Janez Sturm

Geographical Information System of Slovenian Railways Co.

In the paper the plan of geographic information system of the Slovenske zeleznice d.d. (Slovenian railways Co.) department of infrastructure is presented. It includes the contents of the project as well as its implementation in this type of organization. Finally, there are also financial analyses of the project.

For successful management, each company needs the internal flow of data and information, and this demands many resources. This continuos supply of data can be realized with the aid of computer technologies that are already in the market and should significantly increase the efficiency and competitive advantages of the company. Multiple entering of data would be abolished. Data will be collected only once for all purposes: not only for studies and projects, but also for the realization and regular maintenance of the system. The railways system is a group of various constructions and for its functioning. It demands a co-operation of many different experts. By means of computer technologies, it is possible to unite these experts in one professional team, which is not treating one structure partially but which is treating the system as a unit. Because of the fact that computers are relatively efficient, more different solutions of a problem can be analyzed and realized in a shorter period of time, considering different parameters at the same time. This decision support system is designed to aid human decision-making and provide productivity tools for knowledge experts. In this way, decision making becomes the most efficient. Analyses at the end of the thesis show that the investments in geographic information system, which is some kind of decision support system, will pay back very soon and savings will be relatively large.


Slovenia is one of the smallest countries in Europe and it measures 20,255km2. It has Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia for its neighbors. It is positioned on an infrastructurally strategic spot where the important routes are crossing between east and west as well as between north and south. The Koper harbor is one of most northern harbors in Mediterranean Sea with its geographically most suitable connections towards central Europe. Even the Romans built several roads and fortress (Emona, Celeia, Poetovio...) so that it is no wonder that the tradition of planning, construction and maintaining of the railways exists on this place for more than 150 years, since 1846.


The company Slovenske zeleznice d.d. is now owned by the state of Slovenia and it has about 1,200km of railway lines. The company employs about 10,000 people. At the moment, the priorities are modernization of railway lines and construction of international railway connection with Hungary.


The basic tasks of every economical subject (including Slovenske zeleznice d.d.) is tendency to the rationalization of consumption, raising of productivity and using the inner resources. For that kind of tasks it is necessary to control the standing of the system in the first place. On the railway, the main reasons for changing the state are traffic and atmospherically influences. Because of the safety, the railway parameters must satisfy certain standards. For reasonable planning of interventions, we need to ensure data of dynamical changes and data about mutual dependence between specific parameters of railway.

Because of a large amount of data, it is reasonable to use computer supported information system, which properly and quickly processes data and presents the results. We chose a geographical information system. At the same time, the system enables data exchange with other external spatial and non-spatial databases.

The aim of introducing the GIS on Slovenske zeleznice d.d. is to achieve correct data processing about the state of railway infrastructure, as the basis for planning, projecting and maintaining the railway lines. At the same time it ensures on-line access to data and information for users. It enables several kinds of analyses as support to decisional and planning functions, which depend from knowing the area location, content and economically-technical state of rail elements and of geographical conditions and administrative-legal rules.

Technical Basis

The basis of the railway geographical system (RAGIS) is railway infrastructure with all accompanying objects and activities, which refer to it. As well as other information systems the RAGIS is divided into four parts: database, report system, optimization models and planning, expert systems.



Database at GIS is divided into two parts: geographical and attributive. Both are tightly connected.


Database is filed and renewed in different ways. The data is mostly gathered at the particular sections (Ljubljana, Maribor, Celje, Postojna, Pivka, Novo mesto in Nova Gorica), that is on the place of their formation. So we get unitary dislocated database.

According to the profession the database is divided to civil engineering, electro technical and real estate part. Every part has its characteristics and specifics. Since the planning, construction and maintenance of the railway are wholeness, it is necessary that the experts from all fields are working together.

For each layer there is a standard, which includes the way of measuring of position (geographical data) and structure as well as content of attributive data (alphanumerical part).

At the end of introduction, there will be about 200 layers. At the setting of standards, there are most of the leading personnel co-operating; during the work, they can find the necessity of certain layer of data. It is our tendency that a certain standard is in use for several years, because on that way we can observe the condition of certain sort of objects during that period.

Report system

The database wide set calls for an efficient report system. The basic idea of report is to merge data for certain user with help of filters and queries into information. It is important that we have precisely set user, who has to specify his needs for information as precise as possible.

Optimization models and planning

Logical continuing of the report system is model planning. Based on changing the state of data or information during passed time, it is possible to find out tendencies of those changes. Sometimes a simple linear model doesn't describe properly what is happening in the real world. At that time, we have to construct more complex model, which can include more controlled and uncontrolled variables. With the help of such model we can plan the state of object or just find out what can be the consequences of variable decisions (controlled variables). More complex model is of course more expensive. By decision, either to finance the producing of better and more real model or not, we have to check on with cost benefit analyzes. It could happen that the expenses of producing and implementing of the model are higher from the benefits that model gives us.

