D. Howes

Land Use and Environmental Planning: Multimedia Resource Information System (MRIS)


A multimedia resource information system (MRIS) has been developed to support strategic land use and environmental planning within British Columbia. MRIS was originally designed to support a coastal resource management and oil spill planning application (OSRIS) along the British Columbia coast. The application and functionality of the system was expanded to support a public land use planning process on Vancouver Island initiated by the British Columbia Commission on Resources and Environment (CORE). The system and the OSRIS application was developed by integrating a system development program that included rapid proto- typing and activity modelling, with a comprehensive data management system. The system was expanded in 1993 to assist the CORE Vancouver Island Land Use Negotiation Table in developing a strategic land use plan for the island through a community-based, shared decision-making participatory planning process.

MRIS became thei nformation support system for the Technical Working Group who were responsible for providing information to the Vancouver Island Land Use Negotiation Table. The system was used to capture multiple source data, develop stakeholder thematic information and products (maps, reports), develop land use scenarios and evaluate these scenarios according to stakeholder defined indicators. It was also used as an "inter-active" tool at planning meetings. It was made accessible to all stakeholders and was used to help clarify particular stakeholder issues, produce resource/capability maps for areas under discussion, and to promote sector review of the information. Further expansion of the system as an "interactive tool" to assist future community-based stakeholder planning processes is currently in progress.


Following the Nestucca oil spill off the State of Washington west coast in December, 1988 and the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989 of 258, 000 barrels of oil in Prince William Sound, the British Columbia Government prepared a comprehensive Provincial Marine Oil Spill Preparedness and Response Strategy. A key policy of this strategy was for the Provincial Government to develop a decision support system for oil spill response. A Multimedia Resource Information System (MRIS) with a coastal and an oil spill response application referred to as OSRIS was initially designed and implemented between 1990 and 1992. The development of MRIS and the OSRIS application include adherence to a systematic design and application methodology, and the integration of this methodology with a comprehensive resource inventory-data management system and several resource models.

In 1992, Commission on the Resources and Environment (CORE) was created to provide advice to the Provincial Cabinet on land use, resource and environmental issues. The legal responsibilities of the Commission include development of a Provincial strategy for land use management, regional planning processes and a community-based participatory processes to consider land use and related resource management issues. Vancouver Island was identified as an area were a regional strategic plan was required. In August 1992, the Vancouver Island Land Use Negotiation Table was created and consisted of fourteen sectors. The MRIS system was selected as the primary technical information support system for the Table. The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the development of MRIS, initially for an oil spill application and the expansion of the system for use in land use planning.


MRIS was developed and designed according to standard system development methodologies employing rapid prototyping techniques. OSRIS was the first application to be developed on the system. The following provides a summary of the development of the system and this application.

Phase One

A high level feasibility and requirements analysis and initial product development for MRIS was conducted in 1990. The feasibility/requirements analysis was undertaken to provide a clear understanding at a conceptual level of the system design and data requirements, solutions and costs. Initial product development was initiated to provide examples of the system products.

High level system requirements identified include the following:

A Joint Application Design Session was conducted to review data management issues with representatives selected on the basis of their natural resource knowledge and/or their experience as related coastal resources and oil spill response. The session identified the types of data required for these coastal applications, the custodians of the information and limitations such as quality of data and extent of coverage. Results from the session were used to estimate system and data capture costs of resource information. The latter accounted for eighty per cent of the estimated total cost of the system.

Two products were developed to demonstrate system potential products of the system. These were a Coastal Resource and Oil Spill Response Atlas for a small segment of the British Columbia coast (Dickins et al., 1991) and a shoreline cleanup manual (Owens, Cramer and Howes, 1992).

The Atlas is a synthesis of environmental information relevant to coastal planning and implementation of oil spill countermeasures. It was designed to identify sensitive shorelines and key resources, and to link their environmental characteristics to practical considerations of oil spill response including logistic and countermeasure information. The shoreline sensitivity ranking model which describes the relative sensitivity of different coastal areas to the effects of a marine oil spill. The shoreline cleanup manual provides a step-by-step process for identifying potential shoreline cleanup options based on the type of oil spilled, shore type, wave energy and the presence of any restrictions due to biology or human use.

