Track:  Agriculture

Parcels and Grids: How To Introduce Physical Environment Information for Agricultural Business Management Paper Text

Rafael Crecente
Carlos Alvarez , Urbano Fra, Juan Alonso David Miranda

An example of property structure in the northwest of Spain is that a winery cooperative has to manage the production of 283 partners and 914 parcels, which amounts to 150 hectares. ArcView GIS has been implemented as a successful tool to solve the important managerial problem. Cartography and standard management databases have been integrated together with physical data in order to complete the database and to perform spatial analysis relating production to the new variables. The size of the parcel has been critical in the step of integrating information from vector coverages and grids when merging these after converting them to coverages.


Rafael Crecente
University of Santiago de Compostela
Escuela Politecnica Superior
Lugo, 27002

Telephone: 34-82-252231 ext 23292
Fax: 34-82-241835
E-mail: proyca@lugo.usc.es

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