Tim Webb

A New Methodology for the Identification and Assessment of Environmental Impacts: An Application that Integrates ArcView 2 with a Rule-based Decision Support System

The process of identifying and analyzing environmental impacts can involve a large amount of detail and the cross correlation of a lot of information. The initial stages of an environmental analysis are an ideal target for the application of software tools in the form of Decision Support Systems (DSS). These systems easily keep track of the large number of possible interactions a project can have with the environment and allow users to rapidly examine multiple scenarios. ESSA has been carrying out R&D on the application of rule based DSS to environmental problems for over 7 years and this has resulted in the development of the Calyx system.

Environmental impacts are inherently spatial in nature. ArcView 2 with Avenue has provided us with the necessary platform to develop a tightly integrated system that links the Calyx rule based engine and knowledge base with a geographical interface and some basic spatial analysis. This combined system has greatly increased applicability for a range of applications in environmental assessment and planning.

Tim Webb

Telephone: 604-733-2996
Fax: 604-733-4657
Email: twebb@essa.com