Curtis Abert
Glaciation has been one of the most significant geologic processes to shape the landscape in much of the northern United States. Glaciers repeatedly covered Illinois throughout the Pleistocene Epoch (approximately 2,000,000 to 8,000 years ago). Glacial erosion and deposition has changed the landscape of Illinois by filling preglacial river valleys, changing the course of rivers, and creating new landforms. Some of the most prominent landforms created by glacial deposition in Illinois are end moraines. End moraines are broad, low-relief ridges that mark the advances and readvances of the glaciers. The morphology of the moraines is variable and can be dependent on the length of time that the glacial margin occupied a given position on the landscape, the amount of sediment carried by the glacier, and/or the age of the moraine. Traditionally, geologists have used field observations and analysis of paper topographic maps to study landform morphology. Recently, however, geologists have turned to readily available digital surface elevation data (United States Geological Survey Digital Elevation Model data) and ArcInfo analytical tools to visualize, analyze, and model the landscape. For this study, functions within GRID, TIN, ARC, and ARCPLOT were used to characterize differences in moraine forms. Surface profiles were used to identify differences between previously mapped glacial moraines, and to find previously unidentified features on the landscape that may be mapped as end moraines.
The two main types of glacial depositional landforms found in Illinois are ground moraine and end moraine. Ground moraine formed of diamicton and is generally characterized by a gently rolling to flat surface (Ritter, 1986). End moraines are arcuate ridges that mark ice-marginal positions of glacial advances, readvances, or stillstands. Identification of these features on the landscape is important for determination of unit boundaries and the dynamics of a glacial lobe (Embleton and King, 1975). In Illinois, the topographic relief of end moraines of the Wisconsin glacial episode can range from 70 meters to as low as 3 meters of relief.Recent geologic history and landforms in Illinois
Preglacial landforms
Illinois' topography probably has been relatively flat through much of its recent geologic history. Before glaciation, the low-relief landscape was due to the generally flat-lying Paleozoic (greater than 245 million years old) rocks that fill the Illinois Basin. Structural uplift, folding, and faulting were responsible for some landforms, especially in the southern part of the state. The major landforms in central Illinois were largely the result of well-developed drainage systems (Herzog et al, 1994).Pre-Illinoian glaciation
These early glacial advances, which took place approximately 2,000,000 to 500,000 years ago, were responsible for reducing the relief of Illinois' already flat topography both by erosion and deposition. Many preglacial bedrock valleys were partially filled with thick deposits of outwash sand and gravel (Willman and Frye, 1970). The extent of the pre-Illinoian glaciation is not exactly known as most of these deposits were subsequently buried and/or eroded by the later Illinois glacial advance.Illinois glacial episode
The Illinois glacial advance, which took place approximately 200,000 to 120,000 years before present, created new landforms found in much of western and southern Illinois. During this advance, the maximum reach of the ice in Illinois marked the southernmost extension of continental glaciation in North America (Willman and Frye, 1981). At one time, ice of this glacial episode covered nearly 90% of the state and today its deposits comprise approximately 55% of the surficial deposits in Illinois. The Illinois glacial advances left behind mostly low-relief, rolling ground moraine. End moraines may have formed, but have lost their prominence due to subsequent erosion, particularly mass wasting under paraglacial/periglacial conditions (Johnson, 1992), and the deposition of a blanket of wind-blown silt (loess) across most of the landscape during the Wisconsin glacial episode. Drainage networks developed in the ground moraine are responsible for most of the modern topography.![]()
Wisconsin glacial episode
The most recent glaciation in Illinois was during the latter part of the Wisconsin glacial episode between about 25,000 and 14,000 radiocarbon years before present. At one time, ice of this glacial episode covered 33% of the state's surface, primarily in the northeastern quarter of Illinois. This glacial episode produced many landforms, including end moraines, ground moraine, and flat lake beds. The most visible of these landforms are the end moraines. Figure 1 shows the locations of these moraines, the glaciated areas of Illinois, and the location of the study area for this paper.New Mapping and Modeling
Input data
USGS 1:250,000 DEM data
The United States Geological Survey provides 1:250,000 digital elevation models (DEMs) as one of their available standard products. These DEMs cover 1-degree by 1-degree areas. For complete coverage of Illinois, all or parts of 29 DEMs are needed to create a contiguous grid. These DEM files were converted to ArcInfo lattices with the ARC DEMLATTICE command. In their original form, the DEMs have a coordinate system based in decimal seconds of latitude and longitude. The 29 individual lattices were merged into one lattice with the ARC LATTICEMERGE command. During this process, the composite lattice was clipped with a boundary polygon. This composite lattice was then projected into a Lambert Conformal Conic projection.Existing mapping
