Track:  Water Distribution, Wastewater, Sewer

GIS as a Decision Support System for Water Management in Egypt

Omar Elbadawy

The increasing water demands in Egypt due to population growth and agricultural expansion require efficient water management. The Ministry of Public Works and Water Resources has launched an ambitious program to reach this goal of more efficient water management. One of these programs is the Main System Management Project (MSM). This paper will describe the MSM as a decision support system for better water resource management. The project provides the decision makers and water managers with real-time information pertaining to water data. The Metero Burst Telemetry System (MBS) and the Voice and Data Communication System (VDSC) are two data collection systems that have been implemented under the MSM. These two systems transmit data primarily from the main Nile River channel, most irrigation canals, main drains, and some pump stations in the entire country of Egypt. These data will be integrated with GIS to emphasize the potential enhancement in including GIS with the DSS in water resources management. Such a system usually needs to start with a base of georeferenced information set up on GIS. This effort initiated with developing complete water maps of the entire irrigation network in Egypt. These water maps are an effort undertaken jointly by the MSM and the National Water Research Center. A user-friendly interface has been built using ArcView GIS to integrate the telemetry data with the water maps for the purpose of better assessment and planning of the water resources of Egypt.


Omar Elbadawy
Ministry of Public Works and Water Resources



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