Reza Ghezelbash, Steve Abbors, Rick Leong

A Rule-based Application Program for the Purpose of Bio-diversity/Water Quality Planning

A rule-based application program (written in AWK and AML) was developed in order to bring together scientists and land managers from diverse disciplines; to ease the task of translating the project team ideas into Esri GIS tools; to create a model which can be updated and used for management planning and decision-making over time. Project team members, with no dependency to any software or hardware provided their judgements on specific subject areas in the form of a checklist table. Later, these tables were used to establish the arguments for the master program (named ANALYZER).

Reza Ghezelbash
East Bay Municipal Utility District
Mail Stop 902
375 11th St.
Oakland, CA 94607
Telephone: 510-287-1192
Fax: 510-287-0541

Steve Abbors
East Bay Municipal Utility District
Mail Stop 902
375 11th St.
Oakland, CA 94607