Phase One benefits to the system development included a well-defined business case for management, immediate products for use and evaluation by response personnel, and an initial understanding of the resource data and models requirements. For example the feasibility review provided a strong case for further development (funding) of the system based on the cost-benefit analysis. This option was enhanced further for management by the development products reflecting system outputs. Developing products provided an better understanding of potential resource data management problems and an opportunity to evaluate the shoreline sensitivity model. This evaluation resulted in the development of a more dynamic shoreline sensitivity model for coastal management and oil spill applications.

Phase Two

A Detailed Requirements and System Architecture study was undertaken and completed in May 1991. Two important features of this study that significantly influenced the system development include defining the business of coastal and oil spill planning through the use of activity modelling and the preparation of a `mock' user interface.

Activity modelling is a process designed to define the activities (tasks) of a business function. The intent of the process is to document as simply and clearly as possible, the logic flow of the activities and the associated data required to perform these activities. One initiates activity modelling at a high level, identifying a number of tasks associated with an activity and proceeds to drive `downwards' identifying further secondary activities until the data required to perform these tasks are identified. The activity modelling for the OSRIS application was developed using various scientific and resource specialists and was documented using CASE tools.

The activity modelling was useful for several reasons. It helped to identify and/or refine the data requirements and the types of resource models necessary for coastal and oil spill planning. For example, three core functions and their associated activities and data requirements for oil spill planning were identified: pre-oil spill planning, oil spill response and post-oil spill monitoring. This provided a structure for the development of the system and it was decided to build a prototype system for only the pre-oil spill planning function.

A prototype user interface was developed on a Macintosh to obtain initial feedback on its functionality from clients (planners and resource scientists) . A video tape of the interface was made and provided an easy means for obtaining client response.

Key benefits to the development of MRIS from this phase include the activity modelling and the mock user interface. The activity modelling helped to scope the development of the system, refine data requirements and models. It also provided a mechanism for scoping the prototype development (see below) and a structure for future development after the completion of the prototype. The prototype interface and products developed in Phase One helped to obtain future industry support and funding. Industry became a financial partner of the program following their review of the system interface and products, and provided funds to support the collection of resource data.

Phase Three

A technical specifications study was conducted to identify the hardware and software requirements for the system. These were purchased or were developed during the prototype phase which commenced in September 1991. The prototype was operational in the spring of 1992 and demonstrated at GLOBE 92 in Vancouver, British Columbia.

The prototype focused on pre-spill planning activities identified during the activity modelling process. It was also decided that the southern Strait of Georgia would be coastal region used in the prototype. This area was selected because it is one of the highest risk areas with respect to a potential oil spill and there was existing resource mapping and quality resource data available. The prototype process was also designed to produce products for operational purposes. A resource inventory-data management system was developed simultaneously with the oil spill models during the prototype development. Thus, as the technical aspects of the system were being constructed, resource information and models were also being constructed for testing and inclusion in the system.

A comprehensive resource inventory and data management system was developed and includes all aspects of data management from field mapping classifications, data collection techniques and base maps, to the creation of data bases, data storage (including image data) and associated data dictionaries. It involves all aspects of data collection from the field to the computer. In conjunction with the development of the resource inventory and data management system, a number of models related to coastal and pre-spill planning were created. These models include a wave energy, shoreline sensitivity, and countermeasures and oil residency models. Experts or specialists in various fields were involved throughout the development of these models. The models were tested and subsequently coded into the system.

The development of the prototype resulted from the integration and interaction between implementation of the system hardware and software, resource inventory and data management system, and the creation of models developed with resource and industry specialists. This was promoted by a well-developed business case and strategy, a team approach and focused project management. Part of the strategy for the development of the system was the use of rapid prototyping. Rather than waiting for all the components to be completed, integration of the data and models into the system was repetitive. Data and models were continually tested in the system configuration, the data bases and relational models, the user interface, and the oil spill models. This allowed for immediate changes in design, data or models prior to completion of the prototype phase.


