Track:  Database Design and Automation

An Enterprise GIS Application Package for Japanese Local Government Paper Text

Hiroshi Mizuno

An implementation of GIS requires a huge budget for Japanese local governments. And each section of municipalities has developed legacy systems that has been designed only for internal use and has maintained databases with each budget. To minimize and reduce its cost, Pasco Corp. has developed an enterprise GIS application package with MapObjects taking advantage of Microsoft SQL Server. This package takes cooperative database design and enables customers to choose from a scalable optional database design that is expandable to ArcInfo. Six main applications, Fixed Assets Management, City Planning, Road Maintenance, Water Supply, Sewage Management, and Universal Mapping, are now available.


Hiroshi Mizuno
Pasco Corporation
1-2 1-Chome Higashiyama,Meguro-ku
Tokyo, 153

Telephone: +81 3 3715 1221
Fax: +81 3 3715 1421
E-mail: hiroshi_mizuno@sed.pasco.co.jp

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