Ken Meehan, Tom Morgan

A Geographic View of STRATCOMM's Global Transportation Network (GTN)

This paper provides an overview of Computer Sciences Corporation's incorporation of ArcInfo and ArcView Version 2 into the global transportation network (GTN) information architecture. This integration provides a geographical context for the historically tabular management of worldwide transportation assets and movement. ArcView Version 2 provides an excellent Executive Information System (EIS) component for rapid definition and update for flag-level briefings. ArcView's ability to be customized with Avenue, and its ability to ingest and display widely disparate data (e.g. images, coverages, maps) coupled with its layout functionality make it ideal for this purpose. Convenient interface with ArcInfo through IAC provides the analytical capability necessary to assess routing, buffer zones, and proximity.

Ken Meehan
Computer Sciences Corporation
System Sciences Division
15245 Shady Grove Road
Rockville, MD 20850-3222
Telephone: 301-670-3732
Fax: 301-921-2069

Tom Morgan
System Sciences Division
Computer Sciences Corp.
15245 Shady Grove Road
Rockville, MD 20850-3222
Telephone: 301-921-3290
Fax: 301-921-2069