Expert systems

It is possible to create so-called expert system based on highly sophisticated models. The sense of such system is that it has implemented procedures for optimizing by one or more variables (extreme, or related extreme of the function or model). In that way the model suggests to certain leading personnel, what is at the certain moment at the certain state the most optimal reaction. Of course, the leading personnel must know how the model is created. In that case, they can make proper decisions inspite the simplifications in the model (engineering judgement). We are planning to execute expert systems in the future, when the planning will be in use for some time.

Organization proposition

For such highly sophisticated information system it is necessary to adapt organization of Slovenske zeleznice d.d., department of Infrastructure. All responsible personnel for entering certain data and the whole hierarchy of the company are appointed.

Because of demands for immediate results of GIS, the system is divided into two levels: operative-detail level and strategic level, which are the specialty of that information system. In both levels have the attributive part the same, because of the later mosaic changing.

Operative-detail level

That is the basic level of every good GIS. The key attributes are Gauss-Krueger co-ordinates x, y and h. The database is, because of the amount and maintenance of data and the capabilities of hardware, divided to smaller parts: regions of railway station and the regions between railway stations. Data (objects above and under ground) are captured in the area of 200m left and right from the railway lines. For detail level the data is captured in original accuracy, that is with survey recording on field (also possible with GPS). Those once captured data, serve to the maintenance of project state, to possible optimizations as well as to support the strategic decisions on the field of the whole administration of Slovenske zeleznice d.d. For each layer there is a standard created from the aspect of the way of survey recording and from the aspect of contents and shape of attributes. Similar layers are the same on the different fields, so they can be simply combine or compare.


Organization on the detail level is more complex. It demands creation of land surveying traverses (base lines) and detail survey recording of objects.

Strategic level

Since there is a lot of time needed to fill up the detail level database, there is a need to represent data with dynamical segmentation on rail network. Attributive data is gathered by key attributes in the system that is chainage. Considering chainage the data by location is transferred to the network of railways, which is entered into the system through digitalization of topographical maps in scale of 1:50,000. We plan to produce the route of railways network with digitalization topographical maps in scale of 1:5,000. For the dynamic segmentation, we first used software ArcMenu, which operated with PC ARC/INFO. We changed that software with ArcView, which enables all function except the control of the input errors. The troubles occur when there is an error at entering data and the entered chainage isn't concluded in the prepared network of railways. We are fixing that with pre-controlling at the entering data itself.


The data is gathered on the field of sections for maintenance of the railways and they are by contents the same as data in the detail level. On the ground of standards for certain objects and elements of the railway infrastructure, there are special menus for entering data created (by Microsoft FoxPro) but we will replace those menus created in Microsoft Access very soon. The system enables independent processing of the alphanumeric part of the database, without necessary installing software ArcInfo. There are also specially included code lists, which ensure unitary data entered on different locations. With that list, we ensured relatively fast improvement of information system and the results of the work combined with it. At the same time, we ensured time as well as resources for expanding and capturing detail geographical data with survey recording on field.


Even when the detail level will be full, we may not expect total release of the strategic level. Data from external alphanumerical databases will still be dynamically segmented to the axis of railway on the same or similar way but with the difference that the railway will be more precisely located in space. We expect to dynamically segment to the axis of the railway the certain forecasts of consequences by choosing the right decision, because of presenting the results as well as continuing the crossing with other data and information in this area.

Entering and updating the database

For the proper functioning of the system, it is necessary that the database is fill up in the relatively short time. It is also important that the data are updated. For accomplishing of those two goals the database is space organized.

Space organized division of database

Because of the necessity of accuracy of data, the data must be captured as close to the source as possible. For that kind capturing, we have to have unified database divided by regions (Celje, Ljubljana, Maribor, Nova Gorica, Novo mesto, Postojna). Those are the headquarters of civil engineering maintaining sections. For those reason the system is more complexes, but that is the only possible solution if we wish to have accurate data and the system capable support decision-makers

To insure the unity of database we have to modify organization on the field of Infrastructure in the company of Slovenske Zeleznice d.d.

We have to establish group for GIS, which will take care of control technical database unity, collecting data at the central point and for upgrading the system.

Within civil engineering maintaining sections (Celje, Ljubljana, Maribor, Postojna, Nova Gorica, and Novo mesto) we have to establish independent land surveying groups. Their work will include: building and maintaining transverses (baselines), the necessities of civil engineering maintenance section and electrotechnical section, taking over surveying of new and reconstructed railways and processing spatial data for both professional services.

Land surveying groups are equipped with appropriate surveying and other equipment for successful work on field as well as in office. During this year, the equipment will be complemented.

All decision-makers and referents competent for entering and updating the data have to have access to computer graphic workstations connected to computer network of the company.

For successful work, there is the setting up of the local area networks on the management center and maintaining sections in progress. They will be connected with the new telecommunication network (1998) in to one network. That way all on-line users will be connected to unique LAN-WAN and will have access to updated data.

Connecting to other databases

The company of Slovenske zeleznice d.d. has own business information system (PIS) which includes all other regions except Infrastructure. Because the weakening of the objects is connected also with traffic burden, it is sensible to cyclically exchange data about annual traffic flows of certain railway lines. Then there is dynamic segmenting to the route system of railway network. The presentations and reports are the same as by the data captured in Slovenske zeleznice d.d. department of Infrastructure.