The MRIS prototype and current system design consists of several modules. These are: a GIS module (ArcInfo) for the display and analysis of spatial information; a video module for the capture, storage, and display digital `movie' images; a library module to on-line access reports, manuals and photographic images; and an attribute data management system (Oracle). The integration of these modules into a single system accessed through a custom-designed user interface has created a powerful system. The system is currently operating on a local area network consisting of Sun Spark workstations and can be accessed in the field by portable computers. A number of tools have been built to enhance the functionality of the various modules, particularly for land use planning since the original prototype.

MRIS integrates multiple sources of land information. The OSRIS application includes biophysical and human use coastal resources, tenure and ownership, as well as, logistic, protection and cleanup data as required for the oil spill application (Table 1). This data set was field and video tape surveys, including surveys of native communities and local resource specialists (e.g. fishery officers), Federal and Provincial Government agencies, industry and public interest groups. Spatial information was georeferenced to a "base map" that consisted of satellite images (SPOT, LANDSAT or Russian KFA-1000) and various features from hydrographic charts and topographic maps (e.g. elevations, low water line) which allowed an operator to design the appropriate base map for a particular use. Video tapes of various geographic features such as shorelines, or marine mammals, are also georeferenced to this base.

Several "resource" models were developed for the OSRIS application. These models were designed by the appropriate specialists and included a sophisticated shoreline sensitivity. The sensitivity model integrates the resource information to identify sensitive shore segments with respect to coastal resource management, oiling and cleanup. It is a dynamic model that provides sensitivity ratings on a temporal basis. The system also includes an oil spill trajectory model for use during a spill event. Future models for this application to be developed include re-evaluation of the pre-spill shoreline sensitivity/ countermeasure options based on real time data and resource impact assessment and valuation.

The system features multiple windows and user interfaces which allows an operator to simultaneously display different types of data, maps and images for various planning purposes. For example during a spill, an operator can open several windows for a given area; one window displaying multiple maps such as shoreline sensitivity on a satellite image, critical biological resources on the hydrographic charts, and potential boom locations on a combined chart-satellite image base; a second window of digital video of the shoreline in question; a third window of attribute information related to a particular biological resource; and a fourth window depicting a protection-cleanup manual from the on-line library.

Information in the system can be presented as traditional analog products, such as maps (using a map tool developed for the strategic land use planning process - see below), and multi-colour coastal resource and oil spill atlases. In addition, the information is transferred on-site onto CD's for use in portable field system or onto video tapes.


Vancouver Island Land Use Negotiation Table

In August 1992, the Commission on the Resources and Environment created the Vancouver Island Land Use Negotiation Table. The mandate of the Table was to prepare a regional strategic plan for Vancouver Island through a consensus or "shared decision-making" community-based planning process. The Table and consensus planning process had a high public and political profile.

CORE staff and mediation professionals through a variety of public meetings and processes from August to October 1992 contacted and met with several hundred potential participants to determine the various representatives or sectors that should comprise the Land Use Negotiation Table. Fourteen sectors emerged to represent the diversity of interests affected by land use decisions: Agriculture, Conservation, Direct Forest Employment, Fishery, Forest Industry Independents, Forest Industry Manufacturers, General Employment, Local Government, Mining, Outdoor Recreation, Provincial Government, Social and Economic Stability, Tourism and Youth.

The Table's first meeting was held in November 1992. Initial meetings were concerned with developing a mission statement, process and procedures, and defining the planning area boundary. In February 1993, a Technical Working Group (TWG) was created and consisted of a government coordinator, a resource leader and socioeconomic leader. The TWG was tasked by the Table to develop a comprehensive set of resource, land tenure and socioeconomic information, and to develop various land use options and impact assessments.

The role of the TWG resource leader and resource team (2 system operators), and MRIS in this land use planning exercise can be reviewed by three project phases: Data Collection-Thematic Products, Scenario Modelling and Evaluation, and Final Plan and Report.

