Track:  Defense and Intelligence

Developing Integrated Planning Support Systems (IPS2) for Military Activities Paper Text

Rod Erickson
Brian Vanbockern , David Stevens

Environmental and facility managers are faced with the everyday need to have access to current information and an immediate understanding of the various impacts caused by human and natural interventions. Such a system requires the following functionality: I. Creation and maintenance of a digital spatial database (inventory) of natural and cultural resources and facility and land resources II. Input of nonspatial data III. (Spatial) queries and retrieval IV. Integration of various forms of data V. Spatial analysis VI. Data output VII. Accessibility VIII. Retrieval of information existing on other servers (Internet/Intranet) The development of such a system has led to an integration of different software, each optimal with regard to a specific functionality, brought together seamlessly using an Activity Planning and Management Model (APMM). APMMs, which originated as electronic master plans, with a CAD-based program linking map data to information stored in a DBMS, have evolved to include a GIS (ArcView GIS Version 3.0a and extensions ArcView Spatial Analyst and ArcView Network Analyst) bringing into the decision environment all the analytical powers that such a GIS-based system provides to its users. This presentation discusses the wide range of spatial analytical tools available with ArcView GIS Version 3.0a that are brought into the decision environment and the groups of spatial problems that can now be tackled, focusing on how to support decisions made with regard to natural and cultural resources management.


Rod Erickson
The Onyx Group
1199 North Fairfax Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Telephone: 703 548-6699
Fax: 703 548-4003
E-mail: david@onyxgroup.com

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