Track:  Transportation

Creating and Maintaining the Swedish National Road Database

Helena Fritz

The Swedish National Road Administration has a mission to create a national road database covering all roads in Sweden. The database will be created in close cooperation to the Swedish Land Survey, the Swedish municipalities, the military, and the forest industry. The organizations are cooperating to ensure frequent updates and the quality of the database. The database will be created from many different existing databases and updated from more than 300 different organizations reporting, among other things, geometry, speed, width, and turning restrictions of the roads. The updates will be made through documented quality controls. The goal is to create an updated and quality controlled road centerline database containing all drivable roads in Sweden. The users of the database are not only the creators, but also the whole transport industry, navigation purposes, business GIS applications, and so on. This is the first step toward a complete transport database containing not only roads but also railways, airlines, and sea traffic. The system to support these activities is built by CapGemini, T-Kartor Sweden AB, and Esri-Sweden AB and will be implemented in MapObjects and SDE.


Helena Fritz
T-Kartor Sweden AB
Box 1934
FALUN, S-791 19

Telephone: +46 23 84203
Fax: +46 23 84244
E-mail: helena.fritz@t-kartor.se

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