Phase One: Data Collection-Thematic Products (March 1992 to August 1992)

One of the TWG functions during this phase was to assemble information sets that represented each sectors resources, resource capabilities, land tenure, values and to develop products for distribution to all sectors at the Table. Data collection and thematic product development was constrained by three factors: the method for establishing information requirements of the Table, the short time line to produce these products, and data management issues related to assembling The power of the system is derived from multiple sources of data.

The Negotiation Table established an Information Management Committee (IMC) to identify the resource and economic information required to meet the Table's mandate. Resource information requirements identified by the IMC were tasked to the TWG resource leader by the Table. This data requirement model and the extremely short time line for final product created tremendous pressure on resource team and MRIS for the delivery of the thematic information. To offset these constraints, a `risk management approach' was taken and work commenced to identify potential data themes that may be required by the Table prior to any IMC decisions. Potential resource, tenure and capability themes were identified on the basis of past planning experience of the TWG members and discussions with the resource agencies specialists and planners. Data capture was initiated for several of these themes prior to Table approval with the knowledge that it may not be required. In addition, a data `gap analysis' was undertaken to identify status and types of data available, quality of the data and data shortages. This information was summarized and presented to the IMC by the TWG resource leader. The gap analysis was extremely useful in accelerating the IMC decision process, providing non-technical sector representatives with a concise and clear status of information and allowing the IMC to focus on the `gaps' or poor resource representation.

The resource team decided to create a complete, seamless set of thematic data georeferenced to a common base map which would serve as a benchmark for the planning study area. To accomplish this goal, several data management issues associated with the capture and presentation of information from multiple sources (industry, government, public organizations) had to be resolved. Information was obtained from multiple sources in a variety of forms. Issues arose related to base maps, data documentation, multiple or unknown data sources, data limitations for planning purposes and information transfer to sector representatives. Many of these data management issue were a result of government agencies in British Columbia being in the early stages of shifting to a digital world. A further constraint imposed on TWG data acquisition was the government agencies position to supply their information in an "as is" format.

The Provincial Standard 1:250,000 topographic maps (NAD 83) formed the base map for georeferencing all the thematic data sets for the planning area. This base map, in turn was georeferenced to LANDSAT imagery, hence thematic information could be presented on a `traditional' map or on an image. Two types of problems were associated with the base map:

Lack of data documentation proved to be another major data issue. In general, digital and analog documentation was poor. Several digital data sets did not have a data dictionary and if one existed, it was often not current. A significant amount of the resource team's time was spent working with the various data suppliers to create thematic data dictionaries. In contrast, the capture of digital spatial data proved to be one of the easier tasks. Data was provided in multiple formats to the resource team (e.g. IGDS, Quickmap, Pamap and Genasys) and translated into ArcInfo without any major problems.

A common data management problem was multiple versions of the same feature from different sources and the lack of accompanying documentation of the source data. For example, four different coverages of park locations within the study area were provided without documentation to the original data source (e.g. original map scale, source agency).

Some of the thematic data sets had limitations for the application for regional planning; others required `generalization' or were incomplete. For example, the Table found that the wildlife capability maps lacked the detail to assist in the land use planning decisions whereas, the Ministry of Forest inventory data was to detailed and required generalization to be functional for the Table. Some data sets such as forest productivity were not consistent because they were obtained from multiple sources that use related but different productivity models.

A result of the above data management issues and the broad spectrum of representation at the Negotiation Table, the TWG had a major responsibility too communicate to the Table the appropriateness of the data for the regional planning purposes. This was accomplished by participation on the IMC by the TWG resource leader, attendance at all meetings to respond to specific questions, the creation of a `map room' and the use of MRIS as an interactive tool at the meetings (see below).

A tool was developed by the resource team to help offset the short time line for the capture of thematic data and preparation of thematic products. A PLOT_SYSTEM module was created to accelerate the map preparation. This module allows a GIS operator to build a map plot file using a series of pop-up windows and click-on features such as scale, rivers, lakes, topography, north arrow, annotation, etc. Part of the module includes a rapid printing process to produce paper map products within 24 hours. Files created in PLOT_SYSTEM were electronically transferred overnight from Victoria to Vancouver where 1:250,000 scale mylar thematic map copies were produced. These mylar maps were prepared and transferred back to a Victoria print shop by noon the following day and 50 paper copies of each map were produced. The paper prints were sorted and returned to the TWG by the end of day ready for distribution.

