Track:  Health Care

Assisted Living Market Analysis: A GIS Approach

Xueqing (Ching) Zhou

Assisted living is a system designed to provide housing and services for elderly people. Increasing life expectancies and the changing distribution of our society's age structure are causing rapid growth of the eighty-five years and older population. With the fast growth opportunity, how to select appropriate sites is a commonly asked question for health care providers. GIS is the most powerful tool to analyze and present site selection information. This paper discusses market analysis issues for assisted living site selection using GIS technology. It uses case studies to illustrate the process of site selection, considering factors such as age structure, income, proximity to doctors and shopping centers, and competitive health care facilities. After the preliminary GIS analysis, the following statistical analysis will also be presented.


Xueqing (Ching) Zhou
Extendicare Health Services, Inc.
105 West Michigan Street
Milwaukee, WI 53203-2903

Telephone: (414) 347-4258
Fax: (414) 347-4447
E-mail: ehsbusdv@execpc.com

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