Willman and Frye (1970) published a map showing end moraines of the Wisconsin glacial episode. This map was used as a base information overlay on the composite DEM to identify the morphology of end moraines. The positions of the moraines on Willman and Frye's map were used to identify similarly oriented ridges as potential moraines.Mapping Procedures
Raw elevation data
The composite statewide DEM for Illinois was displayed in ARCPLOT with the GRIDSHADES command. This drawing command was also used in ARCEDIT with the AP command. When displaying this grid, ridges are indicated by bands of lighter shades. This grid proved to be very helpful in moraine identification. Figure 2 shows the elevation grid, with higher elevations shown in white (and lighter shades of gray) and lower elevations shown in black (and darker shades of gray). Locations of the surface profiles are also shown.![]()
Shaded relief grid
A shaded relief portrayal of the landscape was created from the statewide DEM with the ARC HILLSHADE command. The HILLSHADE command allows the user to change the sun's azimuth and inclination angle, either of which can alter the appearance of the output grid. The shaded relief grid is displayed in ARCPLOT with the GRIDSHADES drawing command. GRIDSHADES allows a linear stretch of the values in the shaded relief grid to be applied to enhance the appearance of relief. This exaggeration of the shading increases the visibility of subtle features of the landscape. This ARCPLOT command was also used in an ARCEDIT AP AML so that new moraine locations could be digitized from the shaded relief basemap. Several versions of the shaded relief grid were developed for various sun angles and inclinations, as well as vertical exaggerations.Cross section profiles
A series of surface elevation profiles was generated from the statewide DEM with the ARCPLOT SURFACEPROFILE command. This command generates profiles from either XY coordinate pairs, or from an existing line coverage. Profile information can be saved into a user-specified INFO file. For this study, surface profile lines were digitized based on the existing moraine map. Among the items in the info file are DISTANCE and SPOT. Item DISTANCE refers to the distance along the surface profile for each sample point. Item SPOT refers to the interpolated elevation for each point. These two items can be treated as X and Y coordinates and written to a file that is used to generate line coverages of the profiles. Figure 3 shows six land surface profiles. The previously mapped moraines are clearly visible, as are the features identified by this study. In general, the moraines identified by Willman and Frye (1970) have more relief than the features newly identified in this study.![]()
Results and Future Research
Figure 4 shows several newly identified ridges that may be moraines. These ridges are generally parallel to previously mapped moraines. At this time, the newly mapped features have not been field verified as moraines. Field verification may include such tasks as shallow drilling and sampling to record material characteristics and location/ elevation verification with a Global Positioning System. Other verifications may include comparisons between the soils and vegetation of the newly identified features and previously identified moraines.Additional digital revisions to the moraine map may be possible when more detailed (larger scale) digital elevation data are available. Currently, larger-scale DEMs are generally not available for Illinois. However, other forms of larger-scale data may soon be available. With the introduction of USGS Digital Raster Graphics (DRG) files, contour line information at a scale of 1:24,000 may soon be available. Contour vectors can be converted to in-house produced digital elevation models with the ARC command TOPOGRID. At the scale of 1:24,000, even more subtle features of the landscape may be identified.
Embleton, C., and King, C. A. M., 1975, Glacial Geomorphology: Halsted Press, New York, pp 430 - 460. Johnson, W. H. 1992, Periglacial Landforms and Landscape Modification During the Last Glacial Maximum in East- Central Illinois: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs of the North-Central Section meeting, Geological Society of America, Inc. Boulder, Co., p. 24. Herzog, B. L., B. S. Stiff, C. A. Chenoweth, K. L. Warner, J. B. Sieverling, C. Avery, 1994, Buried Bedrock Surface of Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois Map 5, scale 1:500,000. Ritter, D. F., 1986, Process Geomorphology: Wm. C. Brown Publishers, College Division, Dubuque, Iowa, pp 379 - 402. Willman, H. B., and J. C. Frye, 1970, Pleistocene Stratigraphy of Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 94, plate 1, scale 1:500,000. Willman, H. B., and J. C. Frye, 1981, The Glacial Boundary in Southern Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 511.
Curtis Abert, Associate Geologist/GIS specialist Illinois State Geological Survey 615 East Peabody Drive Champaign, IL 61820 Phone: (217) 244-2188 FAX: (217) 333-2830 email: