Track:  Database Design and Automation

EPSW - The Urban GIS's Data Updating System Joined with ArcInfo Paper Text

Delin Yang
Lishen Bai , Yu Lou

Some cities in China, such as Shenzhen, Amoy, and Haikou, stand in the forefront of reforming and opening. They have established urban GIS building on the ArcInfo software platform. The space database must be constantly replaced, otherwise the GIS will cease to be effective (i.e., lose its vitality). This paper introduces the Electronic Plate-table Surveying and Mapping System for Windows (EPSW). EPSW, being the GIS data updating system joined with ArcInfo at Amoy and Shenzhen, has updated the space data successfully.


Delin Yang
Tsinghua University
Tsinghua University
Beijing, 100084

Telephone: 8610-62784881
Fax: 8610-62771132
E-mail: ydl-dci@mail.tsinghua.edu.en

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