Accomplishments of Phase One include the following.

Phase Two: Scenario Modelling and Evaluation (August to November 1992)

This phase was concerned with the development of land use plan scenarios and their evaluation. The consensus approach was based upon the creation of an initial land use plan scenario which was to be modified or `reworked' by consensus to develop a final land use plan. The Table created a Land Designation Committee (LDC) to develop a land use designation system (different land use zones) for the planning area. The TWG government coordinator and resource leader worked with LDC to establish the designation and their land use composition. The resource team under the direction of the TWG resource leader were responsible for creating the various land use plan scenarios (developed form the thematic data sets) and generating statistical data for the scenario evaluation.

As the Table meet every second or third week and scenarios had to be developed and evaluated between each session, a number of tools were created by the resource team in MRIS to assist this process. These included a LAND_USE, a KEY_IND and a STATS Model.

The LAND_USE model was developed to assist in the construction of the various scenarios. It was coded in ARCIFO's AML language and allowed one to build a model from the various themes or specific attributes in the thematic data set. Changes in the model were easily made and the model took a few hours to run. Due to time constraints, a user friendly front-end was not built. Output from the LAND_USE model was transferred into PLOT_SYSTEM for production of the land use maps.

ARCVIEW proved to be an excellent tool for the transfer of knowledge and communication between the TWG resource leader and resource staff. Using ARCVIEW, the resource leader could build a preliminary representative view of a land use plan prior to construction in the LAND USE Model. ARCVIEW was also used by the resource leader to design the layouts of the thematic maps prior to their construction by staff using PLOT_SYSTEM.

To assist in the evaluation of a scenario, the TWG government coordinator and the resource leader meet with representatives from each sector to determine what criteria or indicators could be used to assess a scenario. The results of the interviews were summarized and the thematic data sets were assessed to determine what statistical indicator information could be generated. As a result of this assessment, some new data sets had to be developed for the evaluation. The TWG resource leader also worked with the economic contractors to identify statistical data that could be generated by MRIS to assist their scenario analysis. These data requirement activities should have proceeded and been concurrent with the collection of thematic information, however, time and sequence of Table decisions did not allow for this to happen.

A preliminary KEY_IND model was developed to assist the scenario evaluation. A baseline set of key sector indicators were identified from the data set (e.g. agricultural land reserve, red/blue plant and animal species locations, areas high mineral potential). A scenario was loaded into the model and intersected with the sencario set to generate indicator valures. This was a batch process which took 5 hours to run. The output was transferred into a spread sheet, summarized in report formats and distributed with scenario maps to each sector of the Table. The KEY_ IND model still requires a user front end to be developed.

A STATS_Model was developed to assist in the Protected Area and forest employment analysis. It is user friendly with pop-up windows. The model allows for the intersection of up to three coverages. New protected areas was one of the key and controversial land use designations discussed at the Table. Strategically, the Provincial Government has set a goal to increase its protected areas within the Province to 12% and to ensure that all ecosystems within the Province are represented. Ecosystems are defined by ecosections (there are 100 in the Province) and biogeoclimatic zones within an ecosection. Biogeoclimatic zones are vegetation communities defined by elevation gradient. There are several hundred biogeoclimatic zones in the Province. An example ecosystem is the Mountain Hemlock biogeoclimatic zone in the Windward Vancouver Island Mountains Ecosection. The STATS_Model allowed for the rapid generation of ecosystem data for a proposed protected area scenario. Output from STATS_Model was transferred into a spreadsheet and summarized in graphic form (e.g. bar graph). This produced a product which allowed the sectors to quickly assess the impact of the different proposed protected options.

The STATS_Model was also used to generate estimate timber volumes for a number of different features such as land use designations, individual proposed protected areas, and administrative areas. Timber volumes were determined intersecting by age class and site productivity with a feature. These gross timber volumes were used by economist to evaluate the impact on annual allowable cut and employment for the different scenarios.

