Track: Information Access and the Internet

Mahmoud Eissa
Helwan University

Cairo, 11718

E-mail: ma_eissa@frcu.eun.eg

The Urban Growth of Cairo (640-970 AD): An Interactive Multimedia Implication

Defining Issue: The aim of this paper is to investigate the great role in which multimedia can play in providing an information environment. GIS Solution: Multimedia information technology with its ability to link a variety of media including text, graphics, sound, and still and moving images, are used to prove the desired subject. Methodology: The urban growth of Islamic Cairo presents a most interesting case study to provide an interactive multimedia information system. The reach architecture of Cairo can be collected in many formats of information that may be presented by multimedia technology. This paper aims to provide a submovie of the Multimedia Information System of Cairo (MISCA), that has been previously started at Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt. The general aim of this system is to collect the variety information formats in an interactive multimedia solution. Software: The application of MISCA was started by using Macromedia Director with the aid of some other software to edit text, graphics, images, sound, and animation.

Copyright 1997 Environmental Systems Research Institute