Track:  Water Distribution, Wastewater, Sewer

Rural Ohio Water Utility Discovers GIS! Paper Text

Ming Zhang
Ming Zhang, Tony Catalano

The Gallia Rural Water Company (GRW), Gallipolis, Ohio currently maintains a 1,400-mile water distribution system serving nearly 7,500 customers in a five county service area in southern Ohio. Bennett & Williams Environmental Consultants, Inc. (B&W) was retained by GRW to develop a GIS to assist them with water distribution modeling and long-range planning needs. They accomplished this by utilizing ArcInfo, ArcView, and WaterCAD software. The water distribution model was created by integrating GIS technology with numerical pressurized water flow modeling software. Using existing public domain spatial data and system monitoring data, ArcInfo was used to generate a water distribution network, establish water supply system operational parameters, and input water consumption data to the model program. The model output is then displayed using ArcView for visualization and reporting purposes. Bennett & Williams provided other demographic, infrastructure, and environmental data sets including the following: TIGER and census data, 10m SPOT imagery, DEM's, 7.5' DLG's, and Ohio Capability Analysis Program (OCAP) Land Use/Land Cover and Soils data. The integration of these data will be utilized to aid GRW in planning for their long-range water supply and service needs.


Ming Zhang
Bennett & Williams Environmental Consultants, Inc.
2700 E. Dublin-Granville Road
Columbus, OH 43231-4054

Telephone: (614) 882-9122
Fax: (614) 882-4260
E-mail: b&w@iwaynet.net

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