The resource team was able to develop, evaluate and present 5 scenarios over a 14 week period. It is doubtful if the Phase One and Two products could have been delivered without the above models/tools.

Phase Three: Final Plan and Report (December 1992 - February 1993)

The Table had developed two overlays of the evolving scenario in November to negotiate over these different `lines' or boundaries. This process, however, did not occur as one of the sectors would not negotiate specific land allocation until there was resolution of economic transition issues. Thus, preparation of the final land use plan was left to CORE.

During this phase, the TWG worked with CORE to produce the final plan. This last phase was no different than Phase Two. The resource team developed the final plan working with CORE staff, undertook the evaluation (which became part of the CORE report),and prepared the final land use and thematic maps presented in the report. These maps were prepared by forwarding the digital map files electronically to printers for direct film output. In addition, the final land use map, report and associated data was transferred on-site to compact disk format for distribution.

MAP ROOM - System as an Interactive Planning Tool

Computers and GIS systems have traditionally been have been kept in the `backroom' during the development of a land use plan. Products such as maps or data reports were the only indication at the public and agency meetings that computers were involved in the planning process. The Table decided that there would be a `map room' for each meeting to be used to display the various thematic maps and reports. At the recommendation of the TWG and following some demonstrations, the Table agreed that MRIS should also be on-site. The system was used at the meetings for a number of different interactive functions. The following are examples of some of these interactive functions.


The successful system development of multimedia resource information system (MRIS) resulted from a general adherence to standard system development procedures and the use of rapid prototyping techniques; the creation of a multidisciple team specialist with expertise knowledge of systems, resources and oil spills; and a basic philosophy to develop a system that included quality information, was flexible and open, and designed for the non-technical user.

System development benefited from `Activity Modelling' used to define the business activities that in turn, focused data, resource modelling and prototyping requirements. The development of products prior to final system completion assisted in maintaining management support and funding, and was beneficial in attracting additional partners (industry).

The expansion of the system to assist the CORE strategic planning process on Vancouver Island provided a real-life test of MRIS. The data management capabilities and various system functions were tested by the Negotiation Table's tight time line and needs. The system benefited from the enhancements developed to assist in the analysis and development of planning products. Tools such as PLOT_SYS and STAT_Model have been expanded and are now a standard function of the system. Further work is currently proceeding on the LAND_USE and KEY_IND models to increase their flexibility and application for other land use planning processes.

The use of MRIS at the planning meetings is considered to be a step forward in the use of the system as an interactive planning vehicle to assist community based planning processes. The functionality of MRIS is being expanded to increase its interactive capability for all types of planning processes.

As a final note, TWG recognized that there is a need to develop integrated resource and socioeconomic models to assist in the evaluation of various land use plans. These models should generate the appropriate information for a particular planning table (e.g. impact on employment, environmental impacts). The models need to be flexible and open, produce reliable information and have user-friendly set of tools for access and use by planning participants.


Dickins, D., H. Reggeberg, M. Poulin, I. Bjerkelund, J. Haggarty, L. Solsberg, J. Harper, A. Godon, D. Reimer, J. Booth, and K. Neary. 1990. Oil Spill Response Atlas for the Southwest Coast of Vancouver Island. DF Dickins Associates, Vancouver and B. C. Environment, Victoria, B. C.

Howes, D.E. 1993. British Columbia Environment: Multimedia decision support oil spill response information system. 7th Annual Symposium on Geographic Information Systems in forestry, environment and natural resource management. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Howes, D.E. 1994. British Columbia Ministry of Environment: Multimedia Decision-Support Information System. Presented at the IRPRS Working Group II/2 Workshop on the Requirements for Integrated Geographic Information Systems, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2-3 February 1994.

Oil Spill Response Information System (OSRIS) Feasibility and Requirements Analysis Report. 1990. Ministry of Environment Policy and Planning Branch, British Columbia Government, May 1990.

Oil Spill Response Information System (OSRIS) Detailed Requirements and System Architecture. 1991. Ministry of Environment, British Columbia Government, May 1991.

Owens, E.; Crammer, M. A.; and Howes, D.E. 1992. British Columbia Marine Oil Spill Shoreline Protection and Cleanup Manual. British Columbia Provincial Government, Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks.

