Jeffrey T. Limback and Bryce R. Brunner

Realtime Military Applications Using ArcInfo

Despite today's trend of bread military downsizing, one application has enjoyed renewed attention and use: that of realtime simulation. Due to its low-cost, safety and flexibility relative to using live assets, simulation environments are used to enhance and sometimes replace certain aspects of training and mission rehearsal exercises. This paper will discuss the use of ArcInfo to help assemble vast amounts of source data into a visual database capable of being displayed on a realtime Image Generator (IG). The discussion will focus on the integration of ArcInfo into an existing Database Generation System (DBGS) and the use of ArcInfo in building a realtime visual database for the Close Combat Tactical Training (CCTT) program.


Today's realtime IG's are capable of rendering scenes of great complexity and density. Gone are the days of simple databases containing a few runways and a couple of buildings that are only displayed as viewed at night. Databases now cover thousands of square miles and contain complete linear feature networks, large areal features, photo-specific and photo-realistic texture, large numbers of three-dimensional static and dynamic models (tree, buildings, vehicles), area specific terrain topology and many other features that help to give a sense of realism to computer generated imagery. The challenge now becomes to manage vast amounts of source data and to filter this data down to proportions that can be rendered on a realtime IG.

This paper will discuss how ArcInfo was used to enhance an existing DBGS in developing a realtime visual database for the CCTT program.


Evans & Sutherland has developed a DBGS know as the Evans & Sutherland Interactive Environment-Simulation Toolkit (EaSIEST) for producing visual databases for the ESIG2000/3000/4000 line of realtime IG's. EaSIEST includes tools for gathering and manipulating feature and terrain data (DMA DFAD, DTED and ITD) and formatting these data into a realtime visual database. Rather than enhance these tools to meet the feature manipulation requirements of the CCTT program, engineers from the U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center (USA/TEC) in Fort Belvore, VA, recommended ArcInfo for integration into the EaSIEST DBGS.

EaSIEST Data Flow

Figure 1 - EaSIEST Data Flow

Figure 1 shows the data flow through EaSIEST. Existing translators in EaSIEST convert DMA DFAD and ITD formats into the E & S Vectorized Feature Library (VFL) format. The VFL format is capable of saving point, linear and areal features in a single file. New translators were then written to convert VFL into ArcInfo coverages and tables with each VFL feature type stored as a separate coverage. Reverse translators were also written to translate the ArcInfo coverages and tables back into VFL format. Figure 2 shows where ArcInfo fits into the EaSIEST data flow.

EaSIEST Data Flow with ArcInfo

Figure 2 - EaSIEST Data Flow with ArcInfo

These translators originally utilized ArcInfo's Arc Macro Language (AML) as well as C programs incorporating the Inter-Application Communication (IAC) capability of ArcInfo and the INFOLIB software library developed by Todd Stelhorn at Esri. However, IAC proved too slow for use in translators. Evans & Sutherland has since become an Esri Software Development License (SDL) holder and the translators have been rewritten to utilize the SDL library, greatly improving their performance. Total development time for these translators has been about one man-month.

Once these translators were written and tested, they were made available to the database production team for use. The following section discusses how ArcInfo was used in conjunction with EaSIEST in producing CCTT databases.



The selection of source data is greatly dependent upon customer training requirements. For the CCTT program, source data directed toward ground warfare training is required. Interim Terrain Data (ITD) is SLF format provided by DMA met these requirements. To augment this data, DMA DFAD Level 1 feature data was used. The elevation data used was DMA DTED Level 2.

The ITD data consists of six thematic layers:

  • drainage
  • obstruction
  • slope
  • materials
  • vegetation
  • transportation
  • Each layer may contain point, linear and/or areal features. Point features are those placed at a single location such as bridges, buildings, houses, etc. Linear features are used to represent road, rivers, railroads, etc. Areal features are used to represent lakes, grass lands, forests, etc. (see figure 3). All features are 2D at this time and may be mapped or replaced by 3D features in a future process.