For successful operation of such system, it is necessary to be connected to other external geographic information databases. Some of them the company Slovenske zeleznice d.d. is bound to present certain data or information about the railway infrastructure. On the other hand, it gets data necessary for continued work from others.

Project organizations working for Slovenske zeleznice d.d. department of Infrastructure are bound to create projects to be compatible to ArcInfo. That of course takes some extra work. We are planning to design the demands and standards as well as the process of later control by the end of the year of 1997.

When the data about the certain object is available in the system, it is possible that projecting organizations for the basis in their projects uses it. That counts for scanned maps as well as for vector part of the database, measured on field with origin accuracy.

GIS of Slovenske zeleznice d.d. is an opened system. There are capturing and exchanging of data enabled in all formats, supported by software.

Cost Benefit Analyses

The goal of cost benefits analyses is to evaluate expenses and profit of the project and to financially excuse or refuse the project.


The Slovenske zeleznice d.d. department of Infrastructure spends about 120 million USD a year, including maintenance and investments. It is expected that the project RAGIS under certain circumstances will have benefits. In the beginning, we expect smaller savings. After six years, we expect that savings will reach 5 % of the whole consumption of Infrastructure budget. That doesn't mean that the government will supply less money, but it means that the money will be more economically used.


Every new thing demands investment in the first place and then of course maintenance in the time of exploitation. All that is connected with financial expenses. We included the investment into hardware (cca 180 working spaces) and LAN's (11), upgrading and maintenance of those and continuing development as well as additionally employed experts (18 people). Yearly expenses are that way between 1.1 and 1.5 million USD depending from year and intensity of implementing.


If we compare expenses with savings, we can calculate more economical pointers. One of them is internal rate of return. The calculation shows that the investment pays off. After five years, when the investment is closed, the internal rate of return is 28.18%, which is enough for covering the expenses of the capital costs (approximately 16% of the loan). The rest of it is pure profit of implementing the system.


We are living in the world, which is constantly changing. If we want to survive, we have to be successful on the market of products and services. Every economical subject wants to optimally use the resources and to be more competitive on the market. If we want to reach that, it is necessary to control the system in details, to control the events and comparison of measured variables in it.

Because of faster implementing and expected results the information system is divided to strategic and detail level, which is unusual but it leads to the final goal (more optimal decisions) faster.

Described information system combines technological abilities of information technology and the new discoveries in the field of planning, civil engineering and maintaining the railways. It is designed as dynamic and adaptive information system to the certain leading engineer as well as to several geopolitical conditions. With that kind of geographic information system, the maintenance of railway infrastructure in highest quality will be enabled as well as optimal planning and leading of investments and more optimal construction of new sections or entire railways. The concept also gives the ability to upgrade the contents as well as the information equipment. We are expecting the system to work several years with of course certain modifications of equipment, personnel and organization. Through GIS or through experiences of other railway management it is possible to upgrade the system with new discoveries from fields of planning, projecting, executing and maintaining of the railway infrastructure. From the financial analysis we can see, that the goal of more rational consumption of infrastructure financial sources with such information system can be reached. The analysis includes the final saving of 5 %. We think that with that analysis the hypothesis of excuse of implementing the system is confirmed.

References & Acknowledgments:



3. Michael F. Goodchild, Karen K. Kemp: INTRODUCTION TO GIS, National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis University of California, Santa Barbara 1990

4. Michael F. Goodchild, Karen K. Kemp: TECHICAL ISSUES IN GIS, National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis University of California, Santa Barbara 1990

5. Michael F. Goodchild, Karen K. Kemp: APPLICATION ISSUES IN GIS, National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis University of California, Santa Barbara 1990

6. UNDERSTANDING GIS, Environmental System Research Institute Redlands 1990

7. UPRAVLJANJE INFORMACIJSKIH RESURSOV V 90 LETIH: 6. posvetovanje, Drustvo ekonomistov Maribor / sekcija za informatiko 1990




11. Janez Sturm, ZASNOVA GEOGRAFSKEGA INFORMACIJSKEGA SISTEMA PODJETJA SLOVENSKE ZELEZNICE d.d., 5. Mednarodni simpozij o elektrotehniki v prometu 96, Ljubljana - Gospodarsko razstavisce, 10.-11.10.96, Zbornik referatov - Proceedings

Janez Sturm, M. Sc., C. E.
Senior Researcher, GIS Specialist
E-mail: Janez.Sturm@guest.arnes.si

Prometni institut Ljubljana d.o.o. (Institute of Traffic and Transport)
Kolodvorska 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe
Telephone: +386 61 321 268
Fax: +386 61 321 268

Department in Celje:
Prometni institut Ljubljana d.o.o. (Institute of Traffic and Transport)
Oddelek v Celju - SVP
Ulica 14. divizije 2, 3000 Celje, Slovenia, Europe
Telephone: +386 63 481 353
Fax: +386 63 481 730