Anthony R. Selle

Serving Spatial Data and Metadata from EPA Region VIII

EPA Region VIII is currently piloting an effort to make its corporate GIS data holdings, as well as the metadata for each coverage, available to the public via internet access. Using a combination of anonymous ftp access and World Wide Web mosaic pages, the region hopes to serve data and information to a diverse array of clients. These include other EPA sites and headquarters, other Federal and State agencies, cooperating universities and the public in general.

The key to serving data so that it is useful is to provide quality documentation for each data layer and to impliment standard naming conventions and standard fields for internally developed data. All metadata served will be compliant with Federal Spatial Data Transfer standards. Coordinating work groups within EPA are facilitating standardization of naming conventions and internally developed environmental data bases. By using the internet, the Region believes it will save time and costs by delivering information to its traditional customers immediately and reducing the number of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

Other benefits envisioned include the reduction of duplicative efforts within the Federal sector and encouraging data sharing and collaboration.

Anthony R. Selle
U.S. EPA, Region VIII
999 18th St., Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202
Telephone: 303-294-1995
Fax: 303-293-1647