Vancouver Island Land Use Plan, Volume 1. 1994. Brtiish Columbia Commission on Resources and Environment.

Table 1:   Coastal Resources and Oil Spill Databases in OSRIS Application

Biophysical Resources

Physical Shoreline character
Shore types, geomorphology
Shoreline wave energy 
Nearshore vegetation
Intertidal habitat types/vegetation 


Salmon streams
Commercial groundfish
Other harvested fish


Loons and grebes
Great blue heron
Geese and swans
Dabbling ducks
Diving ducks
Bald eagles
Black oystercatcher
Alcids and Gulls

Marine Mammals

Killer whales
Grey whales
Other large cetaceans
Other small cetaceans
Fur and True seals
Sea lions/Sea otters


Shoreline access
Cleanup options by oil type
Protection options
 Shore-associated Mammals

River otters
Deer/other wild ungulates
Other shore-assoc. mammals

Marine Invertebrates and Plants

Commercial bivalves
Crabs, prawns & shrimp
Other invertebrates
Marine plants - kelpbed, all grass

Human Use Resources

Native Resource sites
Commercial fisheries
Sport fishing
Salmon aquaculture
Shellfish aquaculture
Fish processors
Other recreational harvesting
Marinas & small craft harbours
Coastal cruising
Scuba diving
Ferry routes
Log booming & sorting
Marine transportation industries

Special Status Areas

Archaeology and heritage sites
Wildlife sanctuaries
Ecological reserves 
National, Provincial Parks
Indian Reserves		
Table 2:   Vancouver Island Database for Strategic Land Use Planning

Agriculture Land Reserve
Baynes Sound shellfish aquaculture reserve
Soil capability for agriculture
Existing fish farms (marine)
Existing fish farms (fresh water)
Existing shellfish farms
CORE boundary 
Major highways
Major  and all rivers
Major lakes
Roads -all primary roads
Annotation-place names

Biogeocliamtic zones
Ecological sections
Ecological regions

Baseline Thematic Mapper - 16 land use covers from LANDSAT including
forest age classes, current land uses such as agriculture, mines,
recreation areas, alpine, glaciers, etc.

Clayoquot land use plan
Clayoquot marine protect areas 
Active petroleum leases
Coal basins
Coal deposits
Crown reserve for oil
BC Hydro transmission lines
BC hydro facility
Future hydro facility
Hot springs
Natural transmission lines
Oil and gas 

Priority airsheds for environmental protection
Drainages with known flow problems
Priority watersheds for low flow

Fishery resource for lakes
Fishery resource for streams
Recreational fishery corridors
Known anadromous fish streams

Forest capability (CLI)
Forest productivity-mean annual increment

Critical marine fish and wildlife habitat (DFO)

Mineral capability ranked high, medium and low
Mineral capability ranked by $value per hectare
Mineral Tenure

Roadless areas
Undeveloped watersheds

Proposed protected area by regional  protected area team

Recreation use for marine activities:  fishing, kayaking, boating,
anchorages, scuba diving, wind surfing
Recreation use for land activities: biking, camping, boating, canoeing,
kayaking, fishing, hang gliding, hunting, skiing.

Regional District Boundaries

Private Land
Crown Land
Private Managed Forest 
Tree Farm Licenses
Timber Supply Areas
Ecological Reserves
Government Reserves
Indian Reserves
National Parks
Provincial Parks
Recreation Areas
Tiber Licenses
Wildlife Management Area

Tourism Capability
Visual Quality

Groundwater aquifers
Community watershed (legislated)
Areas of known flood hazards
Large community watersheds
Groundwater well density

Deer/elk winter range
Endangered or threatened wildlife habitat
High capability for marine birds, marine mammals
Waterfowl wintering areas, high value waterfowl habitats
Wildlife capability for elk, deer and other species.

D.E. Howes, PGeo, PAg.
Suite 229-560 Johnson Street
Land Use Coordination Office
Victoria, British Columbia, V8V 1X4
tel:(604)-356-7721 fax:(604)-953-3481