    CCTT Transportation Layer

    Figure 3 - CCTT Transportation Layer


    In the initial database design, ITD data would be taken directly into ArcInfo, modified and then exported back into ITD format. Several problems were encountered with the ArcInfo ITD importers and exporters, SLFARC and ARCSLF respectively. As a result, the translators previously discussed were developed. This required all ITD data to be converted to VFL format before being imported into ArcInfo.

    Once the data has been successfully imported, many operations are performed, the first of which is to combine the 35 ITD coverages (each coverage being 12 degrees by 20 degrees) into a single coverage. The resulting coverage has had all edges dissolved to provide a single file with continuous data. This is an important first step in that it greatly improves future processes related to thinning, correcting and otherwise modifying the data.

    We continue combining layers until we obtain the following six layers:

  • drainage
  • transportation
  • urban
  • vegetation
  • obstruction
  • materials

    All source data has inherent problems associated with its use. The task to identify these problems and attempt to correct or otherwise compensate for them ranges from simple to elaborate.

    One example was an attempt to identify continuous primary roads in the transportation layer. When selecting roads based on type and width, many disjoint segments were encountered. Looking at the 1:50,000 maps, primary roads were identified and compared with those selected from the source code. There were many discrepancies. Some roads would show up as secondary roads in the source data but were actually primary roads according to the maps. We made an assumption that the person creating the source data digitized all primary roads first and created an AML to select the first N roads digitized. We began with a number around three hundred and adjusted it up or down until the primary roads selected in the source data matched the primary roads in the maps. As a result, we were able to produce a much more accurate and complete network of primary roads from the source data.

    Other main operations performed in ArcInfo were related to thinning. Nearly all features were generalized to reduce the number of vertices used to describe the feature. We also removed features of low importance, such as cart tracks. Reducing the amount of source data while retaining visual integrity is a necessary and intricate process. In some cases it required several iterations to provide the desired results.

    Other more complex AMLs we are working on involve creating intersections, properly placing bridge features and snapping areal features to terrain skin facets. ArcInfo has many strength and has proven to be an invaluable tool. If there is one area where ArcInfo is deficient, it is in the storing of vertex attributes. Storing vertex attributes is currently not available in ArcInfo and is a serious problem we are attempting to compensate for.


    Once the source data has been sufficiently modified, it is ready to be polygonalized and turned into a 3D visual database. Before a visual database can be generated, all source features need to be given colors, textures and material codes. This includes all features from roads and rivers to trees. All 3D point features such as building, barns, power poles and bridges must also be created.

    The elevation data must become a terrain skin of polygons before feature data can be placed upon it. This is performed through a series of EaSIEST tools which take the source elevation data and create a 3D polygonalized terrain skin from it.

    Surface Conformal Example

    Figure 4 - Surface Conformal Example

    The next step is to merge the feature data with the terrain data using another EaSIEST process (see figure 4). This process effectively takes the 2D source data and drapes it on top of the existing 3D terrain skin. Areas that are grass will be covered with grass texture. Areas that are forest will have a forest texture but will also contain various types and mixtures of 3D trees. Point features will cause a 3D model (house, barn, bridge, etc.) to be place on the terrain. We can also randomize the placement of point features to add variety to the database.

    The final step is to format the database for one of the E & S IG's, in this case the ESIG 3000. Once completed, the formatted database is loaded on the IG and the database is ready to be rendered in real time. A person can move throughout the database in realtime, moving in any direction desired. Any moving models, such as tanks, planes and trucks, can be placed in the scene and put in motion. Animations and special effects such as explosions, tracer fire and smoke, which are created in the database, can be implemented. Plan view and hard copy maps can also be generated from the source data which directly correlate with the database.


    Through the integration of ArcInfo and EaSIEST, large amounts of source data were able to be handled in the creation of the CCTT program realtime visual databases. The cooperation between Esri and E & S will allow us to create larger and more dense databases in a shorter amount of time. Figure 5 shows an example scene from a production database.

    Production Database Scene

    Figure 5 - Example Scene from Production Database

    Jeffrey T. Limback
    Bryce R. Brunner
    Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation
    600 Komas Drive
    Salt Lake City, UT 84158
    phone: (801) 582-5847
    fax: (801) 583-9738
    email: OR