Duane R. Dippon

Implementation of the Pacific Northwest Forest Plan: An Example of Interorganizational GIS Coordination

All of the Federal agencies responsible for, or involved with, implementation of the Northwest (President's) Forest Plan signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in February 1994, which stated as a common vision "...to establish a seamless current, consistent and accessible information network to support ecosystem management".

In addition to Federal participation, representatives from the states of Washington, Oregon, and California have signed the MOU, as have several tribal organizations. Implementation of the Northwest Forest Plan has caused the agencies involved to re-define just what ecosystem management means and has stimulated the debate on methods of restoring, or maintaining, healthy ecosystems.

This paper will discuss the past 18 months accomplishments, trials and lessons learned by the interorganizational teams of GIS and information management specialists with a common vision, dedicated to supporting the natural resources professionals in the region responsible for implementing a unifying plan.

Duane R. Dippon
GIS Specialist in Planning
USDI, Bureau of Land Management
1515 SW 5th Ave.
P.O. Box 2965
Portland, OR 97208
Telephone: 503-952-6014
Fax: 503-952-6021
Email: d1dippon@attmail.com