIM), geographic data sets, and threat models using ArcInfo AMLs and 

FORTRAN programs.


The USASSDC team developed spatial analysis methodologies, analytical aids, and presented 

demonstration of GIS applications for solving intelligence, counternarcotics, Special Forces, and 

strategic ballistic missile weapon systems acquisition, logistics, deployment, siting, and employment 

issues and alternatives. We applied GIS, mapping, aerial photos, and imagery interpretation 

techniques, with exclusionary and evaluative criteria for ranking candidate ballistic missile defense 

system and logistical support sites in support of the National Missile Defense (NMD) Project Office.  

This project consisted of conceptual weapon system components, test range activities and event 

assessments.  USASSDC completed the Fine Screening Phase of an area narrowing process for down-

selecting to the optimum candidate continental U.S. (CONUS) bases for siting the Ground Based 

Radar (GBR), Ground Based Interceptors (GBI), and candidate logistical support bases for a national 

level ballistic missile defense weapon system.


As the world has changed, so has the emphasis of the Department of Defense.  Due to the decline of 

former Soviet Union countries and the increase in naturally occurring disasters, USASSDC became 

involved in the application and transfer of state-of-the-art government simulations, models, imagery 

and GIS technologies to national-level mobilization, counter-terrorism, and the Military Support to 

Civilian Authority (MSCA) Program for All-Hazards disaster preparedness. This effort includes 

producing GIS products and electronically transmitting and integrating off-the-shelf software and 

products to quick reaction disaster response teams which provide imagery integration, situational 

assessments near real-time disaster effects modeling, decision aids, and technical support on-site to 

state and federal emergency responders.  Our team overlaid models which projected the accidental 

releases of chemicals and radioactivity and their impacts on the environment and targeted populations.  

We deployed to Romania in support of NATO and the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (NACC), 

giving a demonstration at an international seminar in Romania involving 22 NACC countries in 

support of the international Partnership For Peace program. The demonstration provided simulated 

GIS-based near real-time critical decision aid and spatial modeling support for a nuclear power plant 


In providing this support, we performed research defining the synergism and duplication between data 

and management requirements for emergency management activities. Additionally, significant 

resource efficiencies and experience were gained when the same types of data sets, maps and 

management systems were utilized for planning and responding to Emergency Operation Center 

(EOC) tasks, as well as performing the day-to-day, pre- and post-disaster facility engineering tasks.

The first phase of this effort was to support disaster preparedness planning and study technologies 

and activities which enhance DoD installation disaster preparedness, and which improve planning for 

disaster relief relating to DoD installations and cooperative planning with local and international civil 

authorities.  Program requirements included:  

  Perform research and recommend enhancements for providing MSCA.	

  Conduct site visits to determine requirements.

  Conduct special studies for the National Guard, U.S. Atlantic Command (USACOM), 

  Department of Defense Resource Data Base (DODRDB).

  Produce a legal data base on CD-ROM.

  Enhance interfaces between installation and the civilian community.

  Co-develop an international radiological gaming demonstration.

  Finally, make determinations on what should be done in outlying years.

Our team integrated off-the-shelf software such as ArcInfo, ArcView, Intergraph, Emergency 

Information System (EIS), and SoftRisk to produce products that were electronically transmitted to 

quick reaction disaster response teams. These teams provided imagery integration, situation 

assessments, near real-time disaster effects modeling, decision aids and technical support on-site to 

state and federal emergency responders.  Models were incorporated into ArcView, which projected 

the accidental releases of chemicals and radioactivity and their subsequent impacts on the environment 

and targeted populations.  Also our team deployed to Romania in support of NATO and the North 

Atlantic Cooperation Council (NACC) providing GIS-based near real-time critical decision aid and 

spatial modeling support for a nuclear power plant accident demonstration, as discussed earlier.

The general program overview, which is available upon request, is a concise pictorial representation 

of how Program Management maintained a product-oriented, first-year effort.  Management utilized 

concurrent engineering principles to ensure proper integration and to keep each product on schedule 

and fully coordinated with current and future user requirements. 


A general product description from our Integrated Disaster Planning (IDP) Program Package is also 

available which depicts the USASSDC disaster preparedness planning and study program flow, from 

initial requirements collection and definition to the development and fielding of the IDP Package, and 

the completion and documentation of field exercises.  Also documented are lessons learned from 

actual disaster support, and the final program report to DoD and Congress.  As demonstrated by the 

study program flow, this one-year effort focused on the installation and the related requirements for 

self-recovery and MSCA during all-hazards response.  Use of this package and its products is not 

restricted to federal or national level disasters.  It also includes the information and spatial data 

necessary for the installation to perform day-to-day emergency and mobilization planning activities.


