Greg Huseth, Ed Ratigan, John Wisdom, Greg Yarboro

Georgia's GIS Aviation Database

The Georgia State Aviation System Plan, started in 1992, identified a unified database management system as necessary for the development of the plan and for the ongoing maintenance of the data acquired by the plan. As part of the documentation and management of Georgia's Airport Capital Improvements Program, Continuous Planning and Database Management System, the State Aviation System Plan (SASP) includes the innovative use of relational database and geographic information system (GIS) technologies. Using the GIS tool ARCVIEW 2, Microsoft Corp's Access Relational database product, and the integration of data from various graphic and non-graphic digital sources, the project has produced a computerized database of airport information on each of the State's one hundred and ten public airports.

The system affords to the user GIS access to the relational data base, thus allowing regional and statewide analysis and reporting. This tool will aid transportation planners, federal, state and local aviation program managers and officials easy and up-to-date access to all aviation information. More effective management of this strategic transportation resource is the goal of the project.

The presentation will include live demonstration of the tools and database with a 486 PC and projector. An article describing the system development and implementation will also be available in late May 1995.

Greg Huseth
Georgia Dept. of Transportation
Office of Systems Development
Atlanta, GA
Telephone: 404-657-9653
Fax: 404-656-3507

Ed Ratigan
Georgia Dept. of Transportation, Aviation Branch
Office of Intermodel Programs
Atlanta, GA

John Wisdom
Wilbur Smith & Assoc.
Columbia, SC

Greg Yarboro