John Whited, Ray Mandli, William Ehrich, Jim Zellmer

New Technologies: Integrate Digital Videolog and GPS for Collection of Inventory Information

Applications: Transportation, Real Estate, Automated Mapping/Facilities Management, Outdoor Advertising, Routing and Finance.

1. Problem Statement

Advances in technology and the construction of a more intelligent framework to collect and analyze data will assist many organizations in evaluating and determining the potential impacts of alternative policies and strategies. Digital Videolog and GPS, combined with a GIS environment provides a very powerful data rich environment for site analysis, inventory, traffic routing and real estate valuation.

2. Technology Review/Navigational Global Positioning System

2.2 Datums & Map Projections
2.3 GPS Receiver Components & Quality Issues
2.4 Dead Reckoning
2.5 DGPS (Post Process and Real Time)

3. Technology Review/Imaging

3.1 Analog Interlaced Environments
3.2 Digilog*, single or multiple cameras
3.3 High Definition

4. Hardware and Software environment

4.1 Hardware: Unix, Mac OS and Windows NT
4.2 Software: ArcInfo and ArcView 2.0
4.3 Measurement Tools
4.4 D-GPS mapping software

5. Remote Data Collection Equipment

6. Summary

7. Questions and Answers

John Whited
Iowa Dept. of Transportation
Telephone: 515-239-1411
Fax: 515-239-1325

Ray Mandli
Mandli Communications, Inc.

William Ehrich
Mandli Communications, Inc.

Jim Zellmer