Track:  Emergency Management and Public Safety

Elevation Grid Enhancements To Support Flood Impact Assessment Paper Text

M. Rose Kress
Jerrell R. Ballard, Jr. , M.R.Graves

This paper describes a method for generating high-resolution elevation grids suitable for use with floodwater overland flow algorithms and flood damage estimation. Elevation grids are developed and refined through an iterative procedure that combines digitized contours and benchmarks with GPS collected field points. A digitized stream network is used in a modified TOPOGRID application alternated with an ARC TIN application and grid development. Surveyed elevations of natural and man-made flow barriers are imposed upon the elevation grid to assure their proper representation. Grid accuracy is tested by comparison to additional field measured points not used during the development process.


M. Rose Kress
USAE Waterways Experiment Station
3909 Halls Ferry Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180-6133

Telephone: 601-634-3665
Fax: 601-634-3726
E-mail: kressr@mail.wes.army.mil

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