Spatial data and information requirements were identified from:

  On-site visits to 38 military installations in CONUS and our territories.  An additional 83 

installations were sent questionnaires to collect emergency planning data.

  Concurrent visits or interviews with more than 50 communities surrounding the 38 


  Visits and interviews with over 100 other civil and government offices and agencies involved 

with MSCA.


The following general mission-related requirements were deemed essential for supporting the 

installation's response mission:

  Enhance self-recovery operations

  Respond to requirements in the immediate vicinity

  Deploy response forces to remote locations

  Provide logistics support

  Provide related planning and training.

  Meet reporting requirements:


¨ Warning information

¨ Response activities

¨ Recovery activities

¨ Type of event

¨ Economic impact 


  Provide Presidential and Dignitary Visit Management.


It was clearly evident from the installation visits that not all installations perform all of the above 

mission requirements to the same degree.  In many cases, they are event specific.  Additionally,  the 

installations, the CONUSAs, and all agencies visited stressed key requirements, including continuous 

data base maintenance, data interoperability, connectivity, and standardization of geographic data 

bases within the national-level disaster preparedness infrastructure.

One of our most challenging steps was to collect information concerning spatial digital data formats.  

Above all, they had to be available in a timely manner so that we could immediately start scheduling 

the delivery of products.  Secondly, as directed by DoD, the products had to be free of any costs and 

licensing constraints.

The four-month data collection schedule provided adequate time to gather data in its resident format 

from each source.  Almost every data source utilized different data base formats.  This project 

recognizes the value of a data standard or, at least, interoperable spatial data formats.  A data format 

is needed that will accommodate both government and commercial data fusion for emergency 

management applications both at national and international levels.  Additionally, our research found 

significant duplication of spatial data collection efforts in separate offices and agencies at almost every 

location visited.  The USASSDC project will continue to work to support the standardization and 

interoperability of digital formats for emergency planning.

The fact-finding trips also revealed that the level of automation at installation EOCs ranged from none 

to fairly sophisticated, including map viewing and emergency operations and management software 

packages with geographically referenced attribute data.  The typical source of high-resolution 

installation data--the installation Public Works (PW) or Facility Engineers (FE) office, had complex 

hard-copy and digital data sets available from a wide range of high-end Commercial-Off-The-Shelf 

(COTS) Software formats.  These formats were usually incompatible with those required in the 

installation EOC.  These findings are significant as they help define both a key source of higher-

resolution data covering the installation, as well as the scope of the effort required to produce diverse 

and enhanced data sets for the installation EOCs.  

The requirement was subsequently defined to establish a single spatial data base to support the IDP 

Project using the COTS ArcInfo GIS software which was already available at USASSDC.  This 

requirement significantly minimized project startup time and costs.  

Additionally, visits conducted on the representative sample of 38 military bases revealed that most 

installation EOCs had little or no automation to view digital data or to manage emergency response 

activities.  Those that did have automation usually required a source agency or contractor with a GIS 

or CADD capability to prepare the spatial data in certain digital mapping formats in order for their 

emergency management software to view the spatial data efficiently.  Therefore, a data loss problem 

was identified with creating a single data base due to the many input/output spatial data formats.

This data loss problem is exacerbated when relatively few data layers are used, with each layer having 

many attributes.  This is normally the case with the many very-high-resolution data sets generated by 

engineers as they compile facility data (which is the primary source of existing installation data).  For 

example, the facility engineers may have one data layer for all buildings or structures on the 

installation.  All uses, owners, names, dimensions, etc., would be accounted for as attributes.  This 

method is efficient and makes sense for engineers; however, this is not how the EOC personnel or 

many of their COTS emergency management software packages manipulate and use spatial data sets.  

Typically, less-detailed layers were more usable to the EOC, e.g., certain key buildings such as 

designated shelters or buildings with weapons and ammunition storage, etc.

As a whole, all of the emergency management software packages identified during the installation 

visits, all of the installation plans reviewed or discussed, and all of the EOCs interviewed have the 

common need to track and manage specific subsets of general building and resource data.  However, 

the EOCs do not require all of the detailed engineering drawing-level data, as the EOC manages 

emergency response, but does not direct it.  High resolution, detailed maps and dimensions of 

buildings may be required for use by the on-scene fire chief, military police, bomb disposal teams, 

utility crews, etc., who actually respond with their resources.  If so, they will already have them on 

hand or in their information system.  According to EOC managers who have automation or have 

researched the problem in-depth, it is unnecessary and too resource-intensive for the EOC to maintain 

the more detailed data. To much effort is required to keep the extraneous data updated, and many 

EOCs are already understaffed to perform the updates required for their current data.

