Edward A. Rieglemann

Geographic Information System Data Standards for Cultural and Environmental Facilities Management

The Tri-Service CADD/GIS Technology Center is developing standards for graphic (spatial) and descriptive (attribute) data in geographic information system (GIS) databases used to manage natural and cultural assets at U.S. Army, Air Force, and Navy installations, and at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' civil site projects. The Tri-Service Spatial Data Standards (TSSDS) will serve as the Department of Defense's standards and specifications for the collection, organization, analysis, and utilization of spatial data for installation and civil works GIS mapping, planning, facility management, operations, and maintenance applications.

The standards address graphic and nongraphic spatial data requirements. Graphic data are defined for data organization, symbolization, and storage in a set of operating system files. Nongraphic (attribute) data are defined for data organization and storage in a standard structured query language (SQL) relational database management system (DBMS) like Oracle or Informix. Commercial GIS software packages, including Esri's ArcInfo, Intergraph's MGE, Autodesk's AutoCAD, and Bentley's MicroStation, can be used to manage the linkages between the graphic and nongraphic data.

The TSSDS data model takes full advantage of interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary graphic and nongraphic data relationships and allows users to link to multimedia digital data sets, including audio, video, remotely sensed imagery, and scanned drawings.

The Tri-Service Spatial Data Standards have been developed as the "Interactive Spatial Data Standards Application," which allows users to browse and review the standards, provide commentary, print standards documents, and generate SQL code. The application is a Microsoft Access run-time executable and runs on most Microsoft Windows 3.1 personal computers. It does not require Microsoft Access software.

The Tri-Service Spatial Data Standards is one of three standards the Tri-Service CADD/GIS Technology Center is designing to support life-cycle data and process management. The other two are Architectural, Engineering, and Construction Standards (AECS) and Facilities Management Standards (FMS).

Edward A. Rieglemann
Information Technology Lab
3909 Halls Ferry Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180
Telephone: 601-634-4606
Fax: 601-634-4584