The surveys, additional research, and installation visits also identified the following All-Hazard 

Disasters and other events as representative of those required of installation EOC managers for 

MSCA and installation self-recovery.  These may also be initiating events and/or contributing hazards 

due to material, technical disasters, overt actions, planned events and visits, and any number of 

possible combinations.

  Severe weather

  Terrorist actions

  Oil, chemical spills


  Building fires, collapse

  Nuclear spills or melt-downs

  Earthquakes, slides

  Riots, disturbances

  Transportation mishaps	

  Volcanic activities

  Massive disruptions

  Toxic gas release

  Weapons mishaps


  Forest, grass fires

  Plant accidents


  Dam failures

  Air, marine accidents

  Hurricanes, tornadoes


  Dignitary visits (President, 

  Pope, large concerts, etc.)

  Demonstrations, and major 

  civic events

The requirement was further defined to interface the digital and hard-copy mapping products with the 

installation EOC, consistent with their respective level of automation and skills.  Additionally, the 

EOC needs to interface with the surrounding vicinity using compatible maps.  The EOC and facility 

engineers may have maps with Military Grid Reference System coordinates, latitudes and longitudes, 

or no coordinate system.  The vicinity will usually have maps with State Planar and latitudes and 

longitudes, or no coordinates.  Very few of the major commercial emergency management software 

products reviewed thus far can convert to each of these coordinate systems.  However, any high end 

GIS, and most CADD software, can convert between these coordinate systems. 

Due to the various formats and qualities of source data received, the requirement was also derived to 

make a distinction between a core set of data sources and other sources.  The core set of data sources 

are those which are, or are expected to be, used by key disaster management agencies that directly 

influence DoD participation.  These are first and foremost FEMA and the DOMS, and include Census 

data, interstates, primary roads, flood data, nuclear plants, airports, fault lines, hydrology, and federal, 

state, and county boundaries.

The following list identifies the emergency management software media formats identified for IDP 

production at selected installations during this one-year effort:

  Hard copy

  Emergency Information Systems (EIS)


These same format requirements were also identified at the CONUSA and DCO levels, at FEMA 

offices, and at some vicinity locations.

The installation visits helped to identify the requirements that any data sets and capabilities provided 

should be:

  Usable on a day-to-day basis for other installation requirements so that all installation offices 

  are working from the same data sets.

  Simple and easy to use for EOC operators.

  Focused on standardization, and interoperability with higher headquarters and vicinities.

  Kept up-to-date.

Many installation EOC personnel also work mobilization issues and training area usage during 

mobilization and need to minimize the number and use of specialized software and data bases. 

The number of spatial data layers are being maximized and the number of attributes on each layer 

minimized.  The rationale is that this minimizes data loss and data base export problems during 

translation from and to the many data formats and platforms involved.  Additionally, time and 

resource savings are expected.

The team reviewed the list of 83 data layers, and established associated work priorities for the 16 

thematic groupings  considered for the installation and vicinity data bases during this first year effort.  

A more extensive review of feedback from installation EOCs and all MSCA agencies after they have 

exercised the installation and vicinity data base is recommended in future years.


The installation and vicinity data base design focused on producing usable products at the installation 

EOC for the related requirements for self-recovery and MSCA during preparedness planning and all-

hazards response.  As such, this data base design is not just for federalized disasters.  At the request 

of installation EOCs, it also includes the design for the spatial data necessary for the day-to-day 

emergency and preparedness planning activities.

The installation and vicinity data base provides standardized digital spatial data and associated 

attributes for the production of digital and hard-copy maps in a format and scale consistent with the 

level of automation at each respective installation EOC. The complete Installation and Vicinity data 

base was delivered to each installation EOC free of cost and any licensing or distribution constraints.


Several key off-the-shelf digital spatial information technologies were identified during on-site visits 

and from surveys completed.

  Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

  Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD)

  Emergency Management Software (EMS)

  Global Positioning System (GPS)




The design of this spatial data base and its utility for DoD emergency management and installation 

EOCs use during All-Hazards emergencies was validated and tested during development by 

participation in scheduled exercises and actual disaster response.

The USASSDC Program Team rapidly set up a base of operations and fielded four quick response 

teams during the Southeast Floods of July 1994.  The products in greatest demand utilized data layers 

from the installation and vicinity data base fused together with current weather, imagery, and 

operational information.  The data layers from many different and diverse sources were built using 

current Geographic Information System technologies and innovative techniques which minimized data 

loss. The products included visual situation and damage assessments, near real-time imagery and 

photography integrated with decision aids, population demographics, and evacuation and logistics 

routing maps.

On-site direct support was also provided to assist the Director of Military Support (DOMS) at the 

Pentagon; the Alabama, Georgia, and Florida National Guards; the National Guard Bureau; and the 

National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Testing and validation also included several large-scale hurricane and earthquake exercises including 

the Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration (JWID), Hurricane Polly, and a Central U.S. 

earthquake exercise with Fort Campbell, KY.  The program team also developed and conducted a 

major radiological disaster exercise in Romania, which was hosted jointly by Romania and Bulgaria.  

Twenty-two countries attended and actively participated in this international event.

All emergency management data sets and capabilities contained in the Installation and Vicinity Spatial 

Data Base provide an initial approach to enhancing disaster preparedness.  There is still much to be 

done in the future to mitigate destruction and human suffering.  The USASSDC, as a center of 

technical expertise, stands ready to play a continuing role.


The USASSDC Program Team prepared slide situational assessment and planning documents in 

support of MSCA agents while planning national level MSCA support during the Southeast Floods of 

July 1994.  The top-level MSCA agent desired to see, on a single graphic, the hydrography of each of 

six major river systems as flood waters were rising.  On this same graphic, key cities were also 

required, and military installations which might either be affected or which might be needed to assist 

should the flooding increase.  Our spatial data base design allowed us to quickly change the view of 

the hydrology data to show the Southeastern Flood area with the specific hydrology enhanced.  

Examples of our spatial database and product samples are available upon request.

Our government-contractor team also deployed quick response teams to support state level flood 

response planning. The team provided maps depicting requested state and county level situational 

assessments and planning aids for Decatur and Seminole Counties in Georgia during the Southeast 

Floods of July 1994 A single planning tool was provided which depicted the normal water level 

(hydrography) and outline of the Flint River shown in conjunction with the  area and roads which 

would be covered when the water level rises at various flood stages.


Emergency Planning Enhancements were defined as information that provides value-added 

capabilities for the installation EOC's self-recovery missions and MSCA-related missions. The 

installation and vicinity data base was designed to eventually contain enhancements that are essential 

for emergency response.  Enhancements will be implemented as time and resources permit. They may 

appear as data layers or attributes in the installation and vicinity spatial data base, or as special map 

augmentations, such as color coding and symbols. Enhancements which have been identified for 

consideration and evaluation include:

  Evacuation routes.  Primary and secondary routes identified by disaster type.

  Troop Support Agency (emergency food supply) location.

  Locations of concentrations of disabled and elderly persons.

  Low-lying flood-prone areas next to bodies of water.  These areas are prone to flood, but are 

  not identified on regular maps.

  Symbology.  Using special symbology on a map to identify important buildings, locations, 

  information, etc.

  Special emergency operation equipment (location and point of contact).  Equipment includes 

  jaws of life, chain saws, cutting torches, welding equipment, come-a-longs, shovels (including 

  snow), rakes, Reverse Osmosis, Purification Units (ROPUs), cargo trucks, wreckers, 

  petroleum, oil, and lubricants (POL) trucks, extra ambulances, and helicopters.

  Special emergency operation crews.  Operators and crews for search and rescue, fire fighting, 

  Emergency Ordnance Disposal (EOD), bus drivers, helicopter pilots, truck drivers, POL 

  handlers, generator operators, ROPU operators, and mechanics.

	The following recommendations are made for future enhancements:

  Maintain in-depth evaluations of off-the-shelf data services.

  Maintain updated evaluations of off-the-shelf spatial analysis and viewing software.

  Perform a long-range analysis of hard-copy mapping scale requirements.

  Define spatial data requirements for emergency management and MSCA agents above DoD 

  installation level.

  Finish populating the installation and vicinity data base with all data layers required by DoD 

  installation EOCs.

  Produce emergency planning enhancements for the installation and vicinity data base.

  Further assess the utility of the Albers equal area and other projections.

  Define additional themes for selected regions and special disaster threats.


All emergency management products, data sets, and capabilities contained in the installation and 

vicinity data base provide an initial approach to enhancing disaster preparedness  for military 

installations.  There is still much to be done in the future to mitigate destruction and human suffering.  

The USASSDC as a center for technological expertise stands ready to play a continuing role.  This 

project was funded through  October 1994.  However, several initiatives have been funded to include 

an innovative technology exchange with more than eleven countries under “Partnership for Peace” 

initiatives.  We look forward to participating in other additional national and international emergency 

planning activities.

Carolyn Jones
GIS Business Coordinator
Science Applications International Corporation
6725 Odyssey Drive, Huntsville, Alabama 35806-6677
Voice: 205-971-6677, Fax: 205-971-6691